



Some findings have revealed that cities around the world are growing large. Could you outline the possible causes and predict consequences?

概述:城市化是一个越来越受关注的社会问题。城市化(urbanization or urban sprawl)是指农 村地区建立城镇,或者是城市不断地向农村扩展(expansive growth of a metropolitan area)


• 经济:工业的发展使得工厂和商业(包括超级市场)不断在乡村地区建立;

• 社会:人口快速增长,大量农民来到城市以求获得工作机会;

• 技术:交通工具的发达使人们可以更容易到较远的地方,因而有更多人迁居郊区;

• 个人:人们希望获得更大的生活空间(expand living space),更好的生活环境(attractive living conditions),从而选择在郊区居住。


• 经济:人口增加导致基础设施的费用增加(increased infrastructure costs);

• 社会:大量的流动人口 (high mobility of populations)会导致犯罪率上升,影响社会稳定;

• 环境:影响空气质量(impair air quality),导致污染,影响人们的身体健康。


•保护和提升自然和文化资源(preserve and enhance natural and cultural resources);保持当地的城市风貌和文化(protect the local landscape and culture);确保新的建筑项目不会破坏乡村的风景和生态系统(prevent any damage to rustic scenery and ecosystems);

• 发展甚础设施的建设(upgrade infrastructures),使人们具有更强的环保意识(make people environmentally conscious),譬如说,城巿新发展的地区可以鼓励人们步行或便用自行车(make areas of urban sprawl walkable or bicycle-friendly)

另外,城乡差距(widening gap between urban and rural areas)也是一个常考的问题


• 收入差距(the income gap/disparity between urban residents and rural residents),财富分配的不平均;

• 乡村缺乏获得教育的途径(lower access to education),文盲率较高(higher illiteracy);

• 医疗资源主要集中在城市(medical resources concentrated in cities);疾病的爆发导致生产力的损失(national productivity suffers);

• 资源投人的不平衡——乡村缺乏各种基本设施和服务,比如电力、能源供应(electricity and fuel supply)、公路、电话和网络(access to telephones and the Internet);

• 城市人口密度更大(population density);就业机会更多(more job opportunities)


• 制定优惠政策促进郊区发展(make preferential policies to boost rural development);

• 增加基础设施的投人,改善郊区的交通、道路、电子通讯(roads, streets, rapid transit system, telecommunications );

• 全面提高农民的科学文化素质,提高其生产力(productivity);鼓励郊区居民积极主动创业,创造更多就业机会(more job opportunities),提高收人(raise income), 从根本上改变贫穷落后的状况。


下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

Griffith's film innovations had a direct effect on all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A.film editing

B.camera work

C.range of subjects

D.sound editing


The twentieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your opinion.

In the first part of your essay you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

正确答案:Computer The twentieth century witnessed great changes in the whole world: economic boom industrial development and raise in people's living standards to which technological evolution contributed a lot. Among all those inventions which was the greatest one? Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was television while others believe it should be atom energy. But as far as I am concerned in terms of the depth of influence no other inventions can be compared with computers which would remain unrivalled even for another one hundred years. First of all computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented people had to calculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks even months to work out a result daring the course of which they might make mistakes and the accuracy of data was in turn affected. But with the help of computers people are freed from heavy calculation. It only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past. Moreover not only the speed but also the accuracy is improved to a large extent. Computers can also simulate different environments that can't be created in real life. In the science research sometimes scientists need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without computers it would be difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data everything will be done. With computers the storage of information has become easier which in turn has increased the whole world's efficiency. At banks post offices and supermarkets people no longer need to queue for a long time because computers help the working staff increase their work efficiency — files and data stored in computers can be located in a very short time and their chances of getting lost are lowered to a large extent. Computers' influence has been further reinforced with the appearance of Internet which was developed based on the local area network (LAN) of computers. Today Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world and you can do almost everything you need on it: communicating with friends reading news watching movies listening to music etc. But you must do all the above things on a computer. Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed people's lives computers have the most valuable contribution to human and it will have much more contribution in the future.
Computer The twentieth century witnessed great changes in the whole world: economic boom, industrial development and raise in people's living standards, to which technological evolution contributed a lot. Among all those inventions, which was the greatest one? Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was television, while others believe it should be atom energy. But as far as I am concerned, in terms of the depth of influence, no other inventions can be compared with computers, which would remain unrivalled even for another one hundred years. First of all, computers save a great deal of effort people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented, people had to calculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks, even months to work out a result, daring the course of which they might make mistakes and the accuracy of data was in turn affected. But with the help of computers, people are freed from heavy calculation. It only takes seconds to have a result which used to take weeks in the past. Moreover, not only the speed but also the accuracy is improved to a large extent. Computers can also simulate different environments that can't be created in real life. In the science research, sometimes scientists need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without computers it would be difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data, everything will be done. With computers, the storage of information has become easier, which in turn has increased the whole world's efficiency. At banks, post offices, and supermarkets, people no longer need to queue for a long time, because computers help the working staff increase their work efficiency — files and data stored in computers can be located in a very short time and their chances of getting lost are lowered to a large extent. Computers' influence has been further reinforced with the appearance of Internet, which was developed based on the local area network (LAN) of computers. Today, Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world and you can do almost everything you need on it: communicating with friends, reading news, watching movies, listening to music etc. But you must do all the above things on a computer. Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great convenience to human or changed people's lives, computers have the most valuable contribution to human, and it will have much more contribution in the future. 解析:  在上个世纪,世界发生了巨大的变化。题目要求考生自己命题,淡谈自己认为20世纪最应该记住的发明是什么。

What can be concluded about "modem" ?

A.It converts data from one form. to another.

B.It will be out of date soon.

C.It serves as a link between senders and recipients of message.

D.It transmits message more efficiently than other devices.


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