











下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

患者女性,40岁,平时身体健康,近期劳累后突感心悸2天。体检:血压124/86mmHg,脉搏90次/分,心 律120次/分,心律绝对不整,第一心音强弱不等。最可能的诊断是
A.窦速伴心律不齐 B.阵发性房性早搏 C.阵发性房颤 D.慢性房颤

本例第一心音强弱不等、心律极不规则、脉搏短绌(心率120次/分,而脉搏90次/分),此三大体 征为房颤的典型临床表现。由于该患者病史仅2天,因此诊断为阵发性房颤。阵发性房颤可见于正常 无器质性心脏病者。

Text 3 Economists across the political spectrum agree that the single biggest threat to future job growth is neither immigration nor trade-it's the artificial intel!igence revotution already underway.Studies by Oxford University,McKinsey and Pricewaterhouse Coopers forecast that up to 50%of current jobs could be replaced by smart machines within the next 20 years.Already,more than 5 million U.S.factory jobs have been lost to automation since 2000.It's become clear:If a job can be automated in the future,it will be.What's less clear is how educational institutions will respond to this sea change in the future of work.Despite belng the envy of the world,American universities have been slow to modernize-too often educating students for 20th century career fields that will be obsolete by the time they graduate.Beyond simply conferring degrees,the foundational purpose of colleges and universities must be to educate-and that means equipping people of all ages,at all stages of their careers,to build successful and fulfilling lives.This means we need to take several important steps to make our students robot-proof.First,we must design and implement a curriculum that empowers humans to do those jobs only humans can do.Call it humanics.This curriculum provides students with three literacies:technical literacy,data literacy and human literacy(such as teamwork,entrepreneurship,ethics and culrural agility).Then it integrates them,allowing learners to develop a creative mindset and the mental elasticity to invent,discover and produce original ideas in the A.I.age.But a modernized curriculum will not be enough.Students must also gain workplace experience before fully entering the workforce-to deepen their understanding beyond"what"into"why"and"how."For example,an engineering student might exploit her classroom studies in circuitry design during an internship at Waymo,Google's autonomous vehicle project.By integrating firsthand experience with intelligent machines with her academic work,she learns agility and adaptability,and,most important,she learns how to continue learning.Lifelong learning must become a central component of what universities do,not an auxiliary endeavor.This means authentic,sustainable partnerships with industry to design courses that fill competency gaps employers actually need.It means going to where the learners are,providing them with an educational roadmap customized for every walk of life.And it likely means access to a multi-campus network,in which learners circulate among places across the country and around the globe-where they live and work.The economic stakes are high.The well-being of societies has long been tied to vigorous systems of higher education.By rising to the challenge of artificial intelligence,universities with the boldness to change represent humanity's best chance to win the jobs of the future.
The example of an engineering student shows that workplace experience can_____

A.help students design their future careers
B.keep students from being unrealistic
C.deepen students'academic knowledge
D.give students machine operation skills
[信息锁定]第四段②句指出,工作经验可以加深(对课程内容)的理解;随后举例:工程学专业学生可以在实习期间充分调动在课上学到的知识,通过结合亲身体验与学术工作,学到灵活处理能力、并懂得了如何继续(深入)学习。可见事例表明:借助工作经验,学生可以在亲身运用中加深对学术知识的理解,C.正确。[解题技巧]A.常识干扰,但本段并未提及“未来职业规划”。B.源于④句中的adaptabiliry(适应能力),但此处指”灵活运用知识的能力”而非指“针对现实情形进行调整的(实际的)态度”。D.源自④句firsthand experience with intelligent machines(智能机器的亲身体验),但这并不等同于“机器操作技巧(machine operation sk川s)”。

A.领头链上连续复制的片段 B.领头链上不连续复制的片段
C.随从链上连续复制的片段 D.随从链上不连续复制的片段


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