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考题 单选题Responding to voters’ concern over crime, Congress passed a $30.2 billion anticrime bill, and _____ $6.9 billion for programs aimed at crime prevention.A abolishedB accountedC accumulatedD allotted

考题 单选题It is high time we()something to stop road accidents.A didB are doingC will doD do

考题 单选题()she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.A At the firstB At presentC At the presentD At first

考题 单选题The old man lives(). He always feels().A lonely, lonelyB alone, aloneC lonely, aloneD alone, lonely

考题 单选题____A careB nutritionC exerciseD leisure

考题 单选题I work in()IT Department of()large bank.A the;aB a;theC a;a

考题 单选题You are late! The discussion started minutes ago.()A Well, I don't care.B Don't blame me.C I am really sorry.D That's great.

考题 单选题()her and then try to copy what she does.A WatchB SeeC MindD Stare at

考题 单选题____A BesidesB HoweverC WhereasD Nevertheless

考题 单选题May I use your bike for a moment?()A It's well.B It doesn't matter.C By all means.D I have no idea.

考题 单选题All of them are () at Lana"s achievement.A amazedB interestedC fondD proud

考题 单选题It is hoped that the weather will()warm for three more days.A lastB go onC keep onD stay

考题 单选题The word “redress” in paragraph 4 probably means _____.A dressing againB change of addressC compensation for something wrongD selling the same product at different prices

考题 单选题I don't suppose he will attend the meeting,()A won’t heB will heC do ID don’t I

考题 单选题The new house()₤300 a month.A spendsB costsC pays

考题 单选题The population of the earth()increasing fast.A isB areC wereD have been

考题 单选题He robbed the bank and was sent to()for three years.A the prisonB aprisonC prisonsD prison

考题 单选题I hate the news,()made us very sad.A thatB whichC whatD it

考题 单选题Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me.()A No thanksB I'm glad you like itC Yes, it is goodD No, it's not so good

考题 单选题All the evidence points to the fact()he is the murdererA whoB whichC thatD those

考题 单选题A large number of people()present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.A wasB wereC haveD has

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The passage mainly _____.A comments on the different opinions in dealing with angerB offers some advice for dealing with angerC explains the causes of angerD tell about what happens when one is angry

考题 单选题There have been many()in their marriage but they still love each other.A right and wrongB back and forthC ups and downsD right and left

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Who has done your hair,Susan?()A My hair has been doneB That hair stylistC My hairstyle is coolD I have it cut

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题His attitude toward us seems()A nicelyB warmlyC kindlyD friendly