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  Americans depend on their cars more than any other people. The family car has been a common thing in the early 20th century, and it has changed American life. Many people have moved outside of the large cities to the suburbs. Some Americans spend two hours a day or more in their cars going to work and back home. Cars have become the means of transportation for most Americans when they go shopping and even go on vacations. In the past, Americans liked big cars, and the gas wasn’t expensive. However, the price of gas has greatly increased in recent years. Smaller cars and foreign cars have become very popular. That’s why Japanese and German cars sell well in the US.
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 市场调查中,一个问题有多种答案的情况很常见,()就是这种情况。 A、单项选择题和多项填空题B、多项选择题和单项填空题C、两项选择题和单项填空题D、多项选择题和多项填空题

考题 填空题

考题 填空题教师自编测验的客观题包括____、是非题、匹配题、填空题等。

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考题 填空题沈先生为此共需支付( )元保费。(填空题)

考题 填空题客观题包括____、____、____和填空题。

考题 填空题将简答题、填空题归于客观题的理由是()。

考题 填空题张衡去世后王玲可以继承( )万元的遗产。(填空题)

考题 填空题a方案纳税期望值的现值是( )万元。(填空题)

考题 填空题按照上题的系列丛书方案来出版,能节税( )元。(填空题)

考题 填空题填空题制约教育目的的因素是()