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英译中:Sales package


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考题 You are the database administrator for a retail company. The company owns 270 stores. Every month, each store submits approximately 2,000 sales records, which are loaded into a SQL Server 2000 database at the corporate headquarters.A Data Transformation Services (DTS) package transforms the sales records, as they are loaded. The package writes the transformed sales records to the Sales table, which has a column for integer primary key values. The IDENTITY property automatically assigns a key value to each transformed sales record.After loading this month's sales data, you discover that a portion of the data contains errors. You stop loading data, identify the problem records, and delete those records from the database.You want to reuse the key values that were assigned to the records that you deleted. You want to assign the deleted key values to the next sales records you load. You also want to disrupt users' work as little as possible.What should you do?A.Export all records from the Sales table to a temporary table. Truncate the Sales table, and then reload the records from the temporary table.B.Export all records from the Sales table to a text file. Drop the Sales table, and then reload the records from the text file.C.Use the DBCC CHECKIDENT statement to reseed the Sales table's IDENTITY property.D.Set the Sales table's IDENTITY_INSERT property to ON. Add new sales records that have the desired key values.

考题 It will interest you to know that as a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales-pushing stage.(英译中)

考题 conditions of sales(英译中)

考题 You are the administrator of SQL Server 2000 computer named FABSQL2K01. You create a Data Transformation Services package that contains definition for two transform. data tasks.The tasks gets data from two text files named Customers and Sales. The DTS package is configured as shown in the exhibit.You do not want the DTS package to add any data to the server unless both transform. data tasks complete successfully.You select the use transactions check box of DTS package and the Join transaction of present check box of both transform. data tasks. You then select the fail package on step failure check box of both transform. data tasks.You want to use the DTS package to import data from the text files to the server. You want to ensure that changes are committed if all imported data is successfully transformed.What should you do?A.Select the commit on successful completion check box of the DTS package.B.Select the commit transaction on successful completion of this step check box of the customers transform. data task.C.Select the commit transaction on successful completion of this step check box of the sales transform. data task.D.Select the commit transaction on successful completion of this step check box of both transform. data tasks.

考题 一个程序中,package、import、和class的排放次序是()A、package、import、classB、import、package、classC、三者任意D、class在最后,import、package排放次序任意

考题 以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品软件包的路径()。A、/opt/package/scriptsB、/opt/package/software/CTIC、/opt/package/softwareD、/opt/package/CTI

考题 以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品脚本包的路径()。A、/opt/package/scriptsB、/opt/package/software/CTIC、/opt/package/softwareD、/opt/package/CTI

考题 Which are SRW package procedure or function could you use to create and then drop a temporary table in the sales report?()A、SRW.BREAK B、SRW.SET_ALTER C、SRW.REFERENCE D、SRW.DO_SQL E、SRW.RUN_REPORTF、SRW.SET_FIELD

考题 What is the distribution processing value? ()A、DistributionB、ProcessingC、Sales and processingD、Changing the length, thickness and the package of the goods

考题 在单一文件中import、class和package的正确出现顺序是()A、package,import,classB、class,import,packageC、import,package,classD、package,class,import

考题 英译中:Sales package

考题 销售包装 sales package

考题 RPM是的缩写()A、Red Hat Package MangerB、Red Package MangerC、Redhat PackageD、Package Manger

考题 与“物流战略”相关的英语术语有()。A、sales package(销售包装)B、logistics strategy(物流战略)C、cycle stock(经常库存)D、logistics strategy management(物流战略管理)

考题 与“条码”相关的英语术语有()。A、bar code(条码)B、sales package(销售包装)C、cycle stock(经常库存)D、bar code symbol(条码符号)

考题 英译中:After-sales service

考题 英译中:Transport package

考题 英译中:Package

考题 Choose the correct order to package and upload data for an incident to Oracle Support.()  A、 Schedule,create new package,view manifest,view contentsB、 Create new package,view manifest,view contents,scheduleC、 Schedule,create new package,view contents,view manifestD、 Create new package,view contents,view manifest,scheduleE、 None of the above.

考题 名词解释题英译中:Package

考题 名词解释题英译中:After-sales services

考题 名词解释题销售包装 sales package

考题 名词解释题英译中:Transport package

考题 单选题以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品脚本包的路径()。A /opt/package/scriptsB /opt/package/software/CTIC /opt/package/softwareD /opt/package/CTI

考题 单选题Which are SRW package procedure or function could you use to create and then drop a temporary table in the sales report?()A SRW.BREAK B SRW.SET_ALTER C SRW.REFERENCE D SRW.DO_SQL E SRW.RUN_REPORTF SRW.SET_FIELD

考题 多选题在Java语言中,在包Package1中包含包Package2, 类Class_A直接隶属于包Package1, 类Class_B直接隶属于包Package2。 在类Class_C要应用Class_A的方法A和Class_B的方法B, 你需要()语句。Aimport Package1.*;Bimport Package1.Package2.*;Cimport Package2.*;Dimport Package2.Package1.*;

考题 单选题以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品软件包的路径()。A /opt/package/scriptsB /opt/package/software/CTIC /opt/package/softwareD /opt/package/CTI