

2020年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第四章 阅读理解A5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。


According to the passage, doctors are most successful when they are().







答案解析:第四段As for Medicine, any doctor will confirm that a large part of his job is not clinical treatment but faith healing. His apparently scientific approach enables his patients to believe that he knows exactly what is wrong with them and exactly what they need to put them right…至于医药,任何一位医生都会确信他的工作在很大程度上不是临床治疗而是信念治疗。他看起来科学的方法使病人相信医生确切知道他们的病情所在以及需要什么加以救治…;最后一段They will dress anyone up in a white coat to appear like an unimpeachable authority or, failing that, they will even be happy with the announcement. 他们会把任何人包装成穿白大褂、看起来像无可置疑的权威。因此选A。


The passage tells us that some manufacturers, instead of changing their product, would prefer to change its ().


A.production cost


C.market value



答案解析:第三段If, therefore, for one reason or another, some alteration seems called for, how much better to change the image, the packet or the pitch made by the product, rather than go to all the inconvenience of changing the product itself. 一旦需要改变产品,最好的办法莫过于改变外观形象、包装或产品定位而不是不辞辛苦改变产品本身。“改变外观形象、包装或产品定位”都是指D。

1、The mother who holds her baby on the left().【阅读理解A】

A.knows that her heart-beat has a calming effect on the baby

B.keeps her dominant arm free for manipulations

C.instinctively or by an unconscious series of trials and errors soon arrives at the discovery that her baby is more at peace if held on the left against her heart

D.gives the usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning little comment


答案解析:主旨题。经过观察发现:…the mother, either instinctively or by an unconscious series of trials and errors would soon arrive at the discovery that her baby is more at peace if held on the left against her heart, than on the right.“母亲或许是本能地,或许是经过一系列的无意识的成败试验后很快发现,如果她的婴儿被抱在左侧贴近心脏处,要比抱在右侧乖得多”,因此才有第一段中的现象:80%的母亲是左手兜住自己的孩子,把孩子放在自己身体的左侧。因此C正确。


Advertising are appreciated by manufacturers because they().


A.advise them on ways of giving a product customer appeal

B.accept responsibility for giving a product customer appeal

C.advise them on the best time to go ahead with production

D.consult them during the design and development stages



第二段The designer is busy enough without adding customer-appeal to all his other problems of man-hours and machine tolerances and stress factors. So they just go ahead and make the thing and leave it to the advertiser to find eleven ways of making it appeal to purchasers after they have finished it, by pretending that it confers status, or attracts love, or signifies manliness. If the advertising agency can do this authoritatively enough, the manufacturer is in clover.在产品设计和研发阶段,厂家可以有足够的时间来考虑而不必担心是否每个人都会买它。设计人员在忙于考虑诸如劳动力时间、机器强度以及压力因素时可以不考虑消费者喜好的因素。所以他们可以只管生产出产品然后让广告商通过声称此商品象征身份、地位,能够吸引爱情或是彰显男人魅力等,去寻找足够的理由来吸引消费者购买。倘若广告代理果真能做到足够令人信服,厂家则可高枕无忧了。因此选B。


According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firm's competitive advantage is().


A.the introduction of new technologies

B.the improvement of workers' basic skills

C.the rational composition of professional and managerial employees

D.the attachment of importance to the bottom half of the employees



下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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