各校不同,副厅局级最多,最高的副部级。 附:中国副部级高校名单 北京区(7所):清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、北京师范大学、中国农业大学 天津区(2所):南开大学、天津大学 东北区(3所):哈尔滨工业大学、吉林大学、大连理工大学 陕西区(3所):西安交通大学、西北工业大学、西北农林科技大学 上海区(3所):复旦大学、上海交通大学、同济大学 江苏区(2所):南京大学、东南大学 湖北区(2所):武汉大学、华中科技大学 湖南区(2所):中南大学、国防科技大学 安徽区(1所):中国科技大学 福建区(1所):厦门大学 广东区(1所):中山大学 浙江区(1所):浙江大学 四川区(1所):四川大学 重庆区(1所):重庆大学 山东区(1所):山东大学 甘肃区(1所):兰州大学 以上三十一所高校行政级别都为副部级(一般本科以上高校都是厅局级,专科高校是副厅局级,截止到2019年1月全国只有31所高校是副部级,从行政级别可以看出学校的行政地位和国家的重视程度),加上副大军区级的国防科技大学共计32所。同时,以上32所高校也都是国家985工程重点建设的大学。 综合这两项指标,以上32所高校为中国目前最顶尖的高校,也是国家最重视的32所高校 。
下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
2007 -160.患者,男,27岁。3月前出现腰、骶、臀、髋疼痛酸软,腰膝无力,晨起加重,伴口燥咽干,手足心热,心烦多梦,面色潮红,舌红少苔,脉细弦小数。治疗宜首选
A.身痛逐疼汤加减威灵仙、制狗脊 B.右归丸加人参、黄芪C.左归丸加知母、黄柏 D.乌头汤加杜仲、续断
A.益火补土法 B.金水相生法 C.泻火补水法 D.培土制水法
泻南补北法是泻心火与补肾水相结合的一处治法。因心主火,南方属火;肾主水,北方属水,故称为泻南补北法,又称为泻火补水法,滋阴降火法;适用 于肾阴不足,心火偏旺,水火不济,心肾不交之证。
A.子宫内膜结核 B.卵巢结核 C.输卵管结核 D.阴道结核
No one can l Howard Schultz ofinaction since he returned as chief executive of Starbucks,the firm he built into a multinational 2 to watch it stumble under his successor.Barely a month has gone by over the past year without the firm 3 some new initiative or other.The latest came on February 17th in New York,when Mr.Schultz 4 Via,an instant coffee which,he 5,tastes just as good as Java brewed in the shop by one of the firm's baristas.Don Valencia,the firm's first head of research and development,who 6 the blended and frozen frappuccino drinks that earn Starbucks$2 billion a year,could never find a 7 to scale up an instant formula he had developed at home.When Mr.Schultz retumed as chief executive,he 8 that there had been some technological advances,allowing finer grinding,9.So he asked the R&D team to repeat the recently deceased Valencia's experiments,and found that"we had broken the 10".The name Via is a hat-tip to Valencia-though during development it was known as Jaws(just add water,stir).Starbucks says it has patents that should 11 competitors from quickly replicating Via,which will go on sale in some American stores next month.The opportunity may,12,be biggest in other countries:in Britain over 80%of coffee sold is instant,13 with just 10%in America.14 Starbucks drinkers decide that Via tastes good,the company will have to get the price 15.The riskis that the firm's existing customers may 16 counter service and start making their own cup of instant.To keep customers coming to remaining outlets,he might experiment with discounts such as cheap 17 meals ofa drink and food.He also wants a visit to a Starbucks shop to bc a"18 uplifiing experience".Improving the smellin stores by changing the cheese used in breakfast sandwiches was a start.But 19 that staff are enthusiastic will be especially difficult whenjobs are 20.8选?
动词辨析题。根据文章When Mr.Schultz returned as chief executive,he that there had been some technological advances(当Schultz作为首席执行官重返集团就职后,他公司在技术方面已经有一些进步),B项noticed“注意到,觉察到”,指偶尔看到细小的但可能是重要的事情,更符合后面宾语从句的内容,故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】四个选项在表示“注意到、看到某人做某事”的意思时都可用。但是A项observed意为“观察;注意地看,仔细地看”,常用结构为observe sb.do sth./observe sb.doing sth./observe that...。C项saw强调结果,意为“看见,看到”,一般不用进行时。D项watched“观看”。这三个选项都不符合文意,均可排除。
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