学历重要吗?我相信很多初入社会者都有过同样的疑惑?当你在工作面试时被拒绝无数次后你都会有一个肯定的答案,学历当然重要!2020年你为什么一定要拿个学历证书呢?报考专升本考试到底有没有用呢? 答案是肯定的, 有一个更高的学历,会让你以后在找工作时,有更多的选择而不是被人屡次拒绝;有一个更高的学历,会为你升职加薪增加筹码,得到一个不错的待遇。 有一个更高的学历,会让你变的更自信,而自信的人做什么都能成功!
(一)找工作 51题库考试学习网了解到湖北省每年都有80多万的高考考生,全省共有普通高等专科学校80所左右,成人高等学校30所左右。由此可知,专科远远多于本科。每年毕业时,找工作都是毕业生本人及家长头疼的事,工作难找,人才招聘会都挤不进去,许多单位对学历越来越重视(尤其是国家机关和事业单位)招聘都要求本科或硕士以上学历,专科没有应聘或考试资格,如许多学校招后勤管理人员及实验员都要求本科,一些小学招聘老师都要求本科以上,专科以上学校招教师都要求硕士或博士,公务员,大多也只是部分艰苦工作岗位允许专科生报考,而且工作地点基本在基层。由于学历原因,专科生往往会丧失许多理想的工作机会。
(二)工资定级 我们都知道中国国家机关和事业单位基本都是按照学历定工资,同一时间进入企业的员工,本科工资比专科工资高一档次,较规范的企业也是按学历定工资,如在苏州、上海、深圳等地外资企业或国内知名企业上班,上岗工资本科工资比专科工资高200-500元是正常的,而且本科以上的资金和提升机会都比专科相对多一些,学历越高,工资定档会更有优势,当然也有部分企业一部分岗位,并不以学历定岗,考虑用人的实际所得。
(三)考研 有了本科学历,不需学位证,就可以直接报考全国统招研究生了,而专科生只能在专科毕业满两年后以同等学历报考研究生,尽管国家有规定允许专科毕业满两年后以同等学力报考研究生,但许多大学实际上却不愿招收专科生,即使招收专科生,也会在许多方面设障碍,要求发表论文,加试专业课,英语达到什么水平等。另外,在职获取硕士学位还要有学士学位,如果是专科,今后若在职获取硕士学位,是没有机会的。
下面小编为大家准备了 专升本 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
While nobody can deny the?22?that some people seem to be blessed with particular?creativity,research shows that anyone can?23?their chances of coming up with new and original?ideas?24?they would only engage themselves more in the process of?25.It′s the old Thomas?Edison thing about“discovery?26?99 percent perspiration(汗水)and 1 percent inspiration.”27,the studies prove this:great creative breakthroughs usually happen only?28?intense?periods of struggle.It is sustained effort towards a specific goal?29?eventually prepares for great?creative insights.
This kind of sustained effort does not always?30?immediate results,a fact that not only?separates the innovators(革新者)from non-innovators,but?31?leads some people to conclude?that it is just not?32?for them.“Maybe I should have gone to medical school like my mother?wanted,”they wonder when the breakthrough is?33?to be found.Alas,one forgets during their?inevitable encounters?34?self-doubt,that the big surprise is never?35.Indeed,it can happen?at any time and place.
第23题的答案是( )
Would you like to spend all evening reading a lovely story with beautifulillustrations and make$35,000 atthe same time?Millions of people all over the world tried to do just that.Only one succeeded.The book is called Masquerade,and was written by Britishpainter Kit Williams.Within its pages are clues to the location of a goldenjewel,and whoever figured out the clues could find and keep the treasure.
Some years ago,Williams was asked to write a children′s book.Wanting to do something no one elsehad done before,he decided to bury a golden treasure and tell where it was inthe book.He be-gan painting without a clear idea of what the story would beabout,where he would bury the treasure,or even what the treasure would be.Ashe painted,he decided that in the story a hare,or rabbit,would travel throughearth,air,fire and water to deliver a gift from the moon to the sun.Afterthree years,he finished the paintings and then wrote the story.The treasurebecame an 18-
carat gold hare,adorned with preciousstones,and it was made by Kit Williams himself.This beautiful jewel,wortharound$35,000,depending on gold prices,was buried somewhere in Britain,freeto anyone who could decipher the clues.Williams′s book kept people of all agesamused trying to solve the mystery of Masquerade.
The rabbit was finallyfound in the spring of 1982,by a 48-year-old design engineer.It was buried ina park about thirty-five miles from London.
When Williams began working on hisbook,he___.
B.learned to paint
C.had already buried the treasure
D.did not know what the story-would beabout
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