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You work in Dublin at the main office of TestKing.com. You are responsible for managing a SQL Server 2005 database. The sales department wants a report that compares customer activity in the previous quarter between the main office in Dublin and the branch office in Buenos Aires. They want the data sorted by surname and first name.You restore a recent backup of the Buenos Aires database onto your server. You write queries to build the report, ordering the data by the Surname and FirstName columns. You review the data and notice that the customer list from the Buenos Aires database is sorted differently. The sales department needs the revised data within 15 minutes for a presentation.  You need to implement the fastest possible solution that ensures that the data from both databases is sorted identically. What should you do?()

Use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the data in the Buenos Aires database to a new database with the same collation as the Dublin database.


Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to copy the data from the Buenos Airesdatabase into new tables, specifying the same collation as the Dublin database.


Modify the format file to specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Import the table again.


Modify the query on the Buenos Aires database to use the COLLATE setting in the ORDER BY clause. In the query, specify the same collation as the Dublin database.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You work in Dublin at the main office of TestKing.com. You are responsible for managing a SQL Server 2005 database. The sales department wants a report that compares customer activity in the previous quarter between the main office in Dublin and the branch office in Buenos Aires. They want the data sorted by surname and first name.You restore a recent backup of the Buenos Aires database onto your server. You write queries to build the report, ordering the data by the Surname and FirstName columns. You review the data and notice that the customer list from the Buenos Aires database is sorted differently. The sales department needs the revised data within 15 minutes for a presentation.  You need to implement the fastest possible solution that ensures that the data from both databases is sorted identically. What should you do?()A Use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the data in the Buenos Aires database to a new database with the same collation as the Dublin database.B Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to copy the data from the Buenos Airesdatabase into new tables, specifying the same collation as the Dublin database.C Modify the format file to specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Import the table again.D Modify the query on the Buenos Aires database to use the COLLATE setting in the ORDER BY clause. In the query, specify the same collation as the Dublin database.” 相关考题
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考题 填空题家庭自用车()年及以上车辆不得承保"自燃损失险",营业用货车的()年及以上车辆不得承保"火灾、爆炸、自燃损失险"。

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考题 单选题阅读作文教学案例(节选),按要求答题"这节课,我们上作文课。"(话音刚落,就听见几个学生唉声叹气,还隐约听见一句"真乏味!"我装作没听见)"怎么都愁眉苦脸啊?如果作文让你们这么痛苦,那就翻到《金色花》,让我们一起来欣赏大文豪泰戈尔的作品吧!"(我看见学生都露出笑脸,于是让学生有感情地朗读课文;第一遍,全班齐读,要求咬准字音,流利朗读;第二遍,男生朗读,要求读出感情。女生倾听后,评价男生的朗读)女生:"老师,我觉得男生的感情处理得不好。从课文第一句’假如我变成了一朵金色花’就可以看出,这是作者的想象,也就是说,作者渴望变成一朵金色花。所以,朗读时应读出渴望、向往之情来。"(我情不自禁地竖起大拇指,觉得目的达到了,学生体会到作者的想象,而这节作文课的主要目标就是培养学生的想象力)对该教学案例的分析,正确的是()。A 该教师把作文课变成阅读课,处理不当B 在学生朗读前,教师应该做一次示范C 注重读写结合,有助于培养学生的写作能力D 顺应学生学习兴趣,体现了学生的主导地位

考题 单选题下列哪一种题型可用来考查学生对知识的回忆,且可将学生的猜测可能性降低到最小()A 选择题B 论述题C 填空题D 是非题