

Credit card sales

1. Payments by credit cards are authorised online as the customers purchase their tickets.

2. Computers in each ticket office record the sales information which is transferred electronically to the accounts office.

3. Credit card sales are recorded for each credit card company in a receivables ledger.

4. When payment is received from the credit card companies, the accounts clerks agree the total sales values to the amounts received from the credit card companies less the commission payable to those companies. The receivables ledger is updated with the payments received.

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) The OECD’s Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) recommends preventative measures to be

taken by independent legal professionals and accountants (including sole practitioners, partners and employed

professionals within professional firms).


Describe FOUR measures that assist in preventing professional accountants from being used for money

laundering purposes. (8 marks)

(c) Measures
The following measures are designed to assist in preventing professional accountants from being used for money laundering
■ developing programmes against money laundering and terrorist financing;
■ compliance officer;
■ employee training programme;
■ customer due diligence (CDD);
■ establishing/enhancing record keeping systems for:
– all transactions; and
– the verification of clients’ identities;
■ reporting of suspicious transactions;
■ refusing to have relationships with ‘shell banks’.
Tutorial note: Only FOUR are required.
Developing programmes
■ Internal policies, procedures and controls should be established and recorded including:
– compliance management arrangements (including appointment of a compliance officer);
– an ongoing employee training programme;
– an audit function to test the system.
Compliance officer
■ Appointing a compliance officer having a suitable level of seniority and experience (e.g. one of the principals of an
accountancy firm).
■ Making alternative arrangements (e.g. appointing a deputy) when the compliance officer is going to be unavailable for
a period of time (as reports have to be made as soon as is reasonably practicable).
■ The compliance officer being made responsible for:
– receiving and assessing money laundering reports from colleagues;
– making reports to the FIU; and
– ensuring that individuals are adequately trained.
Employee training programme
■ Providing an employee training programme on:
– relevant legislation (e.g. the main money laundering offences);
– ethical guidance (e.g. ACCA’s ‘Guidance for Accountants’); and
– the firm’s procedures to forestall and prevent money laundering.
■ Establishing a culture of complying with money laundering requirements.
■ Documenting the provision of training (to demonstrate compliance).
■ Training methods may effectively include:
– attending conferences, seminars and training courses run by external organizations; and
– participating in computer based training courses.
Customer due diligence (CDD)
■ Firms should not keep anonymous accounts or accounts in obviously fictitious names.
■ Firms should verify the identity of their customers, when:
– establishing business relations;
– carrying out occasional transactions (e.g. above a designated threshold);
– there is a suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing; or
– there is doubt about the reliability or adequacy of previously obtained customer identification data.
CDD measures should include:
■ Identifying the customer and verifying that customer’s identity using reliable, independent source documents, data or
Tutorial note: Similarly identify and verify the beneficial owner.
■ Obtaining information on the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship.
■ Conducting ongoing due diligence on business relationships by scrutinising transactions to ensure that they are
consistent with the firm’s knowledge of:
– the customer;
– their business and risk profile;
– the source of funds.
Tutorial note: These requirements should apply to all new customers and existing customers on the basis of materiality and
Record keeping
■ Maintaining all client identification records together with a record of all transactions, in a full audit trail form.
■ Maintaining records of transactions (both domestic or international) in a readily retrievable form. for a period of at least
five years (to facilitate swift compliance with information requests from the competent authorities).
Tutorial note: Such records must be sufficient to permit reconstruction of individual transactions (including the
amounts and types of currency involved, if any) so as to provide, if necessary, evidence for prosecution of criminal
■ Retaining client verification records throughout the period of the relationship and for five years after termination of the
■ Making available identification data and transaction records to domestic competent authorities upon appropriate
■ Applying ACCA’s Rules of Professional Conduct ‘Retention of books, files, working papers and other documents’.
■ Paying special attention to all complex, unusual large transactions, and all unusual patterns of transactions, which have
no apparent economic or visible lawful purpose (in accordance with ISA 240 ‘The Auditor’s Responsibility to Consider
Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements ’).
Client identification
■ For an individual – inspecting official documents, with a photograph, establishing the client’s full name and permanent
address, e.g:
– a driving licence or passport, supported by;
– a recent utility bill.
■ For the entity – obtaining from the Registrar of Companies:
– certificate of incorporation;
– company’s registered address; and
– a list of shareholders and directors.
■ Checking the names of new clients against lists of known terrorists and other sanctions information.
■ For trusts – ascertaining:
– the nature and purpose of the trust;
– the original source of funding; and
– the identities of the trustees/controllers, principal settlers and beneficiaries.
Suspicion reporting
■ Prompt reporting of suspicions to the (FIU) in a suspicious transaction report (STR).
■ There should be no ‘de minimis’ concessions. Reporting should be irrespective of:
– the amount involved; or
– whether tax matters are involved.
Tutorial note: Attempted transactions should also be reported.
■ Enhancing confidentiality of the source of reports by:
– disclosing the compliance officer only once; and
– not naming the personnel making reports to the compliance officer.
■ Disclosing further information only if:
– legally required to do so; or
– otherwise justified, in the public interest.
Shell banks
Tutorial note: A ‘shell bank’ is a bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it has no physical presence and which is
unaffiliated with a regulated financial group.
■ Firms should guard against relationships with parties that permit their accounts to be used by shell banks.

(b) What research techniques could Mark use to get an accurate assessment of staff attitudes to the proposed

changes? (8 marks)

(b) As the term internal marketing implies, the methods of ascertaining staff reactions to the proposed growth strategy have close
parallels with the ways you find out about customer reaction to the company or its products. The benefits of taking a
structured research approach are considerable and often firms may prefer that attitude surveys are carried out by outside
consultants in order to improve objectivity and to remove some of the problems with Mark’s power and position. As with
external market research you are looking to see whether staff will ‘buy into’ the proposed strategy and the accurate
measurement of attitudes and consequent behaviour is very important.
Creating the framework for undertaking the research involves defining the issue to be researched – in this case staff attitudes
towards the growth strategy, designing the research methods, including the use of questionnaires and interviews, determining
the sample of staff to be involved, the use or otherwise of focus groups and ways of ensuring the data collected gives an
accurate picture of staff attitudes. The data generated must be analysed and presented to Mark in an appropriate way. How
the insights into staff attitudes are gained through the research is important, as is the communication of the results to the
staff. Mark should be aware that such research will inevitably create expectations among staff and managing those
expectations will be a test of his leadership powers.

5 All managers need to understand the importance of motivation in the workplace.


(a) Explain the ‘content theory’ of motivation. (5 marks)

5 The way in which managers treat their employees can significantly influence the satisfaction that the employees derive from their work and thus the overall success of the organisation. Understanding the importance of motivation is therefore an important management skill.
(a) Content theories address the question ‘What are the things that motivate people?’
Content theories are also called need theories (because they concentrate on the needs fulfilled by work) and are based on the notion that all human beings have a set of needs or required outcomes, and according to this theory, these needs can be satisfied through work. The theory focuses on what arouses, maintains and regulates good, directed behaviour and what specific individual forces motivate people. However, content theories assume that everyone responds to motivating factors in the same way and that consequently there is one, best way to motivate everybody.

(ii) the factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL; (7 marks)

(ii) The factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL.
– Whether performance targets should be set with regard to results or effort. It is more difficult to set targets for
administrative and support staff since in many instances the results of their efforts are not easily quantifiable. For
example, sales administrators will improve levels of customer satisfaction but quantifying this is extremely difficult.
– Whether rewards should be monetary or non-monetary. Money means different things to different people. In many
instances people will prefer increased job security which results from improved organisational performance and
adopt a longer term-perspective. Thus the attractiveness of employee share option schemes will appeal to such
individuals. Well designed schemes will correlate the prosperity of the organisation with that of the individuals it
– Whether the reward promise should be implicit or explicit. Explicit reward promises are easy to understand but in
many respects management will have their hands tied. Implicit reward promises such as the ‘promise’ of promotion
for good performance is also problematic since not all organisations are large enough to offer a structured career
progression. Thus in situations where not everyone can be promoted there needs to be a range of alternative reward
systems in place to acknowledge good performance and encourage commitment from the workforce.
– The size and time span of the reward. This can be difficult to determine especially in businesses such as BGL
which are subject to seasonal variations. i.e. summerhouses will invariably be purchased prior to the summer
season! Hence activity levels may vary and there remains the potential problem of assessing performance when
an organisation operates with surplus capacity.
– Whether the reward should be individual or group based. This is potentially problematic for BGL since the assembly
operatives comprise some individuals who are responsible for their own output and others who work in groups.
Similarly with regard to the sales force then the setting of individual performance targets is problematic since sales
territories will vary in terms of geographical spread and customer concentration.
– Whether the reward scheme should involve equity participation? Such schemes invariably appeal to directors and
senior managers but should arguably be open to all individuals if ‘perceptions of inequity’ are to be avoided.
– Tax considerations need to be taken into account when designing a reward scheme.

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