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In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()

injection lag


ignition delay




turbulence lag


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更多 “单选题In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()A injection lagB ignition delayC compressionD turbulence lag” 相关考题
考题 Generally speaking, the fuel injected into a marine diesel engine combustion chamber is ignited by ______.A.spark plugsB.glow plugsC.heat of compressionD.a magneto

考题 单选题Before shutting off the fuel supply to stop a medium or high–speed diesel engine, why is it necessary to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes?()A To prevent internal damage form local overheatingB To ensure the fuel nozzles are flushed cleanC To clear the smoke stackD To let the waste heat boiler reduce its rate of steam generation

考题 单选题As a heat engine,() energy is the source of power by which the diesel engine can be operated.A electricB heatC mechanicalD exhaust

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, offers the heat energy directly(); works as working medium and changes the heat energy to mechanical energy()A the burning of the fuel; medium shaftB fuel spray; fresh airC fuel; fuel sprayD the burning of the fuel; the burned gas mixture

考题 单选题The air supplied to a diesel engine is compressed to () (1) provide heat for the ignition of the fuel (2) decrease injection delayA (1) only is correctB (2) only is correctC both (1) and (2) are correctD neither (1) or (2) are correct

考题 单选题A supercharged diesel engine when compared to a similar naturally aspirated diesel engine, will develop an increase in ()A ignition lagB engine horsepowerC lube oil system pressureD specific fuel consumption

考题 单选题Problems with the diesel engine fuel injection pump are usually caused by()A improper adjustmentB contaminated fuelC kinked fuel linesD excessive engine vibration

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, the time taken to heat the fuel particles, turn them into vapor, and bring about combustion is called ()A injection lagB ignition delayC compressionD turbulence lag

考题 单选题If a single cylinder relief valve on a main propulsion diesel engine begins to lift, but it is not possible to secure the engine, which of the following actions should be taken?()A Increase the cooling water flow to the engineB Secure or reduce fuel to that cylinderC Screw down on the pressure adjusting spring to decrease to decrease popping pressureD Readjust the injection timing

考题 单选题The diesel engine exhaust gas bypass, as fitted with some waste heat boilers, is installed to ()A prevent engine back pressure at heavy loadsB increase total engine efficiency at low loadsC prevent boiler corrosion at low engine loadsD improve engine fuel consumption at any load

考题 单选题Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()A increasing the quantity of starting airB increasing the lube oil pressureC heating the engine fuel supplyD heating the engine coolant

考题 单选题Increasing the compression ratio of a diesel engine while maintaining the designed rate of fuel flow will result in ()A increased horsepowerB reduced efficiencyC increased heat lossD lower cylinder pressures

考题 单选题What harmful condition can result if a diesel engine is operated at very light loads for long periods of time?()A increased carbon buildupB burning of intake valvesC excessive firing pressuresD increased fuel consumption

考题 单选题To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ().A reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC increase the fuel rack settingD reduce the load on the engine

考题 单选题What is one effect of running a diesel engine at too cool a temperature? ()A Buildup of sludge in the lubricating systemB Excessive fuel consumptionC Severe heat stresses on mechanical partsD Foaming of the lubricating oil

考题 单选题Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cylinder by ()A a spark plugB injectorsC the heat of compressionD increasing jacket water temperatures

考题 单选题A change in the quality of fuel atomization by a diesel engine fuel injector would be caused by a/an ()A increase in engine speedB increase in cylinder turbulenceC leaking needle valveD reduction in cylinder turbulence

考题 单选题Significant retardation of a diesel engine fuel injection timing will result in ()A smoother engine operationB advanced fuel ignitionC increased fuel economyD reduced engine power

考题 单选题What causes diesel fuel to be ignited in the cylinder of an operating diesel engine?()A Spark plugB Heat of compressionC CarburetorD Glow plug

考题 单选题Heat for igniting the fuel oil in the cylinder of a diesel engine is generated by the ()A electronic ignition systemB compression of air by the pistonC friction in the fuel injectorD fuel oil bearing system

考题 单选题Fuel injected into a diesel engines cylinder is ignited by ().A the heat compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinderB the fuel igniterC the fuel injectorD the fuel pump

考题 单选题Fuel oil injected into the cylinder of a diesel engine just after the piston passes top dead center, will()A increase engine powerB increase engine loadC decrease engine powerD improve fuel economy

考题 单选题The most common diesel engine fuel system problems are caused by ().A incorrect adjustmentsB dirty fuelC broken fuel linesD excessive vibration

考题 单选题When restarting a heavy fuel diesel engine that has been stopped for some time, the engine should()A increase the starting air pressureB use a higher than normal cranking speedC increase the fuel injection pressureD use a fuel having a lower ignition temperature

考题 单选题A diesel engine burns () a gasoline engine of the same capacity in the same period of time.A as much fuel asB less fuel thanC less fuel asD more fuel than

考题 单选题Turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is of major importance in providing ().A proper fuel meteringB complete fuel/air mixingC minimal fuel penetrationD proper fuel timing