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土工合成材料种类有:土工网、( )、玻纤网、土工垫等。











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更多 “多选题土工合成材料种类有:土工网、( )、玻纤网、土工垫等。A土工格栅B人工合成聚合物C土工模袋D土工织物E土工复合排水材料” 相关考题
考题 填空题艾森克用()两个维度来描述复杂的人格。

考题 单选题4.2006年我国申遗成功的项目有:()A 开平碉楼、皖南古村落B 四川大熊猫栖息地、安阳殷墟C 开平碉楼、安阳殷墟D 皖南古村落、安阳殷墟

考题 单选题两个耐火等级为二级的民用建筑之间的防火间距不应小于()m。A 6B 7C 8D 9

考题 单选题在进行账账核对时,与银行存款日记账相互核对的是()A 银行存款总账B 对账单C 现金日记账D 银行存款明细账

考题 单选题使用中国比内测验,6~7岁儿童从( )。A 第5题开始B 第6题开始C 第7题开始D 第8题开始

考题 单选题在Windows98下要激活一个快捷菜单的方法是( )A 单击鼠标左键B 单击鼠标右键C 双击鼠标左键D 双击鼠标右键

考题 单选题20世纪以来,以()为代表的中国革命先行者,首次明确提出了“振兴中华”的口号,要求“诸君立志”,把中国建设成为“世界第一富强之国”,奋起为实现民族复兴而战斗。A 康有为B 梁启超C 孙中山D 毛泽东

考题 单选题有学者认为:西周国家更像一个家族的扩大,贵族们通过对家族的认同形成对周朝国家的认同。这种认同的基础是()A 分封制B 宗法制C 礼乐制D 皇权专制

考题 单选题下列指标中属于结构相对指标的是()A 产值资金占用率B 物质生产部门净产值占总产值的比重C 产值计划完成程度D 百元流动资金利税率

考题 判断题产品策略指企业以向目标市场提供各种适合消费需求的有形和无形产品的方式来实现其营销目标。A 对B 错

考题 问答题对成片开发、分期开发的住宅小区是如何进行规划验收的?

考题 单选题生物反馈训练要求()。A 用餐后即可开始B 松解衣领、腰带、胸衣等C 应该喝茶或咖啡使治疗时清醒些D 一定要仰卧位

考题 判断题在确定性的世界里,只要战略管理和经营管理就足够了,但在高度不确定的环境中,风险管理在企业管理架构中将发挥极为重要的作用。A 对B 错

考题 判断题国内印刷品的最小尺寸限度为长16.5cm,宽10cm。A 对B 错

考题 判断题我们经营集邮业务的目标首先是服务,同时也要赚钱。A 对B 错

考题 单选题以掌握技能为目的的实践法的主要优点是()。A 经济、实用、有效B 可以针对不同的培训目的C 适应性强D 培养员工间的良好人际关系

考题 多选题对犯罪嫌疑人的讯问,说法正确的有()。A犯罪嫌疑人有权要求修改或补充笔录B犯罪嫌疑人有权自行书写供词C必要时侦查人员可要求犯罪嫌疑人自行书写供词D犯罪嫌疑人、侦查人员都应当在《讯问笔录》上签名

考题 填空题中华人民共和国主席的任职资格的年龄要求是年满()周岁。

考题 单选题宏观景气指数是对各行业的景气指数进行加权计算而得出的综合指数,其中作为权数的指标是()。A 基层单位数B 总产出C 利润总额D 增加值

考题 填空题疏散指示照明属于();广告照明属于三级负荷。

考题 填空题用户终端设备与交换机之间传送的信令称为()信令。

考题 单选题制度既是企业生产经营工作的(),也是企业文化建设的一项重要内容。A 充分条件B 必要条件C 充要条件D 衡等条件

考题 填空题大量史料证明,今()、()、()一带是最早生长茶树和茶文化发祥地。

考题 多选题下列选项中,可以认定为建筑物区分所有权的业主的有()A基于租赁合同使用房屋的承租人B依法登记取得建筑物专有部分所有权的人C根据人民法院的生效判决取得建筑物专有部分所有权的人D基于与建设单位之间的房屋买卖合同已合法占有建筑物专有部分的人

考题 单选题阅读判断:下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 When Our Words Collide “Wanna buy a body?” That was the opening line of more than a few phone calls I got from freelance(自由职业 ) photographers when I was a photo editor at U.S. News. Like many in the mainstream press, I wanted to separate the world of photographers into “them”, who trade in picture of bodies or chase celebrities, and “us”, the serious news people. But after 16 years in that role. I came to wonder whether the two worlds were easily distinguishable. Working in the reputable world of journalism, I assigned photographers to cover other people’s nightmares. I justified invading moments of grief, under the guise(借口) of the reader's right to know. I didn’t ask photographers to trespass(冒犯) or to stalk(跟踪),but I didn’t have to: I worked with pros(同行) who did what others did: talking their way into situations or shooting from behind police lines to get pictures I was after. And I wasn’t alone. In the aftermath of a car crash or some other hideous incident when ordinary people are hurt or killed, you rarely see photographers pushing past rescue workers to capture the blood and gore(血雨腥风). But you are likely to see the local newspaper and television photographers on the scene - and fast. How can we justify our behavior? Journalists are taught to separate doing the job from worrying about the consequence of publishing what they record. Repeatedly, they are reminded of a news-business dictum(格言): leave your conscience in the office. You get the picture of the footage: the decision whether to print or air it comes later. A victim may lie bleeding, unconscious, or dead: your job is to record the image. You put away your emotions and document the scene. We act this way partly because we know that the pictures can have important meaning. Photographs can change deplorable(凄惨的) situations by mobilizing public outrage or increase public understanding. However, disastrous events often bring out the worst in photographers and photo editors. In the first minutes and hours after a disaster occurs, photo agencies buy pictures. Often an agency buys a picture from a local newspaper or an amateur photographer and put it up for bid by major magazines. The most keenly sought “exclusives” command tens of thousands of dollars through bidding contests. Many people believe that journalists need to change the way they do things, and it’s our pictures that annoy people the most. Readers may not believe, as we do, that there is a distinction between sober-minded “us” and sleazy(低级庸俗的) “them”. In too many cases, by our choices of images as well as how we get them, we prove our readers right. Journalists aren’t supposed to think about whether they are doing the right thing.A RightB WrongC Not mentioned

考题 单选题一幢大厦价值2500万元,有人认为20年内其可能遭受一次损失超过80%,则最大可能损失是()。A 2000万元B 2500万元C 3125万元D 500万元

考题 单选题安装外窗试件的洞口下部平台尺寸高宽分别不应小于()mm。A 600,300B 500,200C 500,300D 600,100

考题 问答题什么是农户小额信用贷款?