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The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means().









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更多 “单选题The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means().A displacementB fumigationC dischargingD compensation” 相关考题
考题 It took me quite a while to ( ) the questionnaire. A、fill outB、fill withC、fill up with

考题 Watertight compartments are separated by ________A.engine roomsB.tweendecksC.dunnagesD.decks and bulkheads

考题 They had ____ themselves and their followers that it was a necessary act of disinfection. A、believedB、bewilderedC、convincedD、argued

考题 The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means ______.A.fumigationB.dischargingC.CompensationD.displacement

考题 下面哪些句子正确表达"请填写这张表格。"() A、Please fill in this form.B、Please fill this form.C、Please fill on this form.D、Please fill out this form.

考题 Please (填写)_____ this visitor’s registry book.A.fill withB.fill inC.fill awayD.fill up

考题 The International Loadline Certificate is a document indicating ______ of the various loadlines of the vessel.A.functionsB.importancesC.actionsD.positions

考题 Floors aboard ship are ______.A.also called decksB.vertical transverse plates connecting the vertical keel with the margin platesC.large beams fitted in various parts of the vessel for additional strengthD.found in passenger and berthing spaces only

考题 Your vessel has a gasoline engine and a mechanical exhaust ventilation system.BEFORE starting the engine,the exhaust blower should be run long enough to ______.A.warm up the exhaust blower motorB.provide a proper supply of fresh air for the engine(s)C.see the system is in good operating conditionD.insure at least one complete change of air in the compartments concerned

考题 A vessel is described as a two compartment vessel when it ______.A.has no more than two compartmentsB.has two compartments in addition to the engine roomC.will sink if any two compartments are floodedD.will float if any two adjacent compartments are flooded

考题 A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking.The greater danger to holed vessel is that flooding of its compartments will make the ship unstable enough to capsize.It is estimated that nearly half the ships lost during the second world war capsized because of loss of sability.Pacer Systems of Burlington.Massachusetts,has now reineda system( )by a reserve US Navy officer,Stephen Drabouski,which effectively thought out alternative strategies for the ship.A.owned B.searched C.captured D.devised

考题 Please (填写)()this visitor’s registry book.A、fill withB、fill inC、fill awayD、fill up

考题 氯化消毒副产物(chorinated disinfection by-producls)

考题 船体被划分为一系列水密隔舱。()A、The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments.B、The hull is divided into a number of gastight compartments.C、The hull is divided into a number of water compartments.D、The hull is divided into a number of tight compartments.

考题 disinfection

考题 消毒(disinfection)

考题 单选题The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means().A displacementB fumigationC dischargingD compensation

考题 单选题The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling them with a gaseous agents to destroy rats etc.means().A fire drillsB washing and cleaningC fumigationD quarantine

考题 单选题Your vessel is damaged,listing to port and on occasion flopping to the same angle to starboard. It has a long,slow,sluggish roll around the angle of list. There is excessive trim by the stern with little freeboard aft. What action should you take?().A Jettison any off-center topside weights to lower GM and correct the listB Pump out any slack after double-bottom tanks to reduce free surface and increase freeboard aftC Pump out the after peak and fill the forepeak to change the trimD Press up any slack double-bottom tanks forward of the tipping center,then fill the forepeak if empty

考题 单选题Floors aboard ship are().A also called decksB vertical transverse plates connecting the vertical keel with the margin platesC large beams fitted in various parts of the vessel for additional strengthD found in passenger and berthing spaces only

考题 单选题()(水密舱) are in the hull.A Gastight compartmentsB Watertight compartmentsC Water compartmentsD Tight compartments

考题 单选题A vessel is described as a two compartment vessel when it().A has no more than two compartmentsB has two compartments in addition to the engine roomC will sink if any two compartments are floodedD will float if any two adjacent compartments are flooded

考题 单选题The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating () of the various load lines of the vessel.A decksB cabinsC holdsD positions

考题 单选题A vessel loads edible oil in a deep tank through a manhole at the midlength of the tank. In order to fill the tank to maximum capacity,what trim should the vessel have?()A Down by the bowB Down by the sternC Down by either the bow or sternD In level trim

考题 单选题The disinfection of various compartment in a vesel by filling them with a gaseous agents to destroy rats ect.means().A fire drillsB washing and cleaningC fumigationD quarantine

考题 单选题When fueling has been completed().A the fuel tank fill pipe should be left open to allow vapors to vent from the tankB the engine should be started immediately to prevent vapor lock in the fuel lineC all hatches should be opened and all compartments should be ventilatedD open the fuel line and drain a small amount of gasoline into the bilge to clear the line of sediment

考题 名词解释题氯化消毒副产物(chorinated disinfection by-producls)

考题 单选题船体被划分为一系列水密隔舱。()A The hull is divided into a number of watertight compartments.B The hull is divided into a number of gastight compartments.C The hull is divided into a number of water compartments.D The hull is divided into a number of tight compartments.