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“vegetable soup”的意思是()

  • A、蔬菜少司
  • B、生菜卷
  • C、红菜汤
  • D、蔬菜汤


更多 ““vegetable soup”的意思是()A、蔬菜少司B、生菜卷C、红菜汤D、蔬菜汤” 相关考题
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考题 In addition to rice, we need to( )our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. A、supplementB、replaceC、addD、eat

考题 If you would like to have some vegetable beef, what may be your choice?A.French Slam? B.Chicken-Fried Steak?C.The Super Bird? D.Sandwich with Salad or Soup?

考题 I like to eat ( ), but I don’t like ( ). A、vegetable/ meatsB、fruit/ orangeC、banana/ fruitD、vegetables/ meat

考题 Would you like ______some vegetable?A、buyB、to buyC、buyingD、bought

考题 “cold fruit soup” 的意思是( ) 。A.水果冷汤B.水果汤C.胡萝卜蓉汤D.豌豆蓉汤

考题 In addition to rice, we need to()our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.AsupplementBreplaceCaddDeat

考题 In Ireland the agricultural enterprise producing the most income is().A、forestryB、vegetable growingC、sugar refiningD、animal husbandry

考题 “This soup is thick,it should be a bit thinner”的中文意思为()。A、这汤太稀了,应该再浓一些。B、这汤太稠了,应该再稀一些。C、汁太多了,应少一些。D、汁太粘稠了,应该多放一些汤。

考题 Vegetable Scoop的中文是()。A、蔬菜盆B、蔬菜锅C、切片器D、挖球器

考题 “What soup are you going to prepare?”的意思是您有什么汤供应?

考题 “The cream soup is too clear,add more,please.”,这句话的意思是()。A、这奶油少司太稠,请多加一些奶。B、这菜做得太淡,请多加一点调味汁。C、这奶油汤太稀,请再多加些奶油。D、这奶油汤太稠,请多加一些汤。

考题 “cold tomato soup”的意思是番茄冷汤。

考题 “oxtail soup”的意思是牛尾汤。

考题 当你向别人请教某种汤的制作时,你可以说()。A、Could you tell me the way to cook the soup?B、Can you tell me how to do the sauce?C、what is the way to fix soup?D、what method do you use to cook this soup?

考题 “cold tomato soup”的意思是()A、土豆冷汤B、番茄冷汤C、土豆蓉汤D、西红柿汤

考题 “cold fruit soup”的意思是()A、水果冷汤B、水果汤C、胡萝卜蓉汤D、豌豆蓉汤

考题 “onion soup”的意思是()A、红菜汤B、葱头汤C、番茄汁D、牡蛎汁

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考题 “onion soup”的意思是红菜汤。

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考题 “boiled ox breast with vegetable”的意思是()A、煮鸡腿配蔬菜B、煮牛胸配蔬菜C、煮鱼配蔬菜D、焖牛肉配蔬菜

考题 汤匙的英语是()。A、dessert spoonB、service spoonC、tea spoonD、soup spoon

考题 蔬菜汁饮料 vegetable juice drinks

考题 Hot  Sour Soup是()。A、酸辣汤B、热汤C、粟米羹D、酸汤

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