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Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson is popular because he has fun and it shows.____


根据题干信息“Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson”可以定位到E段“Why do most people seem to enjoy Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson? Because the guy has fun and it shows”,大多数人喜欢Richard Branson是因为他是有趣的人并且表现了出来,故匹配段落为E。
更多 “填空题Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson is popular because he has fun and it shows.____” 相关考题
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考题 单选题What does the author mean when he says, “we can’t turn the clock back” (Line 1, Para.3)?A It’s impossible to slow down the pace of change.B The social reality children are facing cannot be changed.C Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.D It’s impossible to forget the past.

考题 单选题A A man who can make decisions.B A man who can cooperate with others well.C A man who doesn’t mind working overtime.D A man who cares little about money.

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考题 单选题A It affects the growth of trees.B It has been increasing since the Ice Age.C It is determined by the chemicals in the air.D It follows a certain cycle.

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考题 单选题A They were nicer and gentler.B They paid more attention to their appearance.C They were willing to spend more money on clothes.D They were more aware of changes in fashion.

考题 单选题A The school stopped providing school lunch.B Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.C Some parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.D These children chose to have something different

考题 问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Immoral Behavior in Public. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

考题 问答题Practice 5  如果没有发达的物流系统(logistics system)将货物分发到全球市场,即使一个区域的生产能力再强,所有生产都将是无用的劳动。在“泛珠”(Pan-PRD)这个面积和人口占全国三分之一的大区域里,要实现整体的经济一体化以发挥该区域的综合竞争优势,首先要实现的是实物商品的高度流通。因此,一个高效的区域物流体系则是必不可少的。

考题 问答题Practice 6  金融体制改革是我们经济体制改革的重头戏。中国金融体系存在许多问题,最主要的就是银行不良贷款比例较高,存在着很大的金融隐患。主要原因在于体制,必须加快对银行体制的改革。我们的目标是建立现代银行制度,使银行能够成为自主经营、自负盈亏、真正的商业银行。我们要创造条件实行银行公司治理结构的改造,实行股份制(share-holding system),具备条件的,允许上市。

考题 单选题A It should be at 11:00.B It can be a bit earlier.C He objects to having one.D It shouldn’t be changed.

考题 单选题The first paragraph tells us that a new product is _____.A not easily accepted by the publicB often inferior to old ones at firstC often more expensive than old onesD usually introduced to satisfy different tastes

考题 单选题The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are _____.A surprisingB confusingC illogicalD questionable

考题 单选题Considered judgment is different from personal preference in that _____.A it is stated by judges in the courtB it reflects public like and dislikesC it is a result of a lot of controversyD it is based on careful thought

考题 填空题It’s not advisable visualizing your success and replaying negative stuff in your head.____