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_________. we saw a great valley.

A. To our great delight

B.With our great delight

C. For our great delight

D. In our great delight


Passage Five

In every language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, consist of the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. They concern the common things of life, and are the goods in trade of all those who speak the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the whole people; and are not the exclusive possession of a limited class.

On the other hand, our language includes a large number of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates, but from books that we read, lectures that we bear, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style. raised above the habitual level of everyday life. Such words are called "learned". And the distinction between them and "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of the language.

51. One class of words can be learned ______.

A. through everyday life

B. without too much practice

C. from popular songs

D. with a dictionary in one's hand

答案为A。根据第一段第二句,there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation,which we learn作出该项选择。

Our long _________ with your company has brought great benefits.






In the interim, our economy will not have access to all of the credit it needs and may __________, at great cost to our society.






Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


真题部分:难句43Our one great plishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological powers into the future: our glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind.Our one great plishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological powers into the future: our glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind.难词注解compass kmps n.圆规, 指南针, 范围 empathy mpi n.心意相通,(感情等)融为一体Our one great plishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological powers into the future: our glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind.Our one great plishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enable us to guide ourselves and our technological powers into the future: our glowing capacity for valuing our own kind and for at least some empathy beyond our kind.难句类型 复杂修饰 + 并列Our one great plishment is language, but our great hope is the internal compass that may enabl

Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time.
We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________
Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day.


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考题 As the author sees it,one of the most important gains from the study of great literature is( ) A.enrichment of our understanding of the past B.broadening of our approaches to social problems C.that it gives us a bowing acquaintance with great figures of the past D.that it provides us with vicarious experiences which provide a much broader experience than we can get from experiences of simply our own lives alone答案:D解析:

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考题 单选题We take great pride in our campus, _____ is one of the most beautiful university settings in the country.A whereB whichC whatD when正确答案: C 解析: 本题考查非限制性定语从句的用法。句意:我们为我们的学校感到自豪,它是我们国家校园环境最美的大学之一。定语从句缺少主语,因此应用which关系代词做主语,where和when为关系副词,在定语从句中做状语,what不引定语从句。

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考题 根据以下材料,回答 Reading, like all work, has its rules. Aperfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is (51) ________ valuablethan a superficial one of a great many. In one′s reading, great writers of the pastmust be (52) ________ the most attention. Of course it is both natural andnecessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them thatwe are likely to find the friends who have our own anxieties and requirements.But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books; (53)________ (杰作) are already sonumerous that we can never know them all. Let us have faith in the choice ofpast centuries. A man may be wrong; (54) ________ may a generation, buthumanity does not make mistakes. Homer, Tacitus, Shakespeare and Moliere surely(55) d________ their fame. We give them some (56)________ (偏爱) over the writers who have not undergone the test of time. We must choose our literary nourishmentwell. Each mind requires its own particular food. Let us learn which authorsare our authors. They will be very (57) d________ from those of our friends. In literatureas in love, we are astonished at what is chosen by others. Let us cling to whatsuits us; we are the best judges of(58)________ Whenever possible our reading should bedone in the atmosphere of composure and respect (59) ________ surrounds a fineconcert or a noble ceremony. It is not reading merely to run (60) t________ apage, get up to answer the telephone, pick up a book when one′s thoughts areelsewhere, lay it down until the next day. 第59题答案是答案:解析:which