



1、 选题
进入考场后,要确认封面上的答题要求 通读试题,一般应在5分钟内确定题目。确定后别忘了在答卷的封面上标明所选的题目编号。 选题时主要看最后问的问题,看是否是自己比较熟悉的内容。切忌一道题答到一半,再换题的情况。
2、 开始考试后,合理分配考试时间
3、 切忌紧张
4、 答题
充分简洁地说明自己的观点,尽量把每一个观点/理论都列上,但不要花太多时间阐述。 卷面整洁、格式明了、重点突出、逻辑清晰。最好要点之间留一些空间以利于补充。重要部分可以用下划线(最好用直尺划,使卷面整齐美观)。 在答题纸上注明考题编号,不必重复写出问题。 重要的计算过程要求列出公式,计算过程和公式都能得分,计算过程要列写清楚。

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) (i) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) implications of a takeover where the consideration is in the form. of

shares (a ‘paper for paper’ transaction) stating any conditions that need to be satisfied. (4 marks)

(c) (i) Paper for paper rules
The proposed transaction broadly falls under the ‘paper for paper’ rules. Where this is the case, chargeable gains do not
arise. Instead, the new holding stands in the shoes (and inherits the base cost) of the original holding.
The company issuing the new shares must:
(i) end up with more than 25% of the ordinary share capital (or a majority of the voting power) of the old company,
(ii) make a general offer to shareholders in the other company with a condition that, if satisfied, would give the
acquiring company control of the other company.
The exchange must be for bona fide commercial reasons and must not have as its main purpose (or one of its main
purposes) the avoidance of CGT or corporation tax. The acquiring company can obtain advance clearance from the
Inland Revenue that the conditions will be met.
If part of the offer consideration is in the form. of cash, a gain must be calculated using the part disposal rules. If the
cash received is not more than the higher of £3,000 or 5% of the total value on takeover, then the amount received in
cash can be deducted from the base cost of the securities under the small distribution rules.

(b) Advise Sergio on the appropriateness of investing in a domestic rental property in view of his personal

circumstances and recommend suitable alternative investments giving reasons for your advice. (4 marks)

(b) Sergio’s investments
Sergio aims to leave a substantial asset to his family on his death. Accordingly, in view of his age, he is right to be considering
investing in an asset whose value is unlikely to fall suddenly, such as a domestic rental property. However, it must be
recognised that although the value of land and buildings can usually be relied on to increase over a long period of time, its
value may fall over a shorter period. The only investments that cannot fall in value are cash deposits, although they do, of
course, fall in real terms due to the effects of inflation.
Sergio should consider whether or not he wishes to increase his annual income. The return on capital invested in a domestic
rental property is unlikely to be very high due to the recent increases in property values in the UK. Also, there are likely to be
periods when the house is unoccupied during which no income will be generated. If it is important to Sergio to generate
additional income he should consider other low-risk investments with a more reliable and higher rate of return, for example,
gilt edged stocks, unit trusts and cash deposits.
Sergio must also decide whether it is important to him to be able to access capital quickly, as it is usually not possible to
realise the capital invested in land and buildings at short notice. If this is important, Sergio should consider holding some of
his capital in cash deposits or other liquid investments, eg unit trusts.
Sergio could invest up to £7,000 each year in an individual savings account (ISA). A maximum of £3,000 can be held as a
cash deposit with the balance invested in quoted shares. The income and gains arising on the funds invested would be
exempt from both income tax and capital gains tax. This would be a relatively low-risk investment and would also be
accessible quickly if required.

Note: requirement (a) includes 4 professional marks.

A central feature of the performance measurement system at TSC is the widespread use of league tables that display

each depot’s performance relative to one another.


(b) Evaluate the potential benefits and problems associated with the use of ‘league tables’ as a means of

measuring performance. (6 marks)

(b) A central feature of many performance measurement systems is the widespread use of league tables that display each
business unit’s performance relative to one another. In the case of service organisations such as TSC the use of league tables
emphasises the company’s critical success factors of profitability and quality of service by reporting results on a weekly basis
at the depot level. The fact that such league tables are used by management will actively encourage competition, in terms of
performance, among depots. The individual position of a business unit in the league table is keenly observed both by the
manager of that unit and his/her peers.
In theory, performance is transparent. In practice although each depot performs essentially the same function and is subject
to the same modes of measurement, circumstances pertaining to different business units may vary significantly. Some depots
may be situated near to the hub (main distribution centre), some may be located far away and some may be in urban zones
with well developed road networks whilst others may be in remote rural areas. Measuring performance via a league table
makes no allowance whatsoever for these relative differences, hence, inequality is built into the performance measurement
Moreover, depot managers might be held responsible for areas over which they have no formal control. The network nature
of the business suggests that there will be a high degree of interdependence of depots; the depot responsible for collection
will very often not be the depot responsible for delivery. Therefore, it is frequently the case that business may be gained for
which the collecting depot receives the revenue, but for which the delivering depot bears the cost. Obviously this impacts
upon the profit statements of both depots. The formal system might not recognise such difficulties, the corporate view being
that ‘the business needs to be managed’; the depots should therefore see any such anomalies as mild constraints to work
around rather than barriers to break down. In such circumstances delivering depots and collecting depots should discuss such
problems on an informal basis. Such informal discussions are aided by close communications between depots recognising
the interdependencies of the business.

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