










F1这门课以概念定义题为主,知识点较多,必须在理解的基础上才能尽可能的掌握课程要点。要在课下提高英语的阅读速度和词汇量,如果题目读不懂,肯定很难做答。特别是对于刚接触ACCA的国际实验班学生会产生排斥心理,这就需要考生在备考阶段,反复阅读课本,讲义,以及BPP练习册及后面的解析。看书的时候,无论教材还是讲义,都要正确理解、融会贯通,千万不要死记硬背。毕竟大纲里对F1的要求是fundamental level,这代表只需“基本理解”。一句话概括:F1的pass=大量阅读+理解+记忆关键理论或关键词。



Section A  


Section B




Part A (The business organization its stakeholders the external environment)重点是不同组织的特点,Mendelow 矩阵及PESTEL模型中的P,Political 的政治因素和T,technology 科技因素对组织机构的影响。宏观经济中,要重点掌握政府调控经济的4大目标(包括不同类型的企业),财政政策和货币政策。微观经济学中,需理解PED,IED及CED公式及其弹性的影响,需求曲线及供给曲线的点的移动及平移。

Part B(Business organization structure functions and governance)重点是不同的组织结构,其中的专业定义的解释,以及非正式组织的优缺点。不同的组织文化以及文化的三要素也是重点。

Part C (Accounting and reporting system and technology: compliance, control and security)重点是会计信息系统,internal control system,internal audit system,以及舞弊.

PartD(learning and managing individuals and teams)全部很重要,管理学及其理论,定义和区分,激励理论,学习理论以及业绩评估为重中之重。


Part F (Professional ethics in accounting and business)知识点考的频率较高,Code of Ethics 的理解很重要。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) a discussion (with suitable calculations) as to how the directors’ share options would be accounted for in the

financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2005 including the adjustment to opening balances;

(9 marks)


(b) Accounting in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2005
IFRS2 requires an expense to be recognised for the share options granted to the directors with a corresponding amount shown
in equity. Where options do not vest immediately but only after a period of service, then there is a presumption that the
services will be rendered over the ‘vesting period’. The fair value of the services rendered will be measured by reference to
the fair value of the equity instruments at the date that the equity instruments were granted. Fair value should be based on
market prices. The treatment of vesting conditions depends on whether or not the conditions relate to the market price of the
instruments. Market conditions are effectively taken into account in determining the fair value of the instruments and therefore
can be ignored for the purposes of estimating the number of equity instruments that will vest. For other conditions such as
remaining in the employment of the company, the calculations are carried out based on the best estimate of the number of
instruments that will vest. The estimate is revised when subsequent information is available.
The share options granted to J. Van Heflin on 1 June 2002 were before the date set in IFRS2 for accounting for such options
(7 November 2002). Therefore, no expense calculation is required. (Note: candidates calculating the expense for the latter
share options would be given credit if they stated that the company could apply IFRS2 to other options in certaincircumstances.) The remaining options are valued as follows:

JOL Co was the market leader with a share of 30% three years ago. The managing director of JOL Co stated at a

recent meeting of the board of directors that: ‘our loss of market share during the last three years might lead to the

end of JOL Co as an organisation and therefore we must address this issue immediately’.


(b) Discuss the statement of the managing director of JOL Co and discuss six performance indicators, other than

decreasing market share, which might indicate that JOL Co might fail as a corporate entity. (10 marks)

(b) It would appear that JOL’s market share has declined from 30% to (80 – 26)/3 = 18% during the last three years. A 12%
fall in market share is probably very significant with a knock-on effect on profits and resultant cash flows. Obviously such a
declining trend needs to be arrested immediately and this will require a detailed investigation to be undertaken by the directors
of JOL. Consequently loss of market share can be seen to be an indicator of potential corporate failure. Other indicators of
corporate failure are as follows:
Six performance indicators that an organisation might fail are as follows:
Poor cash flow
Poor cash flow might render an organisation unable to pay its debts as and when they fall due for payment. This might mean,
for example, that providers of finance might be able to invoke the terms of a loan covenant and commence legal action against
an organisation which might eventually lead to its winding-up.
Lack of new production/service introduction
Innovation can often be seen to be the difference between ‘life and death’ as new products and services provide continuity
of income streams in an ever-changing business environment. A lack of new product/service introduction may arise from a
shortage of funds available for re-investment. This can lead to organisations attempting to compete with their competitors with
an out of date range of products and services, the consequences of which will invariably turn out to be disastrous.
General economic conditions
Falling demand and increasing interest rates can precipitate the demise of organisations. Highly geared organisations will
suffer as demand falls and the weight of the interest burden increases. Organisations can find themselves in a vicious circle
as increasing amounts of interest payable are paid from diminishing gross margins leading to falling profits/increasing losses
and negative cash flows. This leads to the need for further loan finance and even higher interest burden, further diminution
in margins and so on.
Lack of financial controls
The absence of sound financial controls has proven costly to many organisations. In extreme circumstances it can lead to
outright fraud (e.g. Enron and WorldCom).
Internal rivalry
The extent of internal rivalry that exists within an organisation can prove to be of critical significance to an organisation as
managerial effort is effectively channeled into increasing the amount of internal conflict that exists to the detriment of the
organisation as a whole. Unfortunately the adverse consequences of internal rivalry remain latent until it is too late to redress
Loss of key personnel
In certain types of organisation the loss of key personnel can ‘spell the beginning of the end’ for an organisation. This is
particularly the case when individuals possess knowledge which can be exploited by direct competitors, e.g. sales contacts,
product specifications, product recipes, etc.

(ii) The use of the trading loss of Tethys Ltd for the year ending 31 December 2008; (6 marks)

(ii) Tethys Ltd – Use of trading loss
– The two companies will not be in a group relief group as Saturn Ltd will not own 75% of Tethys Ltd.
– For a consortium to exist, 75% of the ordinary share capital of Tethys Ltd must be held by companies which each
hold at least 5%. Accordingly, Tethys Ltd will be a consortium company if the balance of its share capital is owned
by Clangers Ltd but not if it is owned by Edith Clanger.
– If Tethys Ltd qualifies as a consortium company: 65% of its trading losses in the period from 1 August 2008 to
31 December 2008 can be surrendered to Saturn Ltd, i.e. £21,667 (£80,000 x 5/12 x 65%).
– If Tethys Ltd does not qualify as a consortium company: none of its loss can be surrendered to Saturn Ltd.
– The acquisition of 65% of Tethys Ltd is a change in ownership of the company. If there is a major change in the
nature or conduct of the trade of Tethys Ltd within three years of 1 August 2008, the loss arising prior to that date
cannot be carried forward for relief in the future.
Further information required:
– Ownership of the balance of the share capital of Tethys Ltd.

17 A business income statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 showed a net profit of $83,600. It was later

found that $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited to motor expenses account. It is the

company’s policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year, with a full year’s charge in the year of acquisition.

What would the net profit be after adjusting for this error?

A $106,100

B $70,100

C $97,100

D $101,600

83,600 + 18,000 – 4,500 = 97,100

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