网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
What is this passage mainly about?
A.Disadvantage of face recognition technology.
B.Purposes of face recognition technology.
C.Controversial face recognition technology.
D.Effect of face recognition technology.
第3题:According to this passage, gestures are__________
A. spoken words
B. a non-language element
C. pictures in a language
D. written language
This passage most probably is_________
A. a book review
B. the preface of a book
C. the postscript. of a book
D. the concluding part of a book
通过第二段首句This book is written for the intelligent student or lay person whose acquaintance with science is superficial…及最后一段首句We have also tried to make the book entertaining as well as informative…容易推断本文是一本书的前言。故B正确。
An e—book (also referred to as an electronic book, e—book, or e—book) is a digital version of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an e—book , you must have an E—book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have instal1ed the appropriate Reader before you download your e—book from the Internet.The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options. E —books are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some e—books are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an e—book, there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your e —book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e— book.
26、From this passage, we learn that an e—book()
A、 can be found in any library
B、 can be read directly from the Internet
C、 can be read when special software is installed
27、 The E-book Reader is used for()
A、 reading an e—book you’ve downloaded
B、 turning a print book into a digital version
C、 downloading an e—book from the Internet
D、 copying an e—book onto a portable computer
28、 From this passage, we can learn that()
A、 you can read an e-book on a laptop when you travel
B、 you can order an e—book using the E—book Reader
C、 the e—books ordered have to be shipped to you
D、 it takes a lot of trouble reading an e—book
29、 Which of the following statements is TRUE?()
A、 An e—book is ordered in print book、
B、 The size of the words in an e—book cannot be changed
C、 The downloading time is decided by the c—book’s size
D、 There is less fun reading an e—book than a print book、
30、 The passage is mainly about()
A、 a better way to download an E—book
B、 a new kind of book—the E—books
C、 the new version of E—books
解析:A项原文没有提及;根据文中“But if you want to read an e—book , you must have an E—book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer.”和“Make sure you have instal1ed the appropriate Reader before you download your e—book from the Internet.”可知,电子书是不能直接在网页上阅读的,需要下载一个阅读器,故B项错误,C项正确。
解析:根据文中“The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options.”可知,软件的作用有:按照读者喜好调整屏幕上文字的大小,翻页,改变阅读选择。所以这个软件的主要作用还是阅读已经下载的电子书,选A。
解析:根据文中“If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel.”可知,A项正确。B项断章取义,e-books Reader是一个阅读器,只能用来阅读电子书,不能订阅;根据“when you order an e—book, there is no waiting and no shipping charges”可知,C项错误;根据“The amount of time it takes to download your e —book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e— book.”可知,D项说法不准确。
解析:根据文章最后一句可知,C项正确,电子书下载时间决定于它的大小。根据“An e—book (also referred to as an electronic book, e—book, or e—book) is a digital version of a print book”可知,A项错误;根据“The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like.”可知,电子书字体的大小是可以改变的,B项错误;根据“E —books are a fun alternative to regular books. ”可知,D项错误。
This passage most probably is( ).
A.a book review
B.the preface of a book
C. the postscript of a book
D. the concluding part of a book
B[解析]通过第二段首句This book is written for the intelligent student or lay person whose acquaintance with sclence is superficial.及最后一段首句We have also tried to make the book entertaining as well as informative.容易推断本文是一本书的前言。故B 正确。
E时代大学英语阶梯阅读教程Book 3 参考答案Unit 1 Technology ImpactPart Passage A: 1-5 CADDC Passage B: 6-10 CABDCPart 1. E) frustrating2. I) user 3. A) allow 4. F) items 5. C) blank6. D) industrial 7. J) complicated 8. B) instance 9. H) highlight10. G) indicatingPart 15 C B E I A 610 F G D H DUnit 2 Modern TransportationPart Passage A: 1-5 ACADC Passage B: 6-10 CCDBDPart 1. M) immersed 2. F) fortune 3. K) integral4. J) concern 5. H) rules 6. D) designed 7. B) wearing8. G) companions 9. O) uncommon 10. L) lastingPart 15 C A F B A 610 E I B G FUnit 3 Culture and EducationPart Passage A: 1-5 CBBAD Passage B: 6-10 ACABDPart 1. O) measurement 2. C) face3. A) run 4. E) commented 5. I) leadership6. H) equipped7. G) obstacles 8. J) improve 9. M) providing 10. L) convincingPart 15 I D G I H 610 B J E F CUnit 4 Medicine and HealthPart Passage A: 1-5 DDBAC Passage B: 6-10 CAADCPart 1. E) transplanting 2. B) patient 3. K) operation4. A) change 5. I) involves6. H) result 7. D) literature 8. F) theory 9. G) inserting10. M) side-effectsPart 15 F E B H C 610 F K D J GUnit 5 World SafetyPart Passage A: 1-5 B ACDA Passage B: 6-10 DDCABPart 1. K) running 2 D) extinct 3. M) abundant 4. J) head 5. I) starving 6.L) predicted7. B) exaggerated 8. C) accelerating 9. A) present 10.F) realityPart 15 N P K D E 610 B A E H LUnit 6 Social LifePart Passage A: 1-5 DCDAD Passage B: 6-10 DCCDBPart 1. F) mishaps 2. M) released 3. A) bond 4. K) unprofessionally 5. N) confessed 6. L) networking 7. J) closer 8). H) likely 9. C) nearly 10. I) conducted Part 15 E C H H D 610 F B G F IUnit 7 Great BuildingsPart Passage A: 1-5 BBAAC Passage B: 6-10 DBDBCPart 1. G) incredibly 2. K) replace 3. J) reduced 4. L) sense 5. H) powering 6. D) exceptions 7. E) expand 8. O) vast 9. F) historic 10. I) protectPart 15 I C G B H 610 A D E G IUnit 8 Scientific ResearchPart Passage A: 1-5 CBACD Passage B: 6-10 CCDABPart 1. K) recruited 2. J) recording 3. L) total 4 . C) aspects 5. B) analyzed 6. H) quality 7. N) unsure 8. G) established 9. A) already 10. E) contributing Part 15 C I G J E 610 B H J C K
This passage can be classified as________.
A. an advertisement
B. a book review
C. a feature story
D. A news report
We can read such a passage ______.
A.in a newspaper B.in a storybook C.in a picture book D.in a textbook
25. The passage can most probably be found in a ________ book.
A. science
B. history
C. travel
D. maths
a fantasy story
a German folktale
a book celebrating childhood
a book of instruction
本题是细节题。参考第76题的解析,以及这句提到Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carrol)写的幻想小说《爱丽丝漫游仙境》(the fantasy “Alice in Wonderland”)是第一本没有任何说教,纯粹供孩子们享受乐趣的书籍。因此答案为选项C,而不是选项A。因为《爱丽丝漫游仙境》虽然是一本幻想小说,但在文章中作者是把它作为人们开始出版庆祝、赞美儿童时代的书籍例子来介绍的,因为它是第一本这样的书。
it’s easy to win the international science and technology competition
Hollow Flashlight is safe, noiseless and can save energy
Ann has made a decision to be a scientist in the future
few peop1e are interested in how Ann created the flashlight
由原文第七段可知,这种手电筒不使用任何电池或者有害材料,无噪音,能持续工作。故B选项正确。原文第二段中的“Ann Makosinski was the only Canadian among the four winners at Google’s international science and technology competition.”说明在谷歌科技挑战赛中获奖并不是一件容易的事,故A项错误。原文第八段中的“she has not made a decision about her career path.”说明她并没有决定她未来的职业道路,故C项错误。原文第八段中的“A video of Ann...has been watched more than 1.4 million times on the Internet.”说明很多人对她是怎样发明这种手电筒很感兴趣,故D项也错误,因此应选B项。
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