




下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。





The family of 28 nations known as the European Union has had a rough decade of near divorces The latest blow was Italys election last Sunday.The anti-EU parties won.In other parts of Europe similar parties have advanced.Britain wants out of the Continent-fusing project altogether.But then there is Greece,which may serve as a model of a prodigal nation.In 2009,the country of 11 million nearly brought down the euro zone and came close to exiting the EU after admitting it had lied about he size of its deficit(which was five times above the eu guideline)The official dishonesty,coupled with deep-seated corruption,spooked foreign lenders and defied core EU values of integrity in govern-ance With the Greek economy near collapse,however,the EU and other creditors decided it was worth throwing Athens a financial lifeline--hefty loans with conditions of austerity and other reforms.The cash-tor-rescue effort seems to be working for now.Greece made a critical decision in 2015 to implement the EU-mandated reforms.It has improved government openness and transparency on budgeting procurement,and trade--all key areas in fighting corruption Here's the clincher:In 2018,Greece's economy is expected to grow faster than that of the eU as a whole.In addition,the government has been running a fiscal surplus instead of the big deficits of a decade ago.And unemployment has fallen from 30 percent to less than 20 percent in the past five years On corruption,however,the leftist government of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras still has far to go in ensuring a virtuous circle of honesty and openness.Last month,two of its ministers had to resign after accepting a housing subsidy.And the Council of Europe told Greece this month that it has fulfilled only six of 19 recommendations aimed at rooting out corruption.Some of the govermment's new rules require lawmakers to disclose gifts and reveal potential conflicts of interest One sign of hope is that Greece is currently in a vigorous public debate about the alleged bribery of 10 top politicians by Swiss drug maker Novartis.And polls show Greeks are more demanding of integrity in their elected leaders This mood In Greece reflects a global trend More and more citizens from a growing number of countries.have presently come to demand that their governments deliver good governance,"writes Alina Mungiu-Pippidi of the European Research Center for Anti-Corruption and State-Building in a new book The EU and other official lenders are still holding Greece to account.With further reform,it might have enough financial credibility by the end of the year to return to private maikets or money.Instead of a divorce from the Eu,it has been making up.The key was a new embrace of integrity.
According to Paragraph 2,during EU-mandated reforms,Greece

A.improved leaders'governing transparency
B.improved the cooperation with other EU nations
C.attracted more foreign investment from Eu countries
D.learned experience from other countries
细节题。根据题干的核心词EU-mandated reforms定位到第二段。

A.凝血系统在炎症中具有重要功能 B.C3、C5是重要的炎症介质
C.缓激肽可使血管通透性增加 D.花生四烯酸代谢产物可导致发热、疼痛
E. 组胺具有阳性趋化作用

。参阅【2003N037】。①具有趋化作用的炎症介质是细菌产物、白三烯B4 、C5a、中性粒细胞阳性蛋白、细胞因子(、TNF)。组胺可引起血管扩张、血管通透性增高,但无阳性趋化作用(E错)。②凝血系统在炎症中具有重要作用,Ⅻ因子激活可启动激肽系统、凝血系统和纤溶系统,如凝血酶在使纤维蛋白原转化为纤维蛋白的过程中释放的纤维蛋白多肽,可使血管通透性增高,也是白细胞的趋化因子。③纤维蛋白溶解系统激活,可降解C3产生C3a ,使血管扩张和血管通透性增加。C3a 和C5a 可通过刺激肥大细胞释放组胺使血管扩张和血管通透性增高。④激肽系统激活的最终产物是缓激肽,缓激肽可使细动脉扩张,血管通透性增加,内皮细胞收缩,使血管以外的平滑肌收缩,并可引起疼痛。⑤花生四烯酸的代谢产物前列腺素等可导致发热,疼痛。

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