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更多 “单选题某纬度圈上有两点,用该纬度上经度1’长度为单位量取其长度,所得数值为该两点间的(),用该纬度处纬度1’长度为单位量取其距离,所得数值为两点()A 经差;东西距B 东西距;经差C 经差;纬差D 东西距;实际距离” 相关考题
考题 单选题B站工作系统中()纠错码.A BCH码B 奇偶数验码C 卷积码D 恒比码

考题 单选题When the heat load begins to increase, the needle valve of an expansion valve will()A move in an opening directionB move in a closing directionC either open or closeD not move at all

考题 单选题All electrical appliances aboard a vessel should be grounded to().A prevent them from falling when the vessel rollsB protect personnel from electrical shockC increase their operating efficiencyD prevent unauthorized personnal from operating them

考题 单选题A sufficient amount of chain must be veered when anchoring a vessel to ensure().A the vessel has enough room to swing while at anchorB the anchor flukes bite into the ocean bottomC there is a sufficient scope of chain to keep the anchor on the bottomD there is more chain out than there is in the chain locker

考题 单选题船舶电台之间进行DSC日常呼叫应使用频率()A 2177KHzB 156.525MHzC 2189.5KHzD A或B

考题 单选题“How do you read?” “I read you four”().A excellentB badC fairD good

考题 单选题船舶通用管系包括()。 Ⅰ压载水系统 Ⅱ通风系统 Ⅲ舱底水系统 Ⅳ消防系统 Ⅴ燃油系统 Ⅵ压缩空气系统。A Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣB Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、ⅥC Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅤD Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ

考题 单选题下列()不属于散装谷物满载舱的止移措施。A 散装谷物捆包B 托盘C 谷物表面固定装置D 设置纵隔壁

考题 单选题The water in an auxiliary boiler should be tested daily for ().A dissolved oxygenB chloridesC sludgeD dissolved nitrogen

考题 单选题SOLAS公约附则共()。A 9章B 11章C 12章D 13章

考题 单选题我国《海上交通安全法》规定,船舶除下列哪项外,主管机关有权禁止其离港或令其停航、改航、停止作业()A 处于不适航状态B 发生交通事故手续未清C 普通船员生病下船,无人接替时D 未向有关部门交付应承担的费用

考题 单选题决定ARPA试操船结果的依据是()A 目标船真矢量与本船真矢量不相交B 目标船相对矢量不通过本船C PAD偏离本船航向线D 碰撞危险警根解除

考题 单选题在船舶电站中,自动起动备用发电机组的条件是()。 ①电网电压降低到欠压保护值时; ②电网中最小功率余量小于单机额定功率的25%; ③发电机组出现逆功现象时; ④脉冲分配器输出1信号; ⑤发电机组无起动阻塞信号; ⑥发电机组转换开关应在“自动”位置。A ①③⑤⑥B ②③④⑤C ①②③④D ②④⑤⑥

考题 单选题脉冲涡轮增压柴油机排气管分组的主要目的是()。A 更有效利用脉冲能B 防止扫、排气相互干扰C 方便增压系纯的布置D 提高涡轮工作效率

考题 单选题Modern engines () exhaust gas driven turbo-chargers to supply pressurized fresh air for scavenging and supercharging.A are made ofB are made fromC make use ofD are used to

考题 单选题When accepting engine room spares, you should()A send a requisition list to the supplierB check that whether the items ordered have been already deliveredC make the chief engineer on sportD follow a preset procedure

考题 单选题柴油机在推进特性下工作,当功率与转速变化时,其最低燃油消耗率一般在()。A 75%负荷左右B 85%负荷附近C 90%负荷左右D 95%负荷附近

考题 单选题What function is provided by the crankcase ventilation system on some diesel engines?()A Increases the sludge forming tendency of lube oilB Prevents the accumulation of combustible gasesC Improves lube oil coolingD Improves cold weather starting

考题 单选题()are increasingly used as main engine on merchant vessels, because they have a high Hp/Weight ratio.A Slow speed diesel enginesB Medium-speed diesel enginesC Steam enginesD Gasoline engines

考题 单选题U形管压力计充入水,读数时应从()。 Ⅰ.平面算起; Ⅱ.凹面算起; Ⅲ.凹面的平均高度算起。A ⅠB ⅡC ⅢD Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ都错

考题 单选题在AUSREP中,电报冠词PR表示该报为().A 航行计划报告B 船位报告C 离港报告D 改航报告

考题 单选题对需作双杆操作的轻型吊杆装置应进行双杆试验,其试验负荷应为安全工作负荷(SWL)的()。A 1.125倍B 1.11倍C 1.12倍D 1.15倍

考题 单选题磁罗经罗盘条型磁针的排列应与罗盘刻度NS轴()A 平行B 垂直C 对称平行D 对称垂直

考题 单选题用听棒听到废气涡轮增压器在运转中发出钝重的嗡嗡声音,说明增压器()。A 负荷过大B 失去动平衡C 润滑不良D 密封泄漏

考题 单选题某船观测得船首吃水为6.32m、6.34m,船尾吃水为6.97m、7.03m,船中吃水为6.53m、6.57m,则该轮平均吃水为()m(设Xf=0)。A 6.58B 6.97C 6.65D 6.59

考题 单选题如果柴油机超负荷运转,可能出现排烟的颜色是:().A 淡灰色B 兰色C 黑色D 白色

考题 单选题JMH波浪分析图上填绘的测站资料包括()。A 船(站)位及呼号,风向,风速B 船(站)位及呼号,云量,云状C 风浪向,涌浪向,风浪高,涌浪高,风浪周期,涌浪周期,水温D 船(站)位及呼号,气温,天气现象

考题 单选题If the operating element of a thermostatic valve installed in a diesel engine cooling system malfunctions, it may result in ()A a low level in the engine expansion tankB excessively high coolant pressureC improper temperaturesD malfunctioning of the jacket water heater