

Question:Ray draws accounts annually to 31 December. He decides to change his accounts date and does so by drawing up a 16 month set of accounts covering the period 1 January 2011 to 30 April 2012.

What is the tax year of change?

A. 2010/11

B. 2011/12

C. 2013/14

D. 2012/13

The correct answer is: 2011/12.

Earlier of:

2011/12 (first tax year in which there are no accounts drawn to 31 December) or

2012/13 (first tax year in which accounts are drawn to 30 April).

Year of change is therefore 2011/12.

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Describe the audit work to be performed in respect of the carrying amount of the following items in the

balance sheet of GVF as at 30 September 2005:

(i) goat herd; (4 marks)

(b) Audit work on carrying amounts
Tutorial note: This part concerns audit work to be undertaken in respect of non-current tangible assets (the production
animals in the goat herd and certain equipment) and inventories (the for-sale animals and cheese). One of the ‘tests’ for
assessing whether or not a point is worthy of a mark will be whether or not the asset to which it relates is apparent. Points
which are so vague that they could apply to ANY non-current asset for ANY entity, rather than those of GVF are unlikely to
attract many marks, if any, at this level.
(i) Goat herd
■ Physical inspection of the number and condition of animals in the herd and confirming, on a test basis, that they
are tagged (or otherwise ‘branded’ as being owned by GVF).
■ Tests of controls on management’s system of identifying and distinguishing held-for-sale animals (inventory) from
the production herd (depreciable non-current assets).
■ Comparison of GVF’s depreciation policies (including useful lives, depreciation methods and residual values) with
those used by other farming entities.
■ ‘Proof in total’, or other reasonableness check, of the depreciation charge for the herd for the year.
■ Observing test counts or total counts of animals held for sale.
■ Comparing carrying amounts of the kids, according to their weight and age, as at 30 September 2005 with their
market values. (These may approximate to actual invoiced selling prices obtained by GVF.)
Tutorial note: Market value of the production herd could also be compared with its carrying amount to assess possible
impairment. However, if value in use appears to be less than market value the herd should be sold rather than used
for production.

(b) Donald actually decided to operate as a sole trader. The first year’s results of his business were not as he had

hoped, and he made a trading loss of £8,000 in the year to 31 March 2007. However, trading is now improving,

and Donald has sufficient orders to ensure that the business will make profits of at least £30,000 in the year to

31 March 2008.

In order to raise funds to support his business over the last 15 months, Donald has sold a painting which was

given to him on the death of his grandmother in January 1998. The probate value of the painting was £3,200,

and Donald sold it for £8,084 (after deduction of 6% commission costs) in November 2006.

He also sold other assets in the year of assessment 2006/07, realising further chargeable gains of £8,775 (after

indexation of £249 and taper relief of £975).


(i) Calculate the chargeable gain on the disposal of the painting in November 2006. (4 marks)



JOL Co was the market leader with a share of 30% three years ago. The managing director of JOL Co stated at a

recent meeting of the board of directors that: ‘our loss of market share during the last three years might lead to the

end of JOL Co as an organisation and therefore we must address this issue immediately’.


(b) Discuss the statement of the managing director of JOL Co and discuss six performance indicators, other than

decreasing market share, which might indicate that JOL Co might fail as a corporate entity. (10 marks)

(b) It would appear that JOL’s market share has declined from 30% to (80 – 26)/3 = 18% during the last three years. A 12%
fall in market share is probably very significant with a knock-on effect on profits and resultant cash flows. Obviously such a
declining trend needs to be arrested immediately and this will require a detailed investigation to be undertaken by the directors
of JOL. Consequently loss of market share can be seen to be an indicator of potential corporate failure. Other indicators of
corporate failure are as follows:
Six performance indicators that an organisation might fail are as follows:
Poor cash flow
Poor cash flow might render an organisation unable to pay its debts as and when they fall due for payment. This might mean,
for example, that providers of finance might be able to invoke the terms of a loan covenant and commence legal action against
an organisation which might eventually lead to its winding-up.
Lack of new production/service introduction
Innovation can often be seen to be the difference between ‘life and death’ as new products and services provide continuity
of income streams in an ever-changing business environment. A lack of new product/service introduction may arise from a
shortage of funds available for re-investment. This can lead to organisations attempting to compete with their competitors with
an out of date range of products and services, the consequences of which will invariably turn out to be disastrous.
General economic conditions
Falling demand and increasing interest rates can precipitate the demise of organisations. Highly geared organisations will
suffer as demand falls and the weight of the interest burden increases. Organisations can find themselves in a vicious circle
as increasing amounts of interest payable are paid from diminishing gross margins leading to falling profits/increasing losses
and negative cash flows. This leads to the need for further loan finance and even higher interest burden, further diminution
in margins and so on.
Lack of financial controls
The absence of sound financial controls has proven costly to many organisations. In extreme circumstances it can lead to
outright fraud (e.g. Enron and WorldCom).
Internal rivalry
The extent of internal rivalry that exists within an organisation can prove to be of critical significance to an organisation as
managerial effort is effectively channeled into increasing the amount of internal conflict that exists to the detriment of the
organisation as a whole. Unfortunately the adverse consequences of internal rivalry remain latent until it is too late to redress
Loss of key personnel
In certain types of organisation the loss of key personnel can ‘spell the beginning of the end’ for an organisation. This is
particularly the case when individuals possess knowledge which can be exploited by direct competitors, e.g. sales contacts,
product specifications, product recipes, etc.

(b) The directors of Carver Ltd are aware that some of the company’s shareholders want to realise the value in their

shares immediately. Accordingly, instead of investing in the office building or the share portfolio they are

considering two alternative strategies whereby, following the sale of the company’s business, a payment will be

made to the company’s shareholders.

(i) Liquidate the company. The payment by the liquidator would be £126 per share.

(ii) The payment of a dividend of £125 per share following which a liquidator will be appointed. The payment

by the liquidator to the shareholders would then be £1 per share.

The company originally issued 20,000 £1 ordinary shares at par value to 19 members of the Cutler family.

Following a number of gifts and inheritances there are now 41 shareholders, all of whom are family members.

The directors have asked you to attend a meeting to set out the tax implications of these two alternative strategies

for each of the two main groups of shareholders: adults with shareholdings of more than 500 shares and children

with shareholdings of 200 shares or less.


Prepare notes explaining:

– the amount chargeable to tax; and

– the rates of tax that will apply

in respect of each of the two strategies for each of the two groups of shareholders ready for your meeting

with the directors of Carver Ltd. You should assume that none of the shareholders will have any capital

losses either in the tax year 2007/08 or brought forward as at 5 April 2007. (10 marks)


You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for the

foreseeable future.



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