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更多 “单选题下列滤油器中属易清洗的有()。A 网式B 纸质C 线隙式D A和C” 相关考题
考题 单选题However, reception of certain types of MSI messages, such as shore to ship distress alerts and navigational and meteorological warning are().A selective and can be suppressed by shipsB mandatory and can not be suppressed by ships in the affected areaC not very important so that ships don‟t require themD received by all ships wherever they are

考题 单选题龙骨线是指()。A 中站面与船体型表面底部的交线B 中线面与船体型表面底部的交线C 基平面与中站面的交线D 基平面与中线面的交线

考题 单选题使用随动系统操舵的正确步骤是()。 ①选择开关置于"随动"位置; ②主电源箱的转换开关由"0"旋至"1"或"2"的位置; ③电源开关置于"自(随)动"位置; ④机组开关拔至"1"或"2"的位置。A ①②③④B ②①③④C ②③①④D ②④③①

考题 单选题在用比例调节器调节的温度系统中,温度变化到量程最大范围时,调节阀开度只变化了40%,则此比例带为()。A 250%B 40%C 400%D 60%

考题 单选题在远洋运输中使用的货物标志一般包括:()(1)主标志;(2)副标志;(3)注意标志;(4)指示标志;(5)警戒标志。A (1)~(3)B (4)(5)C (2)~(4)D (2)~(5)

考题 单选题真空沸腾式海水淡化装置正常使用中最容易漏气而使真空度降低的地方通常是()。A 蒸馏器盖板B 蒸馏器真空破坏阀C 凝水泵轴封和阀杆填料D 海水泵轴封和阀杆填料

考题 单选题现对船舶机舱单元组合式报警系统进行试灯操作。试灯后,报警指示灯显示屏上原先常亮指示灯();原先闪亮指示灯()。A 熄灭/熄灭B 熄灭/常亮C 闪亮/常亮D 常亮/闪亮

考题 单选题Which of the listed conditions can cause a diesel engine to use too much lube oil?()A Dirty lube oil filterB Too much piston ring wearC High lube oil viscosityD Low lube oil temperature

考题 单选题在正应变相同时,正应力()的材料的拉压弹性模量()。A 越大;越大B 越大;越小C 越小;越大D 都无法确定

考题 单选题测者1的经度λ1=110W的地方平时LMT1=08h(15/9),此刻测者2的经度λ2=125W的地方平时LMT2=()。A 09h(15/9)B 07h(15/9)C 08h(14/9)D 08h(14/9)

考题 单选题齿面胶合是由于齿轮啮合表面瞬间发生()而引起的磨损失效形式。A 干摩擦B 边界摩擦C 液体摩擦D 混合摩擦

考题 单选题The () or balance tank collects the re-circulated fuel oil.A overflowingB sumpC bilgeD buffer

考题 单选题在采用液压调速器的气动主机遥控系统中,若工作气源突然中断,则调速器的输出为()。A 最低稳定转速所对应的油量B 输出的油量为零C 主机最高转速所对应的油量D 输出的油量不变

考题 单选题How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart?()A Gray lines on the uppermost inset chartB Red lines on the main body of the chartC In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variationD Annual rate of change is not shown

考题 单选题ARPA显示器显示的综合态势图中,下列哪种说法正确()A 真矢量和相对矢量是定性符B 捕捉符和标识符是定性符C 限制线和历史航迹是定量符D A+B正确

考题 单选题平均高潮间隙是指()。A 由朔望至大潮实际发生的时间间隔B 由每天月中天时刻至高潮时的时间间隔的长期平均值C 由朔望至实际大潮高潮发生的时间间隔D 由每月中天时刻至实际大潮高潮时的时间间隔的长期平均值

考题 单选题A mercurial barometer at sea is subject to rapid variations in height (“pumping”) due to the pitch and roll of the vessel. To avoid this error,measurements of atmospheric pressure at sea are usually measured with a(n)().A syphon barometerB cistern barometerC aneroid barometerD fortin barometer

考题 单选题In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch,you make an error in writing an entry. What is the proper way of correcting this error? ()A Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctlyB Cross out the error with a single line,write the correct entry,and initial itC Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctlyD Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page

考题 单选题The approximate positions of the stars are based on sidereal time,which is based upon rotation of the Earth relative to().A winter solsticeB autumnal equinoxC summer solsticeD vernal equinox

考题 单选题前进中的双车船,采取下列何种操纵方法,()使船舶向右旋回圈最小。A 右满舵,左车和右车全速进车B 右满舵,右车停车,左车全速进车C 右满舵,左车全速倒车,右车全速进车D 右满舵,右车全速倒车,左车全速进车

考题 单选题在对喷油泵供油量检查时,对喷油泵停油位置的检查目的是()。A 保证可靠停车B 防止柴油机运转中熄火C 控制最低稳定转速D 检查各缸供油均匀性

考题 单选题IMOMEPC(52)同意指定()为经修正的附则Ⅰ中新的特殊区域。A 地中海区域B 南极区域C 泛加勒比海区域D 阿曼海域

考题 单选题柴油机气缸冷却水系统安装锌块可以防止()。A 低温腐蚀B 高温腐蚀C 石墨化腐蚀D 氧浓差腐蚀

考题 单选题液压试验法,适用于()的检查。A 强度要求高的零件B 有密封性要求的零件C 检查表面有无缺陷的零件D A、B、C

考题 单选题() are used for cargo handling.A CranesB Mooring winchesC WindlassesD Foreman

考题 单选题离心式给水泵随着锅炉压力的升高,泵的()。A 轴功率增大B 轴功率下降C 流量增大D B和C

考题 单选题You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker and will carry cargoes of allyl alcohol,benzene,and propanolamine. Which of the following is true? ()A All of these cargoes are mutually compatibleB Benzene may not be carried in a tank adjacent to either of the other two cargoesC Allyl alcohol is incompatible with propanolamine but both are compatible with benzeneD Propanolamine is compatible with allyl alcohol but must be segregated from benzene

考题 单选题在中波波段,船用天线可等效为()A 小电阻与电坑元件串联B 大电阻与电感串联C 大电阻与电容串联D 小电阻与电容串联