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更多 “Entity” 相关考题
考题 变量是一种局部量,变量可在以下哪些位置进行定义 A.process、architecture、entityB.process、function、procedureC.function、entity、packageD.entity、package、procedure

考题 In 20×8,following events related to Entity A were noted:(1)Entity A sells goods with a warranty under which customers are covered for the cost of repairs of any manufacturing defects that become apparent within the first twelve months after purchase If minor defects were detected in all products sold, repair costs of RMB 6 000 000 would result. Entity A’s past experience and future expectations indicate that ,for the coming year,60 per cent of the goods sold in 20×8 will have minor defects and 10 per cent of the goods sold in 20×8 will have major defects.(2)In November20×8,a customer sued Entity A and made a claim for damages of RMB 2 500 000,as Entity A failed to deliver the goods to the customer in time according to the delivery term of relevant sales contract. When Entity A prepared the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 20×8,its lawyers advised that it was probable that Entity a Would be found liable for making a payment of RMB 2 000 000 to the customer for compensation.(3)Under new environment protection legislation, Entity A is required to fit smoke filters, which costs about RMB20 000 000,to its factories by 30 June 2008.Entity A has not fitted the smoke filters at 31 December 2008.Based on the best estimate of the management of Entity A, it is more likely that Entity A will be imposed a penalty of RMB 10 000 000.(4)Entity A is required by law to overhaul its equipments once three years. The estimated remaining useful life of the equipments is 18 years. Entity A just spent RMB 6 000 000 in overhauling is equipments in 2007.(5)Entity A entered into a sales contract with a customer in November 2008 to sell an equipment at the price of RMB 50 000 000.According to the sales contract, Entity A shall deliver the equipments to the customer in the end of 2009 and the amount of penalty is RMB 600 000 if Entity A or the customer fail to fulfill the contract. Entity A’s original estimated cost of fulfilling the sales contract is about RMB 45 000 000.However,due to the increase of the purchase prices of relevant raw materials, the estimated cost of fulfilling the sales contract increased to RMB 55 000 000 in the end of 2008.No inventory has been prepared by Entity A for the production of the equipment by the end of 2008.Requirement:According to the events described above, determine whether any provision should be recognized in Entity A’s financial statement for the year ended 31 December 2008.If any provision should be recognized, calculate the amount of provision and prepare related journal entries.

考题 when the system upon which a transport entity is running fails and subsequently reatarts,the()information of all active connections is lost.the affected connections become half-open,as the side that did not fail does not yet realize the promble. The still active side of a half-open connections using a()timer.this timer measures the time transport machine will continue to await an()of a transmitted segment after the segment has been retransmitted the maximum number of times.when the timer(),the transport entity assumes that either the other transport entity or the intervening network has failed.as a result,the timer closes the connection,and signals an abnormal close to the TS user. In the event that a transport entity fails and quickly restart,half-open connections can be teminated more quickly by the use of the RST segment.the failed side returns an RST I to every segment I that it receives.when the RST I reaches the other side,it must be checked for validity dased on the ()number I,as the RST could be in response to an old segment .if the reset is valid,the transport entity performs an abnormal termination.A.data B.state C.signal D.control A.give-up B.abandon C.quit D.connection A.reset B.acknowledgment C.sequence D.synchroizer A.stops B.restarts C.expires D.abandons A.sequence B.acknowledgment C.connection D.message

考题 (b) Discuss the nature of the following issues in developing IFRSs for SMEs.(i) The purpose of the standards and the type of entity to whom they should apply. (7 marks)

考题 (d) Discuss the main benefits that might accrue from the successful implementation of a Total QualityManagement programme by the management of the combined entity. (5 marks)

考题 对于eNB中配置的一个RLC实体,在『____』中对应配置有一个对等RLC实体。(If an RLC entity is configured in eNB,there will be a peer RLC entity in『____』.)

考题 UM RLC实体的SN由RRC配置,长度为『____』bit或『____』bit。( SN of UM RLC entity is configured by RRC,the length is 『____』bit or 『____』bit. )

考题 The underlying purpose of accounting is to provide ______ for decision making about an economic entity.A.commercial informationB.financial informationC.cash positionD.income distribution

考题 For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its owners if the entity is ( ). A.a proprietorshipB.a partnershipC.all of the aboveD.a corporation

考题 Where is the IS-IS Network Entity Title configured?() A.per IP interfaceB. per virtual routerC. only on LAN interfacesD. only on WAN interfaces

考题 When the system upon which a transport entity is running fails and subsequently restarts, the(66)information of all active connections is lost. The affected connections become half-open, as the side that did not fail does not yet realize the problem.The still active side of a half-open connection can close the connection using a(67)timer. This timer measures the time the transport machine will continue to await an(68)of a transmitted segment after the segment has been retransmitted the maximum number of times. When the timer(69), the transport entity assumes that either the other transport entity or the intervening network has failed. As a result, the timer closes the connection, and signals an abnormal close to the TS user.In the event that a transport entity fails and quickly restarts, half-open connections can be terminated more quickly by the use of the RST segment. The failed side returns an RST i to every segment i that it receives. When the RST i reaches the other side, it must be checked for validity based on the(70)number i, as the RST could be in response to an old segment. If the reset is valid, the transport entity performs an abnormal termination.A.dataB.stateC.signalD.control

考题 The entity-relationship(E-R)data model is based on a perception of a real world that consists of a clletion of basic objects,called( ),and of relationships among these objects.An entity is a“thing”or"object"in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects.Entities are described in a database by asetof( ):A relationship isan association among several entities.The set of all entities of the same type and the set of all relationships of the ametype are termed an entity sct and relationship set,respectively.The overall logical structure(schema)of a database can be expressed graphically by an E-R diagram,which is built up from the fllowing components:( )represent entity set,( )represent atributes,ete.In addition to entities and relations,the E-R model represents certain(请作答此空)to which thecontents of a database must conform.The entity-relationship model is widely used in database design.A.things B.objects C.conditions D.constrains

考题 什么是实体(entity)?


考题 使用HQL查询所有部门信息,以下正确的是()。A、from DeptB、select*from cn.jbit.demo.entity.DeptC、select Dept from cn.jbit.demo.entity.Dept dD、select d from Dept d

考题 In an n-tier application, which two invocations are typically remote, not local?()A、JSP to Transfer ObjectB、Service Locator to JNDIC、Controller to request objectD、Transfer Object to Entity BeanE、Controller to Business Delegate

考题 自律机的通用配置文件中()是网络服务配置文件。A、commhost.cfgB、commsvc.cfgC、entity.cfgD、snmp.cfg

考题 实体Entity

考题 When the system upon which a transport entity is running fails and subsequently restarts,the(21) information of all active connections is lost. The affected connections become half-open, as the side that did not fail does not yet realize the problem.The still active side of a half-open connections can close the connection using a(22)timer. This timer measures the time the transport machine will continue to await an (23) of a transmitted segment after the segment has been retransmitted the maximum number of times.When the timer (24),the transport entity assumes that either the other transport entity or the intervening network has failed. As a result, the timer closes the connection, and signals an abnormal close to the TS user. In the event that a transport entity fails and quickly restarts, half-open connections can be terminated more quickly by the use of the RST segment, the failed side returns an RST i to every segment i that it receives. When the RST i reaches the other side, it must be checked for validity based on the (25) number i, as the RST could be in response to an old segment. If the reset is valid, the transport entity performs an abnormal termination. 空白处(25)应选择()A、sequenceB、acknowledgmentC、connectionD、message

考题 Which four components make up the Network Entity Title (NET) of an IS-IS router?()A、AFB、AFIC、MACD、AreaE、SysIDF、A-SelectorG、N-SelectorH、IP-address

考题 多选题What are the two components of HTTP acceleration? ()(Choose two.)AcachingBprefetchCheader cachingDcontent or entity caching

考题 多选题Identify three correct statements of a multi-org setup. ()(Choose three.)AA Government Reporting Entity (GRE)/Legal Entity can point to one and only one Set of Books.BInventory Orgs can be associated directly with a GRE/Legal Entity.CThe creation of a Master Inventory organization is mandatory.DOne and only one Operating Unit can be associated with a GRE/Legal Entity.EOne Set of Books can have one or many GRE's/Legal Entities associated with it.

考题 多选题Which three components are part of the Network Entity Title (NET) on an IS-IS router?()AAFIBMACCareaDN-SelectorEIP address

考题 名词解释题实体Entity

考题 问答题什么是实体(entity)?

考题 多选题In an n-tier application, which two invocations are typically remote, not local?()AJSP to Transfer ObjectBService Locator to JNDICController to request objectDTransfer Object to Entity BeanEController to Business Delegate

考题 多选题Which four components make up the Network Entity Title (NET) of an IS-IS router?()AAFBAFICMACDAreaESysIDFA-SelectorGN-SelectorHIP-address