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二次污染物(seasndury pollution)


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考题 In the writer's view, the more new goods there are,______.A. the less pollution we haveB. the harder pollution can be done away withC. the more pollution there will beD. the more easily pollution can be controlled

考题 People can help solve the problem of pollution by______.A. urging their governments to control litter and wasteB. cutting down the use of oil and other oil productsC. reducing unnecessary buying, over-consumption and careless disposal of wastesD. making anti-pollution advertisements

考题 According to the passage, the most ambitious effort to control pollution ______.[A]could help improve the local economy[B]will be financially supported by the truckers[C]may depend on independent contractors[D]will upgrade all the trucks to reduce pollution

考题 It' high time that we______(do)something to stop pollution.

考题 There is a growing ()ABout the effects of pollution on health.A、problemB、counselingC、concernD、debate

考题 二次污染物(名词解释)

考题 The problem is()by pollution.AcausedBbecauseCdueDbecause of

考题 酸雨属于二次污染物

考题 二次污染物(seasndury pollution)

考题 二次污染物

考题 英译中:Air pollution

考题 名词解释题二次污染物(seasndury pollution)

考题 问答题Directions:  Cars play an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.   Write an essay on car and air pollution and base your composition on the outline below:  (1)the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars;  (2)your suggestions on how to deal with the problem.  You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 问答题Directions:  Cars play an important role in modern society. But they are also responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities.   Write an essay on car and air pollution and base your composition on the outline below:  (1)the serious problem of air pollution caused by cars;  (2)your suggestions on how to deal with the problem.  You should write about 160-200 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 单选题If a vessel moored at a U-Sterminal does not comply with coast guard pollution prevention regulation, it may be detained by the ()A Inspector generalB Captain of the portC local port authorityD state pollution board

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portions of sentences 10 and 11 (reproduced below)?For instance, one candidate might want to eliminate environmental regulations so his industrial supporters can get richer. But you have asthma that is affected by the pollution or you'd rather not swim in a lake that has become polluted because of it.A (as it is now)B for the financial benefit of his industrial supporters, but to the detriment of your asthma and your favorite swimming lake, which are harmed by pollution.C for his industrial supporters' wealth, but you have asthma and your favorite swim- ming lake is getting worse because of pollution.D for his industrial supporters' wealth, but not for your asthma and your favorite swimming lake is harmed by pollution.E for the financial benefit of his industrial supporters, but to the detriment of your asthma and your favorite swimming lake are harmed by pollution.

考题 填空题Oil pollution is mentioned as the most visible and familiar marine pollution.____

考题 单选题The latest annex of MARPOL 73/78 is about()A the Prevention of Pollution by OilB the Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkC Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from ShipsD Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships

考题 单选题The Pollution Prevention Regulations require that all oil spills in United States water be reported immediately to the ().A local port authorityB Corps of EngineersC USCoast GuardD state pollution board

考题 单选题The problem is()by pollution.A causedB becauseC dueD because of

考题 单选题What is the passage mainly about?A How to fight air pollution in big cities.B How to avoid air pollution in big cities.C How to breathe fresh air in big cities.D How serious air pollution is in big cities.

考题 名词解释题污染预防(Pollution Prevention)

考题 名词解释题二次污染物

考题 单选题关于污染物在大气中转归的叙述,下列哪项最全面?(  )A 自净、转移、形成二次污染、转化成二次污染物B 自净、转移、转化成二次污染物、稀释C 自净、形成二次污染、转化成二次污染物、稀释D 自净、转移、挥发、沉降E 转移、形成二次污染、转化成二次污染物

考题 单选题All engineer officers and engine room ratings shall be aware of the serious effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall take all possible() to prevent such pollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international and port regulations.A stepsB proceduresC precautionsD programs