


5 Ms Huang, a shareholder of the Daqing Limited Liability Company (Daqing), found that the general manager, Mr Ding, had accepted bribes from several suppliers, which materially caused losses to Daqing, and adversely affected the interests of all shareholders.

Further examination, through a Certified Public Accountant firm, disclosed that there were a lot of affiliated transactions between Daqing and Everbright Co, which was the majority shareholder of Daqing. Mr Ding was recommended by Everbright Co and appointed by Daqing’s board of directors, which was substantially influenced by Everbright Co. With a series of such transactions Daqing transferred huge profits to Everbright Co and adversely affected Daqing.


(a) State whether Ms Huang was entitled to take legal action against Mr Ding for his illegal behaviour of accepting bribes which adversely affected all the shareholders.

(b) State TWO different legal actions Ms Huang was entitled to take to protect the rights of Daqing and its shareholders due to the affiliated transactions with Everbright Co.


5 (a) Mr Ding’s act of accepting bribery violated the criminal law and the relevant rules of the Company Law as well. Besides the criminal charges, he should be liable for his fraudulent behaviour of damaging the interests of Daqing and its shareholders.

Therefore, Ms Huang was entitled to bring a law suit against general manager Mr Ding on the ground that his acts caused her loss of interests.

(b) With respect to Daqing’s damage, Ms Huang should first request the board of directors or supervisory board to take legal action against Everbright Co. Where these two bodies refuse to take reasonable actions, Ms Huang might, in her own name but for the interests of the company, bring a shareholder representative litigation against Everbright Co. On the other hand, she might also bring a direct litigation against Everbright Co on the ground that the connected transactions caused indirect damage to the shareholder’s interests.


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) The sales director has suggested to Damian, that to encourage the salesmen to accept the new arrangement,

the company should increase the value of the accessories of their own choice that can be fitted to the low

emission cars.

State, giving reasons, whether or not Damian should implement the sales director’s suggestion.

(2 marks)

(ii) Damian should not agree to the sales director’s suggestion. The salesmen will each make a significant annual income
tax saving under the proposal, whereas the company will also be offset (at least partly) by the reduction in the dealer’s
bulk discount. Further, 100% first year allowance tax incentive for low emission cars is not guaranteed beyond 31 March
2008, and it is unlikely that any change in policy with regards to the provision of additional accessories will, once
implemented, be easily reversible.

(b) Describe five major barriers to good communication. (10 marks)

Part (b):
Barriers to communication include the personal background of the people communicating, including language differences between
staff, management and customers. The use of jargon, especially by professional and technical staff, differences in education levels
can be a substantial barrier throughout the organisation. Communication ‘noise’ is a barrier not always recognised. This is where
the message is confused by extraneous matters not relevant to that particular communication. Different levels of education and
experience can lead to different perception of individuals, leading to conflict within the organisation, between individuals and
between departments. Similarly, another barrier often not recognised is communication overload; too much information being
communicated at one time leading to confusion. Distances involved and the subsequent use of different communication facilities
is a barrier, leading to misunderstandings based on problems noted above. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, distortion of the
information transmitted.

(d) The management of Wonderland plc have become concerned about the increased level of operating costs

associated with its petrol-driven ferries and have made a strategic decision to dispose of these. They are now

considering entering into a contract with the Newman Steamship Company (NSC), a shipping organisation based

in Robynland. The contract would entail NSC providing transport to and from Cinola Island for all visitors to the

zoo and circus.

As a result of negotiations with NSC, the directors of Wonderland plc are considering two options whereby NSC

will become responsible for the transportation of visitors to and from Cinola Island with effect from 1 December

2007 or 1 December 2008.

Additional information is available as follows:

(1) NSC would require Wonderland plc to pay for the necessary modifications to their steamships in order that

they would satisfy marine regulations with regard to passenger transportation. The only firm which could

undertake this work is currently working to full capacity and would require a payment of £2,450,000 in

order to undertake the work necessary so that the ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2007. The

same firm would require a payment of £1,725,000 in order to make the necessary modifications so that

the ferries could be in operation by 1 December 2008. The government of Robynland would be willing to

pay a grant of 8% towards the cost of getting the ferries into operation by 1 December 2007, but would not

be willing to pay a grant in respect of any later date.

(2) On 1 December 2002 Wonderland plc paid £500,000 to the Port Licencing Authority of Robynland. This

payment was for a licence which entitles Wonderland plc to use all harbour facilities in Robynland during

the five-year period ending 30 November 2007. The licence could be renewed on 1 December 2007 at a

cost of £150,000 per annum.

(3) Redundancy payments would need to be paid in respect of loss of employment. These would amount to

£1,200,000 if the contract with NSC commenced on 1 December 2007. This amount would reduce to

£750,000 if the contract commenced on 1 December 2008.

(4) Wonderland plc has a contract for the provision of petrol for its ferries which is due to expire on 30 November

2008. Early termination of the contract would incur a penalty charge of £76,000. An emergency reserve

stock of petrol held by Wonderland plc, which cannot be used after 30 November 2007 due to marine

regulations regarding the age of fuel, could be sold for £55,000 on 1 December 2007 but not on any date


(5) The ferries could be sold for £3,300,000 on 1 December 2007. If retained after 1 December 2007 the

ferries would require servicing during the year ending 30 November 2008 which would incur costs

amounting to £150,000. The resale value of the ferries on 1 December 2008 would be £2,900,000.

(6) Stock of consumable items which originally cost £150,000 could be sold on 1 December 2007 for

£110,000 and on 1 December 2008 for £50,000.


(i) On purely financial grounds, advise whether the management of Wonderland plc should enter into a

contract with NSC with effect from 1 December 2007 or 1 December 2008. You may ignore the time

value of money. (9 marks)


(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquoted

shares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are not

required to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)

You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this


(c) Reduction of income tax liability by investing in unquoted shares
The two forms of investment
Income tax relief is available for investments in venture capital trusts (VCTs) and enterprise investment scheme (EIS) shares.
A VCT is a quoted company that invests in shares in a number of unquoted trading companies. EIS shares are shares in
qualifying unquoted trading companies.
The most suitable investment for Arthur and Cindy is a VCT for the following reasons.
– An investment in a VCT is likely to be less risky than investing directly in EIS companies as the risk will be spread over
a greater number of companies.
– The tax deduction is 40% of the amount invested as opposed to 20% for EIS shares.
– Dividends from a VCT are not taxable whereas dividends on EIS shares are taxed in the normal way.

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