




(1) 凡具有教育部承认的大专以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;(自考本科的学历也可以哦,只要有相应的学历证书)

(2) 教育部认可的高等院校在校生,顺利完成大一所有课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;(换句话说就是你在大一的时候成绩不挂科不重修,进入大二学期就可以报考ACCA了)

(3) 未符合12项报名资格的申请者,可以先申请参加FIA资格考试,通过FFAFMAFAB三门课程后,可以申请转入ACCA并且豁免F1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入ACCA技能课程阶段的考试;需要注意的是在校大学生满足一些条件也可以申请免试哟,具体规定可以参考ACCA官网发布的相关文献。



在校学员所需准备的注册资料 (原件、复印件和译文)


(1) 中英文在读证明(由学校教务部门开具,加盖公章,在读证明及成绩单加盖的公章必须一致),

(2) 中英文在校期间各年级成绩单,至少要提供大一成绩单,并加盖所在学校或学校教务部门公章(可先到学员辅导员处打印成绩单,再到学校的教务处盖章即可)

(3) 中英文个人身份证件或护照(护照办理一般和身份证办理在同一地点)

 (4) 2寸彩色证件照一张 (建议多准备几张照片,以防出现意外情况) 

(5) 注册报名费(现金代缴或信用卡支付)   

非在校学员所需准备的注册资料 (原件、复印件和译文)

(1) 中英文个人身份证件或护照   

(2) 中英文学历证明(毕业证及学位证) (大专及其以上的学历)  

(3) 2寸彩色证件照一张(同样建议多备几张以备不时之需)  




(1) 在线注册地址http://www.accaglobal.com/en/qualifications/apply-now.html

(2) 填写相关个人信息(如姓名、性别、出生日期等)(注意:填写有效的信息,方便联系到你)

(3) 填写相关个人学历信息(如毕业院校、学历、专业等)

(4) 在线上传注册资料

(5) 若学员计划申请免试,在填写完毕Your Qualifications之后,系统便会自动显示学员有可能获得的免试科目,最终免试结果以注册成功后ACCA英国总部的审核结果为准;如需放弃免试,需点击相应科目Give Up选项(6) 若学员放弃牛津布鲁克斯大学的学位申请资格

需在Bsc Degree处勾选是否放弃第三步:支付注册费用

(1) 可使用VISAMasterCard信用卡(见信用卡面logo

(2) 可使用双币信用卡

(3) 双币信用卡可为人民币+美金,也可为人民币+英镑,美金版信用卡会将ACCA扣除的英镑自动转换为美金

(4) 卡面上无VISAMasterCard的信用卡(如JCBAmericanExpress等)皆不可用

(5) 可使用支付宝

(6) 可使用银联借记卡


将填写完整的网上报名注册表(在英文网站上注册完成后可以打印出两页的PDF文件)、中文学员登记表请先打印再点击提交,以及其他相关材料交至代表处或直接寄往英国总部。北京、上海和广州的学员报名注册后,领取学员手册,外地学员通过邮寄到代表处注册的学员由当地代表处寄发。 (需要注意的事,因为相关注册表是寄往国外,因此花费的时间相对来说可能较长,请大家耐心等待)


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) non-consolidated entities under common control. (4 marks)

(c) Non-consolidated entities under common control
■ Horizontal groups of entities under common control were a significant feature of the Enron and Parmalat business
■ Such business empires increase audit risk as fraud is often disguised through labyrinthine group structures. Hence
auditors need to understand and confirm the economic purpose of entities within business empires (as well as special
purpose entities (SPEs) and non-trading entities).
■ Horizontal groups fall outside the requirement for the preparation of group accounts. It is not only finance that is offbalance
sheet when controlled entities are excluded from consolidated financial statements.
■ In the absence of consolidated financial statements, users of accounts of entities in horizontal groups have to rely on the
disclosure of related party transactions and control relationships for information about transactions and arrangements
with other group entities. Difficulties faced by auditors include:
? failing to detect related party transactions and control relationships;
? not understanding the substance of transactions with entities under common control;
? excessively creative tax planning;
? the implications of transfer pricing (e.g. failure to recognise profits unrealised at the business empire level);
? a lack of access to relevant confidential information held by others;
? relying on representations made in good faith by those whom the auditors believe manage the company when
control rests elsewhere.
■ Audit work is inevitably increased if an auditor is put upon inquiry to investigate dubious transactions and arrangements.
However, the complexity of business empires across multiple jurisdictions with different auditors may deter auditors from
liaising with other auditors (especially where legal or professional confidentiality considerations prevent this).

(c) Assuming that Joanne registers for value added tax (VAT) with effect from 1 April 2006:

(i) Calculate her income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) payable for the year of assessment 2005/06.

You are not required to calculate any national insurance liabilities in this sub-part. (6 marks)



(c) You have been making preliminary inquiries regarding matters arising from the previous year’s audit of Di Rollo.

It has been revealed that no action has been taken in response to the management letter prepared by the previous

auditors. Di Rollo’s management has explained that this was because it was ‘poorly prepared’ and ‘unhelpful’.


Briefly describe various criteria against which the effectiveness of a management letter may be assessed.

(7 marks)

(c) Management letter effectiveness criteria
Tutorial note: Candidates at this level must know that a management letter is a letter of weakness (also called post-audit
letter). NO marks will be awarded for consideration of any other letters (e.g. management representation letters, engagement
■ Timeliness – a management letter should be issued as soon as possible after completion of the audit procedures giving
rise to comment. This is particularly important when audit work is carried out on more than one audit visit and where
it is a matter of urgency that management make improvements to their procedures (e.g. where there is evidence of
serious weakness).
■ Clarity – wording must be clear so that recipients understand the significance of weaknesses that are being drawn to
their attention. It is particularly important that implications are explained clearly in terms that will prompt management
to respond positively (e.g. drawing attention to the risks of financial loss arising).
■ Illustrative – specific illustrative examples (e.g. of where controls have not been evidenced) should aid management in
understanding the nature of the problem(s).
■ Constructive comments/advice – recommendations for improvements must be practicable (i.e. appropriate and costeffective
in the light of the client’s resources) if the client is to take corrective action.
■ Conciseness – unnecessary volume will distract management from new/additional matters that require their attention.
For example, matters adequately dealt with in the internal auditor’s report should not be repeated.
■ Factual accuracy is essential. Inaccuracies will not only aggravate the client and appear unprofessional but could, in rare
circumstances, result in liability. Similarly, the letter should not criticise (or ‘cast aspersions’) on individual staff members
if it is the system that is inadequate.
■ A suitable structure – for example ‘tiered’, where the report contains matters of varying levels of significance. By directing
different classes of matters to the appropriate level or area of responsibility action by management can be taken more
speedily and constructively.
Tutorial note: An alternative structure might be one that sequences those recommendations that improve
profitability/cash flows before those that deal with information systems.
■ Inclusion of staff responses – both to advise senior management of action proposed/being taken by their staff and to give
credit to recommendations for improvements where it is due (e.g. where client’s staff have proposed recommendations).
■ Inclusion of management’s response – an indication of the actions that management intends to take is more likely to
result in action being taken. Discussing findings with management first should also ensure their factual accuracy.
■ Client’s perspective – implications from the client’s viewpoint (e.g. in terms of cost savings) are more likely to be acted
on than those expressed from an audit perspective (e.g. in terms of lowered audit risk).
■ Professional tone – should not be offensive. Comments that fault management’s knowledge, competence, motives or
integrity are likely to provoke defensive reactions. Comments should be positive/constructive by emphasising
Tutorial notes: Other points that candidates may include:
■ Inclusion of matters of future relevance
■ Cost effectiveness – minutes of discussions with management instead of a formal weakness letter
■ Not raising ‘people problems’ in such a formal communication (a confidential discussion is preferable).

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