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景观与园林设计师知识试题(附含答案)1、单项选择题 园林工程定额按编制程序和用途可分为()。A、劳动定额、材料消耗定额、机械台班使用定额B、装饰工程定额、施工定额、预算定额、概算定额和概算指标C、一次性定额、企业定额D、土建工程定额、建筑安装工程定额、园林绿化工程定额、公路定额正确答案:B2、单项选择题 花坛花卉设计时,下列中()的植物应尽量避免。A、叶多花少B、花期一致C、花期较长D、种类较多正确答案:A3、单项选择题 竣工图章应使用不褪色的()印泥。A、红或蓝色B、红或黄色C、蓝或黄色D、蓝或黑色正确答案:A4、单项选择题 只能以茎蔓在依附物上缠绕而不能借特殊的器官攀援向上的植物是()。A、扶芳藤B、络石C、凌霄D、紫藤正确答案:D5、单项选择题 有大气污染的工厂最好布局的位置是()A、盛行风的下风向;B、最小风频的上风向;C、盛行风的上风向;D、最小风频的下风向。正确答案:B6、单项选择题 图形设计软件中,主要用于制作平面效果图的是()。A、AutoCADB、3D MaxC、PhotoShopD、CorelDraw正确答案:C7、多项选择题 园林空间的展示程序有()A、两段式程序。B、三段式程序。C、循环程序。D、专类序列。正确答案:A, B, C, D8、单项选择题 工程建设监理的对象包括()。A、扩建项目B、新建项目C、改建项目D、新建、改建和扩建项目正确答案:D9、多项选择题 关于园林绿地设计含义理解正确的有()A.园林绿地设计是一个微观的概念。B.园林绿地设计是以规划为指导。C.园林绿地设计是园林设计者利用园林要素对园林空间进行组合,创造出一种新的园林环境。D.园林设计的成果是设计图和说明书。正确答案:A, B, C, D10、多项选择题 三株树丛配置的原则是()A、树种搭配不超过两种;B、各株树应有姿态、大小的差异;C、最大的一株稍远离;D、三株不在同一条直线上,且不为等边三角形。正确答案:A, B, D11、单项选择题 ()不属于科技专门档案馆。A、北京城建档案馆B、上海市气象档案馆C、广州科技成果档案馆D、中国照片档案馆正确答案:B12、单项选择题 最早吸收中国山水园的意境融入到造园中,对欧洲造成很大影响的国家是()A、英国。B、法国。C、意大利。D、德国。正确答案:A13、单项选择题 在()情况下,可以由相关审批部门批准,不进行施工招标。A、施工企业自建自用工程,且该施工企业资质等级符合工程要求的B、施工前期准备工作已经做好的C、由正式设计院设计的图纸和设计文件的D、设计任务书或初步设计已经批准的正确答案:A14、单项选择题 合同管理的出发点和落脚点是指()。A、建设工程施工合同当事人及监理单位对施工合同的管理B、发包单位对施工合同的管理C、承包单位对施工合同的管理D、监理单位对施工合同的管理正确答案:A14、多项选择题 关于园林规划设计原则描述正确的有()A、适用、经济、美观是园林设计的基本原则。B、美观是设计首要考虑的问题。C、适用、经济、美观三者之间是辩证统一的。D、在适用、经济的前提下,尽可能做到美观。正确答案:A, C, D15、多项选择题 关于学校绿地的设计,正确的有()A、绿地率要不低于30%;B、树种应选择无毒无污染树种;C、教学楼的绿化要保证教室内采光;D、大门内外绿化以装饰绿地为主。正确答案:A, B, C, D16、单项选择题 我国古典园林中,()造园要素以季相特征见长。A、水体B、建筑C、植物D、地形正确答案:C17、多项选择题 在Excel中,通过()可以将整个工作表全部选中。A.单击金选框B.Ctrl+AC.“编辑”菜单中的“全选”命令D.“视图”菜单中的“全选”命令正确答案:A, B二、简答题1、问答题 运动性公园的规划设计原则及各按什么要素来分区?答案:公园总体布局应以体育活动场所和设施为中心,其他布局服从与这个中心,同时在布局上应有相对集中性。为各种不同年龄人们锻炼身体,进行各种体育活动创造条件。宜地制宜,绿化与设施及活动内容一致,选择少污染,观赏价值高的树。以不同年龄阶段的人们锻炼身体及公园的功能进行分区。2、问答题 工厂防护林的设置有哪些要求?对树木选择有 哪些要求?答案:(1)在工厂生产区与生活区防护林带的方位,应与其交线一致。当两个盛行风呈180时防护林应设置成“一”字型。当有夹角时,应设置成“L”型。(2)防护林的树种配置应选择生长健壮,抗性强的乡土树种。常绿与落叶的比例为1:1,快长与慢长结合,乔木与灌木结合,经济树与观赏树结合。特殊树种应:a、选择经济、观赏价值高、有利于环境卫生的树种;b、与当地环境条件相适应的树种;c、选择对有害物质抗性强的,或净化能力较强的树;d、应满足近、远期绿化效果的需要,冬、夏季景观和防护效果的树种;e、选择便于管理,当地产、价格低、补植移植方便的树种。3、问答题 工矿企业绿地设计的原则有哪些?答案:(1)统一安排、统一布局;(2)与工业建筑主体相协调;(3)保证生产安全;(4)维护工厂环境卫生和工人的身体健康;(5)结合本厂实际情况;(6)与全厂的分期建设相协调一致;(7)适当结合生产。4、问答题 集会广场设计注意要点?答案:(1)不宜过多布置娱乐性建筑和设施。(2)注意合理布置广场与相接道路的交通线路。(3)广场设计要与周围建筑布局相协调(4)广场内应设灯杆照明、绿化花坛等,起到点缀、美化广场及组织内外交通的作用。(5)广场 横断面设计中,在保证排水的情况下个,应尽量减少坡度,使场地平坦。5、问答题 园林中改造地形要考虑哪些因素?如何进行地形设计和改造?答案:(1)考虑的因素有:原有地形、园林分区处理地形、利于排水、坡面稳定性、适宜植物生长。(2)地形设计和改造应注意:巧借地形、巧改地形、土方的平衡与园林造景相结合、考虑特殊用地。6、问答题 公园园路分类?答案:主路、次路、小路。7、问答题 什么是视距三角形,视距三角形内绿化设计应注意 哪些问题?答案:(1)视距三角形:根据两条相交道路的两个最短视距,可在交叉口平面图上绘出一个三角形,称为“视距三角形”;(2)注意问题:视距三角形内不能有建筑物、构筑物、广告牌以及树木等遮挡司机的视线的地面物,植物高度亦不能超过0.65-0.7米。8、问答题 简述城市道路绿化设计应遵守什么原则?答案:(1)城市路绿地应于城市道路的性质,功能相适应。(2)道路绿地也应起到应有的生态功能。(3)道路绿地设计要符合用路者的行为规律与视觉特性。(4)道路绿地要与其它的街景元素协调,形成完美的景观。(5)道路绿地要选择好适宜的园林植物,形成优美,稳定的景观。(6)道路绿地应于道路上的交通、建筑、附属设施的地下管线等配合。(7)道路绿地设计应考虑到城市土壤条件、养护管理水平等因素。9、问答题 论述俯景、仰景和平视景观三者的区别与联系,分别适合于什么场所的造景方法?答案:(1)平视风景是指游人头部不必上仰下俯,就可以观赏到的风景。这种风景给人一种广阔宁静的感觉,在空间的感染力强。一般用于安静休息处,休息亭廊、休疗场所。(2)仰视风景:即游人观赏景物时,其仰角大于45时所看到的景观。它可给人一种雄伟、高大和威严感。常在皇家园林、纪念性园林中使用。(3)俯视风景:即视角在人的视平线以下;所看到的风景。给人以“登泰山而小天下”之感。一般布置于园林的最高点位置。10、问答题 综合性公园有哪些功能分区?答案:科普及文化娱乐区、安静休息区、儿童活动区、老人活动区、体育活动区、公园管理区。11、问答题 行道树选择上应注意哪些问题?答案:(1)选择适应性强、苗木来源容易、成活率高的树种。(2)树龄长、干通直、树姿端正、体形优美、冠大荫浓、花朵艳丽、芳香郁馥、发芽早、落叶迟、叶色富于季相变化的树种。(3)花果无臭味、无飞絮、飞粉、落花落果不打伤行人,无污染的树种。(4)耐修剪、愈合力强。(5)不选择带刺或浅根树种,也不选择根特别发达隆起树种,萌芽力强的树种。12、问答题 园林道路有哪些类型,各起什么作用?答案:园林道路按其功能可分为主干道、次干道、小道。(1)主干道供大量游人行走,必要时通行车辆,主干道要接通主要出入口,并贯通全园景区,形成全园的骨架。(2)次干道主要把园林分成不同景区,它是各景区的骨架,同附近景区相通。(3)小道为引导游人深入景点,探幽寻胜之路。13、问答题 居住区道路绿化注意哪些问题?答案:(1)主干道旁的绿化:行道树选择和种植;视距三角形内绿化。(2)次干道旁的绿化:人行为主,树木配植要活泼多样,多选择小乔木和开花灌木。(3)住宅小路的绿化:道路保证急救车、搬运车行驶;树木配植要方式多样,便于识别家门。14、问答题 屋顶花园的日常管理有哪些内容?最主要的是什么?答案:屋顶花园的功能能否体现,关键在于管理,主要管理内容有:(1)注意植物生长情况,对于生长不良的植物应及时采取措施;(2)注意水肥,浇水以勤浇少浇为主;(3)经常修剪,及时清理枯枝落叶,包括一些病枝等;(4)注意排水,防止排水系统被堵;(5)对于草花应及时更新,以免影响整体效果。第 14 页 共 14 页
- A、施工定额;预算定额;概算定额;概算指标
- B、劳动定额;材料消耗定额;机械台班使用定额
- C、劳动定额;施工定额;预算定额;概算定额
- D、劳动定额;预算定额;概算定额;概算指标
- A、施工定额;预算定额;概算定额;概算指标
- B、劳动定额;材料消耗定额;机械台班使用定额
- C、国家定额;专业部委定额;地方定额
- D、市政定额;安装定额;公路定额;铁路指标
- A、劳动定额、材料消耗定额、机械台班使用定额等
- B、装饰工程定额、施工定额、预算定额、概算定额和概算指标
- C、一次性定额和企业定额
- D、土建工程定额、建筑安装工程定额、仿古建筑及园林绿化工程定额、公路定额等
- A、劳动定额、材料消耗定额、机械台班使用定额
- B、装饰工程定额、施工定额、预算定额、概算定额和概算指标
- C、一次性定额、企业定额
- D、土建工程定额、建筑安装工程定额、园林绿化工程定额、公路定额
- A、人工定额、材料消耗定额、施工机械台班使用定额
- B、施工定额、预算定额、概算定额、概算指标、投资概算指标
- C、国家定额、行业定额、地区定额、企业定额
- D、建筑工程定额、设备安装工程定额、建筑安装工程费用定额、工程建设其他费用定额及工具、器具定额
更多 “景观与园林设计师知识试题(附含答案)” 相关考题
- 唐氏综合征患儿最主要的特征是()A、四肢短小B、腹部膨隆C、智力低下D、体重低下E、通贯手
- 共用题干 Organ Donation and Transplantation1 Organ donation(捐献)and transplantation(移植)refers to the process by which organs or tissuesfrom one person are put into another person's body.2 The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors.About 3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month.Each day,about 77 people receive organ transplants.However,18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.3 There are rio age limits on who can donate.Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors. If you are under age 18 , you must have a parent's or guardian's consent(同意).If you are 18 years or older,you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.4 Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs,the doctor or the emergency room staff won't work as hard to save their life.This is not true.The transplant team is completely separate from the medical staff working to save your life.The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.5 If you need an organ transplant,your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list.Your name will be added to a pool of names.When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the pool are compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency(紧急)of the patient's illness , time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient(接受 者)are considered.Paragraph 3_________A: Quality of Donated OrgansB: Benefits of Organ DonationC:Distribution of Donated OrgansD:Quality of Donor Medical CareE:Age Limits for Organ DonationF:Status of Organ Donation and Transplantation
- 县级以上人民政府建立和完善突发事件()A、制定全国突发事件应急预案B、制定行政区域应急预案C、预防控制体系D、监测与预警系统E、开展突发事件日常监测
- 共用题干 Common-cold SenseYou can't beat it,but you don't have to join it.Maybe it got the name"common cold"because it's more common in winter.The fact is,though,being cold doesn't have anything to do with getting one.Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses,and,at least so far,medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults,because they have more colds than adults-an average of about eight per year.Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents?Simple.They haven't had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.There are more than 150 different cold viruses,and you never have the same one twice.being infected by one makes you immune to it-but only it.Colds are usually spread by direct contact,not sneezing or coughing.From another person's hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy,although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.Hygiene is your best defense.Wash your hands frequently,preferably with a disinfectant soap,especially when children in your household have colds.But even careful hygiene won't ward off every cold.So,what works when a coughing,sneezing, runny nose strikes?The old prescription of two aspirins,lots of water,and bed rest is a good place to start.But you'll also find some of the folk remedies worth trying.Hot mixtures of sugar(or honey),lemon,and water have real benefits.According to the essay,you may have a cold because. A:the weather is too coldB:the spread of rhinoviruses gets people infectedC:another person's coughing passes the cold to youD:you wash your hands too often
- 对准备从事接尘作业职工进行就业前体检时,不必要进行检查的项目是()A、患病史B、一般临床体征C、拍胸大片D、实验室检查E、健康状况
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- 共用题干 What Should I Say to the Person Who Has Cancer?It is normal to feel that you don't know what to say to someone who has cancer.You might only know the person casually,or you may have worked______(1)or lived near each other for many years and have a closer relationship.The most important ___________(2)you can do is to acknowledge the situation in some way一whatever is most comfortable for you.You can show interest and concern,you can expressencouragement,or you_________(3)offer support. Sometimes the simplestexpressions of concern are the______(4)meaningful,While it is good to be encouraging,it is also important_________(5)to show false optimism or to tell the person with cancer to always have a positive attitude.Doing _________(6)things may discount their fears,concerns,or sad feelings.It is alsotempting to say that you know __________(7)the person feels.While you may know thisis a difficult time,no one can know exactly how the person with_______(8)feels.Humor can be an important way________(9)coping.It is also another source ofsupport and encouragement.Let the person with cancer________(10)the lead; it ishealthy if they find something funny about a side effect,like hair loss or increased appetite, and you can certainly join_________(11)in a good laugh.This can be a great way to relieve stress and to take a break from the_________(12)serious nature of the situation.When the person with cancer looks good, let them know! Refrain(忍住) _____(13)comments when their appearance isn't as good,such as"You're looking pale"or"You've lost weight".Cancer and its treatment can be very unpredictable. Be prepared for good days and bad________(14).Refrain from telling the person with cancer stories about family members or friends who have had cancer. Everyone is different,and these stories may not be helpful.Instead,it is better simply to tell them you know________(15)about cancer because you've been through it with someone else._________(5) A:not B:just C:how D:still
- 下列被称为世界鲜花生产第一大国的国家是()。A、美国B、中国C、荷兰D、日本
- 共用题干 Want to Be 100? Listen to These 5 Centenarians(百岁老人)Five neighbors at a central Missouri retirement community who are all centenarians get asked all the time:"How did you live to be 100?"If you want to live to 100 or more,this rare group of five golden girls says the key to longevity(长寿)is working hard at a job you love and taking care of your body while you're at it.Even though an estimated 70,000 people in the country are currently at the century mark or beyond in age,it is unusual to find five 100-year-olds living in one place.The average life-span(寿命)of Americans is about two or three years short of an 80th birthday party,And most people don't want to cut out coffee,soda,alcohol,cigarettes, and eat healthy food."People tell me all the time, 'I don't want to live to be 100',"said Mildred Leaver, who turned 100 in June."I think that's just sad.Aging is attitude and I don't feel old,"said Leaver,a former educator who still drives her Buick around town.It doesn't take long to see that Leaver and her neighbors Mildred Harris,Grace Wolfson,Gladys Stuart and Viola Semas,have a lot more in common than their longevity and lifelong healthy habits.All are 100 except Stuart,who is 101.Even though their sight and hearing aren't what they used to be,they've all avoided illnesses that many elderly people are stricken with.It's been 50 years since Leaver beat cancer for the first and only time.The common thread that connects these women is the decades of service to jobs each loved as a farmer,designer,school principal,bookkeeper and secretary.In the early years of their lives,gainfully employed women like them were just as rare as 1 00-year-olds are today. It is not hard to find five 1 00-year-olds living in one place in America.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned
- 可快速扩张支气管的药物是()A、异丙托溴铵B、沙丁胺醇C、沐舒坦D、二丙酸倍氯米松E、布地奈德