网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
B. 全国规划服从流域规划
C. 流域规划服从流域范围内的区域规划
D. 综合规划服从专业规划
国家开放大学电大专科水法规与行政执法期末试题及答案(试卷号:2396)盗传必究一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共18分)1. 流域范围内的区域规划应当服从()oA. 专业规划B. 流域规划C. 综合规划2. 堤防工程的护堤地属水利工程的()oA. 管理范围B. 保护范围C. 临时用地范围3. 农村集体经济组织的水塘和由农村集体经济组织修建管理的水库中的水,归()使用。A. 各该农村集体经济组织B. 县级以上地方政府C. 县级以上集体经济组织4. 国家对水工程建设移民实行()的方针。A. 指令性移民B. 开发性移民C. 行政性移民5. 水利工程建设监理实行()负责制。A. 项目经理B. 总监理工程师C. 总设计师6. 开发利用水资源应当遵循生活、生产和生态用水统筹协调,优先满足()的原则。A. 农业用水B. 生产用水C. 生活用水二、判断题(正确画,错误打X。每小题3分,共24分)7. 团结治水是调处水事纠纷的基本原则。(J )8. 水法规定的水资源只包括地表水,不包括地下水。(X )9. 我国的根木法就是行政许可法。(X )10. 在河道管理范围内建设桥梁、码头和其他拦河、跨河、临河建筑物,铺设跨河管道、电缆,工程建设方案由当地建设管理部门审查同意后可以不报经有关水行政主管部门审查。(X )11. 应急防汛、抗旱、抢险、救灾等建设项目可以不实行招标。(。)12. 国家实行河道采砂许可制度。(V )13. 跨流域调水,应当进行全面规划和科学论证,统筹兼顾调出和调入流域的用水需要,防止对生态 环境造成破坏。(V )14. 我国的基本水情是人多水少,水资源时空分布不均,水土资源与经济社会发展布局不相匹配。(J )三、问答题(共58分)15. 如何理解我国治水的新思路?(8分)答:我国通过不断的治水的实践和探索,按照科学发展观的要求调整治水思路,总结形成了把人与白 然和谐相处作为水利工作的重要理念,统筹流域、区域水利发展,统筹考虑城乡水资源问题,统筹工程措 施与非工程措施,全而推进传统水利向现代水利、可持续发展水利的转变,以水资源的可持续利用保障经 济社会可持续发展的治水新思路。治水思路的内涵体现在以下六个方而:坚持人与自然和谐相处。坚持以 人为本。坚持水资源的可持续利用。坚持发挥政府职能与市场机制相结合。坚持依法治水。坚持科学治水。16. 行政行为有哪些特征?(8分)答:行政行为是行政法律行为的简称,是指国家行政机关或其他行政主体依法实施行政管理并直接或 间接产生法律效果的行为,其主要特征有:第一,行政行为是国家行政机关以及其他行政主体所作出的行为。第二,行政行为是行政机关以及其他行政主体行使行政职权、实施行政管理的行为。行政主体依据行 政权实施行政管理的活动才能称为行政行为。第三,行政行为是法律行为,是行政机关以及其他行政主体依据法律规定所作出的直接或者间接产生 行政法律效果的行为。17. 水资源费与水费有何联系与区别?(9分)答:二者的联系体现在:水资源费计人供水水价成本,即水费中包含有水资源费。二者的区别主要体现在五个方而:性质不同:水费所体现的是商品属性;水资源费具有行政强制性。征收主体不同:水费是由供水单位计收;水资源费是由水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构征收。直接 义务主体不同:水费是由使用供水单位供应的水的用水单位和个人缴纳;水资源费是由经许可的直接从江 河、湖泊或者地下取用水资源的取水单位和个人缴纳。客体不同:水费是对应经过加工处理后的水,即 商品水;水资源费是对应江河、湖泊或者地下的水资源,即原水。使用管理不同:水费是由供水单位按 有关财务制度用于供水工程生产运行、维护等开支;水资源费是纳入财政预算管理,主要用于水资源的节 约、保护、管理。18. 水价的核定原则是什么?(8分)答:水利工程供水价格按照补偿成本、合理收益、优质优价、公平负担的原则确定,并根据供水成本、 费用及市场供求的变化情况,适时调整。19. 实施取水许可制度有什么意义?(9分)答:实行取水许可制度的的意义体现在三个有利于:一是有利于国家对水资源的宏观调控、促进水资源可持续利用。二是有利于维护良好的水事秩序。三是有利于保障单位和个人的合法取水权益。20. 什么是水工程?(8分)答:水工程指在江河、湖泊和地下水源上开发、利用、控制、调配和保护水资源的各类工程。21. 什么是水行政执法?(8分)答:水行政执法是指各级水行政主管部门依照水法规的规定,在社会水事管理活动中对水行政管理相 对人采取的直接影响其权利义务,或者对其权利的行使或义务履行情况进行直接监督检查的具体行政行 为。
B . 区域规划应当服从流域规划
C . 专业规划应当服从综合规划
D . 局部规划应当服从整体规划
E . 流域规划应当服从综合规划
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- 共用题干 Panic A panic is a form of collective in which a group of people,face with an immediate threat,re-act in an uncoordinated and irrational way.Their behavior is uncoordinated in the sense that co-operative social relationships and break down.It is irrational in the sense that people's actions are not appropriate for the goals they wish to achieve. The progress of a panic follows a fairly typical course . A sudden crisis occurs;people experi- ence intense fear;normal social expectations are broken;each individual tries desperately to es- cape from the source of danger;mutual cooperation breaks down;and the situation becomes even more threatening as a result. Panics are especially likely to occur in unusual conditions in which everyday norms have little relevance,such as fires,floods,earthquakes or military invasions. Some kind of response is necessary in these situations, but there are few social norms that specify an appropriate reaction.Thus,when a passenger aircraft makes a crash landing people may at-tempt to flee before fire breaks out and cause an explosion,but there only succeed in stopping themselves and others by creating bottlenecks at the exits.Awareness of bottlenecks may lead to increased panic,with people fighting and trampling one another in the effort to escape.Despite intensive training of airline personnel in emergency evacuation procedures,a high proportion of passenger deaths are caused by a panic that prevents people from escaping in time. The most dramatic panics are those that occur in situations of extreme emergency,but not all panics are quite so frantic or short-lived.A different form of this collective behavior is the finan- cial panic,which is typically provoked by rumor that the price of stocks will fall or that a bank will be unable to repay its depositors .The classic example,of course, occurred at the outset of the Great Depression in 1929:as in other forms of panic,the individuals involved tried to protect their own interests,and in so doing they worsened the situation for themselves and everyone else. By trying to sell their stocks as quickly as possible,people ensured that the price of stocks did fall;by demanding their money back from banks,they ensured that the banks actually did col-lapse. What is the purpose of the passage?A: To analyze the causes of the panics and teach people how to prevent them.B: To introduce different kinds of panics.C: To help people set up daily norms that can prevent panics.D: To inform people of painful examples form panics.
- 花卉种子萌发的条件有()、()、()、()。
- They have the capability to destroy the enemy in a few days.A:possibility B:necessity C:ability D:probability
- 影响切花栽培的环境因子有哪些?
- 填空题我国卫生标准规定,每1000mL饮用水中不得超过()个大肠菌群数。
- 一般每天的光照短于12~14h,花芽才能正常分化与发育的鲜切花是()。A、短日性鲜切花B、长日性鲜切花C、中日性鲜切花
- 共用题干 Research Shows Walking Can Lift DepressionNew research by German scientists shows that author Charles Dickens was onto a good thing when he took long,brisk walks to relieve periodic bouts of depression.The author of Oliver Twist and David Copperfield would walk for hours in the l860s as an antidote to intense feelings of sadness which alternated with restless euphoria.__________(46)Aerobic exercise like rapid walking can be more effective at lifting depression than drugs,reported the scientists led by Dr. Fernando Dimeo._________(47)The team found that in 10 of these patients drugs had failed to bring any substantial improvement.The team devised an exercise regime for the group that involved walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day.__________(48)The intensity of the training programme was stepped up as the heart rate adapted.A measurement of depression severity was taken at the start and the end of the programme,and patients were asked to rate their own mood regularly over a 10-day period.The researchers in Berlin found that after 10 days of the course six patients felt"substantially less depressed". ___________(49)Two were slightly less depressed,while four others remained unchanged.Depression levels overall fell by a thirds and on the self-assessed scores by 25 percent,said the researchers whose findings appeared in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.The study was small but the extent of the improvement was said by scientists to be impressive._____(50)Nineteenth century doctors would have called Dickens'condition melancholia since the psychological condition of depression was unknown.Dickens'biographer Peter Ackroyd says the author's son Charles remembers his father's"heavy moods of deep depression"and many times of"intense nervous irritability", something modern psychologists would certainly recognize._________(47)A:The number included five people who had not found any relief using drug treatment.B:Long and brisk walks are not necessarily beneficial to every person.C:They studied 12 people with severe depression that had lasted an average of nine months.D:The outcome indicated a clinical benefit which could not be obtained with pharmacological treatment currently available,they said.E:This is also the advice that experts from the Free University in Berlin are giving today.F:According to the regime,intense activity lasting three minutes was alternated with walking at half speed for three minutes.
- 共用题干 1.Flaxseed slowed the growth of prostate tumors in men,while ginseng helped relieve the fatigue that cancer patients often feel,US researchers reported on Saturday in the first scientifically rigorous looks at alternative medicine.2.The studies reflect doctors' efforts to explore the risks and benefits of foods and supplements that are routinely taken by their patients with little scientific proof they help.Americans spend between¥36 billion and¥47 billion a year on complementary and alternative therapies,according to the National Center for Health Statistics."Patients are taking these compounds but we need to know if they are doing any good or any harm,"said Dr. Bruce Cheson of Georgetown University Hospital in Washington who led a panel on alternative therapies at a meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.3.In the flaxseed study,researchers at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina and colleagues evaluated the seed's role as a food supplement in 161 men who were scheduled to undergo surgery for prostate cancer."The growth rate was decreased in the men who got flaxseed,"said Dr. Nancy Davidson,an oncologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who is president-elect of ASCO."I think this is fascinating."Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids-and lignins,a fiber found on the seed coat."We were looking at flaxseed because of its unique nutrient profile,"said Wendy Demark-Wahnefried,a researcher in Duke's School of Nursing,who led the study.4.Half of the men in the study added 30 grams of fiaxseed daily to their diets for about 30 days.Half of the flaxseed group also went on a low-fat diet.After the surgery,the researchers looked at the men's tumor cells to see how quickly the cancer had multiplied.The cancer cells in both the flaxseed groups grew about 30 to 40 percent slower than the control group.5.But Demark-Wahnefried is not ready to prescribe flaxseed."It's a healthy food.It has a lot of vitamins and a lot of fiber. But we cannot definitively say at this point you should take flaxseed because it is protective against prostate cancer,"she said,adding that flaxseed now needed to be studied to see if it can prevent prostate cancer.6.In the ginseng trial,Debra Barton of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota,and col-leagues tested three different doses of the herb on potency with a variety of cancers who were expected to live at least six months. Twenty-five percent of patients taking a 1,000-mg dose and twenty-seven percent of patients taking a 2,000-mg dose said their fatigue symptoms were"moderately better" or"much better."Only 10 percent of those taking a 750-mg dose reported an improvement, which was about the same as the placebo group.Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency.It was powdered and given in a capsule form."I wouldn't have predicted this,I have to admit,"Davidson said in an interview,"we might want to test this on a large scale."7.The flaxseed study was funded by the National institutes of Health and the ginseng study was supported by US Public Health Service grants.Both studies on flaxseed and ginseng show_________.A:that led the researchers in Duke's School of Nursing to study itB:by giving different doses of the herb to patientsC:whether the foods and supplements patients took every day were good or notD:though both flaxseed and ginseng are all healthy alternative medicinesE:that either of them is beneficial to cancer patientsF: because we still have to see if flaxseed can prevent prostate cancer
- 长日性鲜切花只有每天的光照时数在()小时以上,花芽才能正常分化与发育。A、8B、10C、12D、14
- 菊花属于什么鲜切花?()A、宿根鲜切花B、球根鲜切花C、水生鲜切花D、室内观叶植物