网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
21秋中传媒大学英语(预备一)平时作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.There's a(n) _ on the blackboard saying that there will be a meeting this afternoon.A.practicalB.cowC.noticeD.imagine答案:C2.Business has _ achieved a market (市场) for children, because every child have learned from TV what a child should have and be like.A.firmlyB.avoidC.lieD.ceiling答案:A3.Deaths were _ less in Los Angeles because the accident happened at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, when traffic(交通) was not busy.A.relativelyB.airplaneC.fenceD.annual答案:A4.The biggest problem is the _ of the research, which nobody knows but would be huge.A.personalB.experienceC.costD.similar答案:C5.Wed better go and tell her the _ news. Im sure she will be very _ it.A.surprised; surprising inB.interested; interesting inC.interesting; interested atD.surprising; surprised at答案:D6.When a _ tool (工具) has been developed, it is usually because nothing else will do the job as well.A.respectB.specialC.professorD.partly答案:B7.Before his_Alfred Nobel decided to set up a prize with his money to honor the people who did great things in science.A.deathB.happyC.bornD.health答案:A8.Can you hear someone _ in the next room?A.singB.singsC.singingD.sang答案:C9.The old man was remembered by people because he had _ many useful things during his life.A.prizedB.knowC.finishD.invented答案:D10.How many _ do you plan to take this year?A.tireB.coursesC.mindD.tin答案:B11.Do you know the lady _ is interviewing our headmaster?A.whichB.whoC.whomD.whose答案:B12.Many people with AIDS (艾滋病) have to _ months in hospital up to a time when they have someone at home to help and look after them.A.thinkB.believeC.spendD.smoke答案:C13.To my _ many of my classmates came over to share my problems.A.greetB.noticeC.delightD.pride答案:C14.We wrote down the direction (方向) of travel and sent the _ back to baseA.informationB.informC.formulaD.informal答案:A15.Theres a lot of _ outside when he is trying to sleep.A.noiseB.noisesC.noisyD.noisily答案:A16.I was once _ to read a piece of writing with far too many spelling mistakes.A.mixtureB.straightC.shockedD.cheek答案:C17.If you _ his idea, you would surely be killing him.A.awardB.destroyedC.inventedD.cross答案:B18.Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Mr Wang?_.A.I’d love to, but I have lots of things to do.B.Oh no. That’ll be too tired.C.I’ll stay at home.D.Yes, please.答案:A19.He often _ from the Internet for us.A.get informationB.gets informationC.get informationsD.gets informations答案:B20._- May I put my bike here? - No, you _.A.may notB.can’tC.might notD.mayn’t答案:B21.We bought the house _ because it was convenient for the children to go to schoolA.leaderB.friendlyC.simplyD.share答案:C22.When would you _ this meeting to take place?A.artistB.sillyC.preferD.beautiful答案:C23.I have seen the movie _ times.A.the number ofB.a number ofC.muchD.a number答案:B24.Once we have a(n) _ in head, we have to reach it without minding everything else.A.affordB.obj
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
B. 34
C. 36
D. 38
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