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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Using information from the case, assess THREE risks to the Giant Dam Project. (9 marks)

(c) Assessment of three risks
Disruption and resistance by Stop-the-dam. Stop-the-dam seems very determined to delay and disrupt progress as much as
possible. The impact of its activity can be seen on two levels. It is likely that the tunnelling and other ‘human’ disruption will
cause a short-term delay but the more significant impact is that of exposing the lenders. In terms of probability, the case says
that it ‘would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when it started’ but the probability of exposing the
lenders is a much lower probability event if the syndicate membership is not disclosed.
Impact/hazard: low
Probability/likelihood: high
The risk to progress offered by First Nation can probably be considered to be low impact/hazard but high probability. The case
says that it ‘would be unlikely to disrupt the building of the dam’, meaning low impact/hazard, but that ‘it was highly likely
that they would protest’, meaning a high level of probability that the risk event would occur.
Impact: low
Probability: high
There are financing risks as banks seems to be hesitant when it comes to lending to R&M for the project. Such a risk event,
if realised, would have a high potential for disruption to progress as it may leave R&M with working capital financing
difficulties. The impact would be high because the bank may refuse to grant or extend loans if exposed (subject to existing
contractual terms). It is difficult to estimate the probability. Perhaps there will be a range of attitudes by the lending banks
with some more reticent than others (perhaps making it a ‘medium’ probability event).
Impact: medium to high (depending on the reaction of the bank)
Probability: low to medium (depending on how easy it would be to discover the lender)

(c) Critically discuss the adoption of activity-based management (ABM) in companies such as TOC. (6 marks)

(c) Activity-based management (ABM) is a method of identifying and evaluating activities that a business performs using
activity-based costing to carry out a value chain analysis or a re-engineering initiative to improve strategic and operational
decisions in an organisation. Activity-based costing establishes relationships between overhead costs and activities so that
overhead costs can be more precisely allocated to products, services, or customer segments. Activity-based management
focuses on managing activities to reduce costs and improve customer value.
Kaplan and Cooper (1998) divide ABM into operational ABM and strategic ABM:
Operational ABM is about ‘doing things right’, using ABC information to improve efficiency. Those activities which add value
to the product can be identified and improved. Activities that don’t add value are the ones that need to be reduced to cut costs
without reducing product value.
Strategic ABM is about ‘doing the right things’, using ABC information to decide which products to develop and which
activities to use. This can also be used for customer profitability analysis, identifying which customers are the most profitable
and focusing on them more.
A risk with ABM is that some activities have an implicit value, not necessarily reflected in a financial value added to any
product. For instance a particularly pleasant workplace can help attract and retain the best staff, but may not be identified as
adding value in operational ABM. A customer that represents a loss based on committed activities, but that opens up leads
in a new market, may be identified as a low value customer by a strategic ABM process.
ABM can give middle managers an understanding of costs to other teams to help them make decisions that benefit the whole
organisation, not just their activities’ bottom line.

(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accrue to organisations

which adopt it. (4 marks)

(d) Environmental management accounting (EMA) involves the generation and analysis of both financial and non-financial
information in order to support internal environmental management processes. It is complementary to the conventional
management accounting approach, with the aim to develop appropriate mechanisms that assist the management of
organisations in the identification and allocation of environmentally related costs.
Organisations that alter their management accounting practices to incorporate environmental concerns will have greater
awareness of the impact of environment-related activities on their profit and loss accounts and balance sheets. This is because
conventional management accounting systems tend to attribute many environmental costs to general overhead accounts with
the result that they are ‘hidden’ from management. It follows that organisations which adopt EMA are more likely to identify
and take advantage of cost reduction and other improvement opportunities. A concern with environmental costs will also
reduce the chances of employing incorrect pricing of products and services and taking the wrong options in terms of mix and
development decisions. This in turn may lead to enhanced customer value whilst reducing the risk profile attaching to
investments and other decisions which have long term consequences.
Reputational risk will also be reduced as a consequence of adopting (EMA) since management will be seen to be acting in
an environmentally responsible manner. Organisations can learn from the Shell Oil Company whose experience in the much
publicised Brent Spar incident cost the firm millions in terms of lost revenues as a result of a consumer boycott.

(b) Describe five main barriers to an effective appraisal interview. (10 marks)

(b) The appraisal system should be well constructed and fair to both the individual and the organisation. However, there are a number of barriers, often because employees see the appraisal as one or more of the following:
Confrontation due to lack of agreement on performance, badly explained or subjective feedback, performance based on recent events or disagreement on longer term activities.
Judgement, the appraisal is seen as a one sided process based entirely on the manager’s perspective.
Chat is the worst of all worlds. The appraisal interview is seen as an informal, loosely constructed and badly managed conversation without purpose.
Unfinished business is when the appraisal is not seen as part of a continuing process of performance management.
An annual event when the appraisal is seen as largely irrelevant and simply an event to set annual targets that quickly become out of date.
A system of bureaucracy based on forms devised solely to satisfy the organisation’s human resources department so that its main purpose, that of identifying individual and organisation performance and improvement, is forgotten.

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