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初孕妇自觉胎动,多数开始于(  )。











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更多 “单选题初孕妇自觉胎动,多数开始于(  )。A 妊娠16~18周B 妊娠12~14周C 妊娠18~20周D 妊娠14~16周E 妊娠20~22周” 相关考题
考题 单选题软脑膜、血管及脑组织同时破裂,伴有外伤性蛛网膜下隙出血,为()A 脑裂伤B 脑挫伤C 脑震荡D 急性硬膜下血肿E 急性硬脑膜外血肿

考题 单选题患儿,男,2岁,患蛲虫症,为避免再感染,护士应给予家长的建议是()A 隔离患儿B 温水清洁肛门C 预防性药物治疗D 内衣裤煮沸消毒E 局部涂抹驱虫药

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows XP Professional computer named Pro1.  The computer is connected to the Internet. Pro1 provides Internet access to eight other Windows XP Professional computers that are connected to Pro1. You enable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and Windows Firewall on Pro1. You run an application named App1 on Pro1.  App1 communicates with an online training company on the Internet. To display an online seminar, the training company needs to contact the App1 application at port 5800. You want to ensure that the training company can connect to the App1 application. What should you do?()A Configure Windows Firewall to enable the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Allow redirect option. Then start the App1 application that opens port 5800.  B Create a new service exception named App1. Use port 5800 as both the external and internal port number.C Edit the %systemroot%/System32/Drivers/Etc/Services file on Pro1 to include a service definition named App1 for port 5800.  D Change the TCP/IP settings on Pro1 to enable TCP/IP filtering. Permit network traffic on port 5800. 

考题 多选题You need to ensure that there is adequate bandwidth available to meet the service-level agreement requirements.  Which action or actions should you perform? ()AUpgrade all WAN lines in six months.BUpgrade all WAN lines prior to implementing NewApp.CAnalyze the cause of a peak in network usage in February.DAnalyze network usage characteristics for NewApp.Based on these results, create an upgrade plan for the WAN lines.

考题 单选题对外阴炎患者进行护理,措施错误的是()A 为促进炎症尽快吸收,应给予高浓度的溶液坐浴B 坐浴液的水温一般在41~43℃左右C 禁食辛辣刺激性食物D 严禁搔抓局部皮肤E 月经期不予以局部坐浴

考题 单选题患者男性,51岁。患胰腺癌广泛转移,病情日趋恶化,面部消瘦,呈铅灰色,眼眶凹陷,下颌下垂,双眼半睁、呆滞,嘴微张,目前患者对过去做的错事表示悔恨,变得很和善,愿意努力配合治疗。 对该患者亲属的心理支持不正确的是()A 多给患者同情和照顾B 多听取并鼓励家属表达情感C 避免亲属单独接触患者,以免悲伤过度D 讲解有关卫生知识E 共同讨论护理计划

考题 单选题护士对服用硝酸甘油的患者,护理哪项正确?(  )A 含药时宜平卧以防低血压B 药物用温开水送服C 舌下含化,药物被唾液溶解使吸收减少D 药物置口中,立即咽下E 观察头昏、血压偏高表现

考题 单选题此产妇目前子宫收缩的情况是(  )。A 病理性缩复环B 高张性子宫收缩乏力C 低张性子宫收缩乏力D 子宫收缩过强E 先兆子宫破裂

考题 单选题倾斜床站立训练的优点之一是调节血管紧张性,其目的是为了()A 利于患者呼吸B 防止直立性低血压C 预防压疮D 预防静脉血栓E 增加腹压利于排便

考题 多选题You are designing the IP address assignment strategy for the VPN users. Which two actions should you perform.()AConfigure VPN1 as a DHCP Relay Agent.BConfigure VPN1 to assign IP Address by using DHCP server.CConfigure VPN1 to have a static pool of IP Address from the network address of VPN1 to have a static pool of IP Address from the network address of the perimeter firewall to allow inbound DHCP traffic to be passed to VPN1.FConfigure the interval firewall to allow DHCP broadcasts to be forwarded from the external network to the internal network.

考题 单选题You are designing the placement of the PDC emulator role to meet the business and technical requirements.  In which location should you place the PDC emulator role?()A  Los AngelesB  ParisC  SydneyD  LisbonE  Barcelona

考题 单选题You work as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers in the ABC.com domain have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed. You have logged on to a server, named ABC-SR07, and would like to obtain the IP configurations of a server, named ABC-SR13.Which of the following actions should you take?()A You should consider making use of the Winrs.exe command.B You should consider making use of the Winsat.exe command.C You should consider making use of the Winpop.exe command.D You should consider making use of the Dsrm.exe command.

考题 单选题You are the network administrator for Contoso Pharmaceuticals. Your network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains three domains. The forest root domain is named contoso.com. The domain contains two child domains named usa.contoso.com and europe.contoso.com. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003. Each domain contains two Windows Server 2003 domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. DC1 in the contoso.com domain performs the following two operations master roles: schema master and domain naming master. DC1 in each child domain performs the following three operations master roles: PDC emulator master, relative ID (RID) master, and infrastructure master. DC1 in each domain is also a global catalog server. The user account for Nancy Buchanan in the europe.contoso.com domain is a member of the Medicine Students security group. Because of a name change, the domain administrator of europe.contoso.com changes the Last name field of Nancy's useraccount from Buchanan to Anderson. The domain administrator of usa.contoso.com discovers that the user account for Nancy is still listed as Nancy Buchanan.  You need to ensure that the user account for Nancy Anderson is correctly listed in the Medicine Students group.  What should you do?()A  Transfer the PDC emulator master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.B  Transfer the infrastructure master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.C  Transfer the RID master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.D  Transfer the schema master role from DC1 to DC2 in the contoso.com domain.

考题 单选题Ⅰ度营养不良应为体重低于正常比例和腹壁皮下脂肪厚度()A 8%~10%,0.8~1cmB 10%~15%,0.6~0.8cmC 15%~25%,0.4~0.8cmD 25%~40%,0.4cm以下E 40%以上完全消失

考题 单选题出现哪种情况应给予休息,多饮水?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). The domain contains two domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. DC1 is located in Montreal and DC2 is located in Seattle. Each domain controller has a dedicated hard disk that contains only the Active Directory database and log files. Each night, you back up the system state on all domain controllers. On DC2, the hard disk that contains Active Directory fails. You replace the failed hard disk on DC2. You need to restore domain controller functionality on DC2. The solution must minimize replication traffic between Montreal and Seattle. What should you do on DC2? ()A Uninstall Active Directory and then reinstall ActiveDirectory.B Start by using the Last Known Good Configuration.C Start in Directory Services Restore Mode and restore the NTDS.dit file.D Start in Directory Services Restore Mode and restore the system state.

考题 单选题患者女性,28岁。日晒后面部出现蝶形红斑,经诊断为系统性红斑狼疮。此患者为治疗红斑应使用()A 非甾体抗感染药B 肾上腺皮质激素C 抗疟药D 免疫抑制剂E 大剂量静脉输注免疫球蛋白

考题 单选题产后会阴部护理哪项是错的?(  )A 会阴部每日擦洗2次B 擦洗原则为由上至下,最后到肛门部C 大便后要保持会阴部的清洁D 会阴水肿者,用50%硫酸镁湿热敷E 嘱产妇取向会阴伤口侧卧位

考题 单选题表现为病变侧脑神经麻痹和对侧肢体瘫痪的是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题男性,58岁,因右肺中央型肺癌行右肺切除术。术后留置胸管,目前处于钳闭状态。该患者术后留置胸管的目的是()A 重建胸腔负压B 排出积气C 排出积液D 调节两侧胸腔压力E 便于观察病情

考题 单选题患者男性,53岁。晨起吃两个油煎荷包蛋后突发右上腹阵发性绞痛4小时来急诊。胆道手术后,发现胆瘘的主要依据为()A 腹膜刺激症状B 急腹症表现C 发热、腹痛、黄疸D 急性腹膜炎表现E 腹腔引流管引出液的性质和胆红素含量

考题 单选题关于病毒性肝炎母儿传播的可能途径,哪项正确?(  )A 给婴儿洗澡B 甲型病毒性肝炎能通过胎盘感染胎儿C 产后接触母亲皮肤D 分娩时胎儿通过产道接触HBsAg阳性的母血E 给婴儿换尿布

考题 单选题患者女性,行刮宫术后3天体温升高39℃,下腹疼痛,白带混浊,应()A 停止手术,给予缩宫素和抗生素B 静脉注射阿托品1mgC 全身抗生素治疗D 抗生素治疗3天后再行表宫术E 5%的NaHCO3,静脉滴注

考题 单选题You have a server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You need to ensure that a defragmentation of the server’s hard disk drive runs each night.What should you do? ()A Create a scheduled task that runs Dfrg.msc.B Create a scheduled task that runs Defrag.exe.C From Computer Management, run Disk Management.D From Computer Management, run Disk Defragmenter.

考题 单选题患儿女,12岁。因流行性脑脊髓膜炎入院。患者突然出现昏迷、潮式呼吸、一侧瞳孔扩大。应立刻采取下列哪项措施?(  )A 气管插管B 静脉滴注呋塞米C 静脉滴注20%甘露醇D 静脉滴注地塞米松E 使用人工呼吸机

考题 单选题有关口腔炎的护理错误的是()A 鼓励患儿多饮水B 给予凉的流质食物C 可局部给予利多卡因以减轻疼痛D 用药后可立即饮水、进食E 疱疹性口腔炎的传染性强,应与健康儿隔离

考题 单选题测定输卵管是否通畅()A 阴道分泌物悬滴检查B 子宫输卵管碘油造影C 宫颈刮片检查D 宫颈黏液检查E B型超声检查

考题 单选题You have a single Active Directory directory service domain. All users in the IT department are  placed into an organizational unit (OU) named IT Users. A Group Policy object (GPO) is linked to the IT  Users OU. The GPO assigns a software installation package to install the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack. You select the Install this application at logon option in the software installation  package. A user has been removed from the IT Users OU, but she still has the Windows Server  Administration Tools Pack on her computer. You need to ensure that the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack is removed from a users computer when the user is moved from the IT Users  OU.  What should you do?()A  Modify the software installation package to use the Published deployment method. Clear the Auto-install this application by file extension activation check box. Redeploy the software installation package.B  Modify the software installation package to clear the Install this application at logon option. Redeploy the software installation package.C  Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Retain the software installation package in the GPO.D  Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Delete the software installation package from the GPO.