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This cargo runner is too short. Please ()it for a long one.









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更多 “单选题This cargo runner is too short. Please ()it for a long one.A chargeB changeC dischargeD repair” 相关考题
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考题 It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting .A. too much long B. much too longC. long too much D. too long much

考题 It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting_______ .A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much

考题 Please arrange ______ a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship’s cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.A.toB.withC.byD.For

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考题 4.Mum,my ________are too short. Will you buy me a new pair?A.pantsB.glassesC.clothesD.shoes

考题 Tell them ______ the cargo,please.A.Not touchB.To not touchC.Not to touchD.To touch not

考题 The radio is too noisy, please().Aturn down itBturn it downCturn off itDturn it up

考题 请打开货灯。()A、Please turn on cargo lights.B、Please fix cargo lights.C、Please turn on hatch lights.D、Please fix hold lights.

考题 Please fix some()(货灯).A、hold lightsB、cargo lightsC、cargo lanternsD、hatch lamps

考题 The nut is loose. Lend me a ()(螺丝刀) , please.A、scraperB、cargo runnerC、hammerD、screwdriver

考题 cargo runner()A、起货绞车B、吊货钢丝C、锚链舱D、锚机

考题 单选题Please arrange()a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship’s cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.A toB withC byD for

考题 单选题带上吊索钩。()A Put on the sling hooks.B Put up the sling hooks.C Put on the chain hooks.D Put on the cargo runner.

考题 单选题Please tell the stevedores to load the cargo()according to the respective figures.A tightlyB closelyC securelyD strictly

考题 单选题The ship is now too much listing to portside. Which is the best way to keep the vessel upright?().A Put all the remaining cargo on starboard sideB Put light cargo on starboardside and heavy cargo on port sideC Put light cargo on port side and heavy cargo on starboard sideD A,B,C are all correct

考题 单选题Renew a cargo runner, please. ()A fallB stayC guyD sling

考题 单选题Would you please figure()the quantity of the cargo?A outB inC atD with

考题 单选题The force acting on a single cargo runner which is vertically lifting or lowering a load is greatest when().A decelerating when lowering the loadB decelerating when raising the loadC lowering the load at constant speedD raising the load at constant speed

考题 单选题The stowage factor for a cargo is based upon().A one short tonB one short metric tonC one long tonD one long metric ton

考题 单选题For a given weight of cargo,the stress on the heel block of a cargo boom().A increases as the cargo closes the head while hoistingB increases if the cargo runner is doubled upC decreases as the boom is topped to a greater angleD is determined by the thrust stresses on the boom

考题 单选题The derrick is too low. ()it, please.A LowerB HighC TopD Adjust

考题 单选题A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load.A slingB hookC blockD tackle

考题 单选题cargo runner()A 起货绞车B 吊货钢丝C 锚链舱D 锚机

考题 单选题Dismantle and check the cargo runner.()A 修理并检查吊货滑车。B 拆卸并检查吊货滑车。C 拆卸并检查吊杆。D 修理并检查吊杆。

考题 单选题Please don’t change the cargo plan()will.A atB byC withD on

考题 单选题A ()is used for lifting long heavy cargo.A derrickB craneC jumbo boomD boom

考题 单选题This cargo runner is too short. Please ()it for a long one.A chargeB changeC dischargeD repair