


1、Marx and Engels【阅读理解B】

A.emphasized the virtue of classical heroes

B.highlighted the public glory of the leading artists

C. focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate

D.opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.

E. held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle

F. dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders

G.depicted the worthy lives of engineers industrialists and explorers


答案解析:第六段,“history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle”,答案E是原文复现。

2、Thomas Carlyle【阅读理解B】

A.emphasized the virtue of classical heroes

B.highlighted the public glory of the leading artists

C. focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate

D.opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.

E. held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle

F. dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders

G.depicted the worthy lives of engineers industrialists and explorers


答案解析:第五段“these epochal figures (马丁路德,克伦威尔,拿破仑)represented lives hard to imitate”。C选项是原文复现。

3、Niccolo Machiavelli【阅读理解B】

A.emphasized the virtue of classical heroes

B.highlighted the public glory of the leading artists

C. focused on epochal figures whose lives were hard to imitate

D.opened up new realms of understanding the great men in history.

E. held that history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle

F. dismissed virtue as unnecessary for successful leaders

G.depicted the worthy lives of engineers industrialists and explorers


答案解析:第三段In The Prince, he championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.可见,Niccolo Machiavelli认为美德不一定是成功领导者的必须品质。故答案选F。

4、By saying “to find silver linings”(Para. 2), the author suggest that the jobless try to().【阅读理解A】

A.seek subsidies from the government

B.make profits from the troubled economy

C.explore reasons for the unemployment

D.look on the bright side of the recession


答案解析:A. 从政府寻求经济资助;B. 从陷入困境的经济获取利益;C. 探求失业的原因;D. 看到经济萧条积极的一面第二段第二句说,Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways(失业虽然很痛苦,但他们从很多方面提升自己)。即失业者在萧条中看到积极面(自我的提升),故答案为D。

5、Those who are against gene patents believe that().【阅读理解A】

A.genetic tests are not reliable

B.only man-made products are patentable

C.patents on genes depend much on innovation

D.courts should restrict access to genetic tests


答案解析:A. 基因测试不可靠;B. 只有人造的东西可以获得专利;C. 基因专利很大程度上依赖于改革;D. 法院应该限制进行基因测试文章第三段,第三句话提到了反对基因相关的项目能够获得专利权的三个理由。第一个是,基因是自然的产品;第二个是,基因获得专利会压制创新;第三个是,基因专利的垄断会限制基因测试,故正确答案为B。


A.on the contrary

B.by this means

C.from the outset

D.at that point


答案解析:A. on the contrary相反;B. by this means以这种方式;C.  from the outset从一开始;D.  at that point 从这一点讲Egypt, France and a dozen more countries(埃及,法国和其他十几个国家)是美国盟军。根据美国士兵对其盟军的影响得知,“任何一位美国士兵对他们而言都是生命中最重要的人”,因此答案为D。

7、Generally speaking, the author’s attitude toward gene patenting is().【阅读理解A】






答案解析:A. 批判的;B. 支持的;C. 指责的 ;D. 客观的作者不仅提到了希望获得基因专利全的生物科技产业为此所作出的努力,同时也提到了反对者反对的理由,也提及基因获得专利过程中遇到的实际问题。故而,作者对基因专利的态度是客观的,即答案D。


A.handed out

B.turned over

C.brought back

D.passed down


答案解析:A. handed out发放;B. turned over颠覆;C. brought back拿回;D.  passed down流传原文it was on all of the articles ____ to soldiers中,it = G. I. = Government Issue,即“政府发放的标志在所有被给士兵的物品上”,根据逻辑应该是发放给士兵的物品,因此答案为A。

9、The author suggests that our perception of children\'s psychological development was much influenced by ().【阅读理解A】

A.the observation of children\'s nature

B.the marketing of products for children

C.researches into children\'s behavior

D.studies of childhood consumption


答案解析:A. 儿童本性的观察;B. 儿童产品的市场销售;C. 儿童行为的研究;D. 童年期消费的研究文章第三段首句“I had not realized how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. (我之前没有意识到,我们对孩子们所固有特性的认知深受市场趋势的支配,包括我们对他们心理发展的核心看法)”,显然相关儿童市场及其产品在左右人们对儿童心理发展的看法上起重要作用。本题答案为B。

10、According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colors?()【阅读理解A】

A.Colors are encoded in girls\' DNA

B.Blue used to be regarded as the color for girls

C.White is preferred by babies.

D.Pink used to be a neutral color in symbolising genders


答案解析:A. 女孩的DNA中有着颜色编码;B;蓝色过去被认为是代表女孩;C. 孩子喜欢白色;D. 粉色过去在代表性别方面是中性色Girls’ attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but ...it is not. (女孩对于粉色的关注看起来好像是不可避免的,不知怎么的,就跟存在与她们的基因里一样……但事实并非如此。)”,故A项是错误的。“pink was actually considered the more masculine color,(事实上粉色是更男性化的颜色)”可以得出C选项错误。“blue symbolised femininity,(蓝色代表女性)”,所以选B。

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