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(完整word版)2021河南专升本英语真题及答案解析河南省 2021 年普通高等学校专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 )Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.-1. Jane hadnt been to London before. _ had her husband.A. NeitherB. EitherC. SoD. Or2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome _ he heard of the good news.A. whenB. thanC. thenD. until3. Im for the suggestion that a special board_to examine the problem.A. be set upB. will be set upC.must be set upD.has to be set up4. The disabled children need many things, but_ , they need love.A. first of allB.not at allC.after allD. All in all5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its _size.A. FormalB.formerhttp:/ later6. The football player is hoping to_ to another team soon.A. TransferB.transportC.transplantD. transact7. _the garden, the old man went to have a rest.A. Having been wateredB. WateringC. Having wateredD. Being watered8. Her_to the job left her with very little free time.A. devotionB.faithC.trustD.interest9. The children have been _since their father left.A.out of styleB.under controlC.out of controlD.in style10. It is reported _ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy.A.whichB. thatC. whileD.what11. The manager promised to keep me _ of how the project was going on.A. be informedB. InformedC. informhttp:/ He announced that the company had been transferred to city.A. anotherB. othersC. the otherD.one another13. A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught _ of the hero.A. visionB. viewC. sightD.glance14. Physics_ my favorite subject when I studied in the university.A. WereB.wasC.isD.are15. _ we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with others.A. ThenB. ThusC. WhatD. Whether16. 1 will lend you the book _ you return it to me in time.A. on condition thatB. in caseC. in order thatD. so that17. Mr.Brown is supposed to _ for Italy last month.A. be leavingB.have leftC.leaveD.have been left18. -Did you enjoy the TV program last night?-No, _not.A. particularlyB.obviouslyC.surprisinglyD.normally19. We are disappointed yesterday because it wasnt such a good dinner_she had promised us.A. likeB. asC. whichD.what20. She walked along the path, _ her daughter close behind.A. followingB. followC. to followD. was followed21. She insisted that the scats in the theater_ in advance to insure a better view.A. bookedB. be bookedC. arc bookedD. were to book22. We are sometimes _ of selfishness in our lives,though we arc mostly generous in personality.A. miserableB. GreedyC. guiltyD. sorry23. The teacher doesnt allow his students _ on the exam.A. cheatedB.cheatingC. cheatD. to cheat24. There is a lot of evidence_ to much stress is partly responsible for the disease.A. whatB. whichC. AsD.that25. “_ everyones here,”she said, “lets begin to discuss the solution to the p
下半年的考试大概7月份报名在河南科技大学有报。河南科技大学西苑校区1号楼302室 (走西门)
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