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更多 “判断题电动叉车常用于室内作业,燃油叉车常用于室外作业。A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 单选题消费者享有依法成立维护自身合法权益的社会团体的权利。在我国,这中社会团体被称为()。A 中国消费者协会B 中国生产者协会C 中国销售者协会D 中国运输者协会

考题 多选题包装按其在流通领域的作用不同,可以分为物流包装和商流包装,下列属于物流包装的是()。A销售包装B运输包装C托盘包装D集合包装E专业包装

考题 单选题个人独资企业的税款征收管理比照()执行。A 个体工商户B 定期定额个体工商户C 《个体工商户税收定期定额征收管理办法》D 企业纳税人

考题 单选题沈从文的下列作品,不是反映湘西生活而是表现现代文明对人性压抑的作品是()。A 《柏子》B 《萧萧》C 《八骏图》

考题 单选题某客户开仓买入大豆期货合约20手,成交价格为2020元/吨,当天平仓10手合约,成交价格为2040元/吨,当日结算价格为2010元/吨,交易保证金比例为5%,则该客户当日平仓盈亏是元,持仓盈亏是元。()A -2000;1000B -1000;2000C 1000;-2000D 2000;-1000

考题 单选题世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于()A 1945B 1946C 1947D 1948

考题 填空题《叔叔的故事》塑造了“叔叔”的形象,同时也塑造了年轻作家“()”的形象。

考题 单选题在C#程序中索引器允许类和结构的实体按照与数组相同的方式来访问,但索引器能够定义不同的访问方式。在定义索引器时必须使用的关键字为()。A newB setC thisD get

考题 多选题讨论法的基本类型有()。A定型化讨论法B自由讨论法C集体讨论法D小组讨论法E论坛讨论法

考题 单选题下列哪一项不属于电信附加价值方面?()A 电信企业投诉处理情况B 电信企业退、换货情况C 电信企业意见、建议管理情况D 电信产品安装、调试及维修制度

考题 单选题下列选项中,不属于邮政储蓄绿卡功能的是()。A 刷卡消费B 转账结算C 存取现金D 透支消费

考题 单选题下列属于灭火器安装设置质量验收检查内容的是()。A 采用直尺、卷尺、测力计等通用量具测量相关安装尺寸、承重能力B 抽查灭火器及其附件、灭火器箱外观标志和外观质量C 查验灭火器选型及基本配置要求D 检查灭火器结构、器头(阀门)、压力指示器、喷射软管及喷嘴等装配质量

考题 问答题我国《治安管理处罚法》从什么时候开始公布施行?

考题 单选题刘同学喜欢玩网络游戏。某天他正玩游戏,突然弹出一个窗口,提示:特大优惠!1元可购买10000元游戏币!点击链接后,在此网站输入银行卡账号和密码,网上支付后发现自己银行卡里的钱都没了。结合本实例,对发生问题的原因描述正确的是:()。A 电脑被植入木马B 用钱买游戏币C 轻信网上的类似“特大优惠”的欺骗链接,并透露了自己的银行卡号、密码等私密信息导致银行卡被盗刷D 使用网银进行交易

考题 多选题诚信教育中的()的内涵则是奠定主体正确道德认识的基本内容。A真实性B政治性C真理性D真知性

考题 填空题社区的功能包括()、()、()、()。

考题 单选题Evaluate the set of SQL statements: CREATE TABLE dept (deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCNAR2(14), 1oc VARCNAR2 (13)); ROLLBACK; DESCRIBE DEPT What is true about the set?()A The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table.B The ROLLBACK statement frees the storage space occupies by the DEPT table.C The DESCRIBE DEPT statement returns an error ORA-04043: object DEPT does not exist.D The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table only if there is a COMMIT statement introduced before the ROLLBACK statement.

考题 多选题关于“保存”与“另存为”命令,下列说法正确的是()A鼠标在行首单击,然后按键盘Shilt键再单击段尾B鼠标在段内双击C鼠标的段内任意处快速三击DCtrl+鼠档在段内任意处单击

考题 单选题隧道设有竖井时,竖井井底车场的信号应经由()转发,除发送紧急停车信号或用箕斗提升(不包括带乘人的箕斗)外,井底车场不得直接向卷扬机司机发信号A 项目负责人B 井底联络员C 井口联络员D 安全员

考题 单选题下面哪项可以决定进度的灵活性?()A PERTB TotalfloatC ADMD 赶工

考题 判断题RADIUS客户端会为每个拨号用户建立一个会晤(Session)过程,并把第一次服务的开始作为会晤起点,将服务的结束作为会晤终点。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题基因型为β0/βA的个体表现为()A 重型地中海贫血B 中间型地中海贫血C 轻型地中海贫血D 静止型地中海贫血E 正常

考题 名词解释题产品质量认证

考题 多选题下列哪些属于教唆未遂,应以犯罪未遂论处( )A甲教唆乙杀人,乙拒绝实施杀人行为B丙教唆丁杀人,丁尚未来得及实施杀人行为,即被抓获C张三教唆李四杀害王五,但在此之前,李四早已接受田某的教唆,已有杀害王五的决意,事后果然杀死了王五D周某教唆卢某入室盗窃,卢某却强奸正在房间里睡觉的女主人

考题 单选题PowerPoint中主要的编辑视图是()A 幻灯片浏览视图B 普通视图C 幻灯片放映视图D 备注视图

考题 填空题利用()中的按钮可以对选定的控件进行居中、对齐等多种操作.

考题 单选题Drug Overuse ① Nowadays,millions of people misuse and even overuse pain medications and other drugs. Research by the American National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, 1999) shows that around 2% of the population over age 12 were using drugs non-medically. ② NIDA views medications as a powerful force for good in the contemporary world. They reduce and remove pain for millions of people suffering from illness and disease. They make it possible for doctors to perform complicated surgery to save lives. Many people afflicted by serious medical conditions are able to control their symptoms and become active, contributing citizens. NIDA points out that most individuals who take these drags use them in a responsible. ③ Nevertheless, overuse of drugs such as opioids, central nervous system(CNS) depressants and stimulants does lead to harmful reliance in some people and is therefore becoming a serious public health concern. Although this abuse affects many people worldwide, particular trends of concern to the medical profession in the US appear among older adults, teenagers arid women. ④ Though it may be a surprise to many, the misuse of medications may be the most common form of drug abuse among the elderly. Dr Kenneth Schrader of Duke University, North Carolina states that although the elderly represent about 13% of the US population, those aged 65 and over account for the consumption of one third of all drugs. People in this age group use medications roughly three times more than the general population and have poorer compliance with instruction for use. In another study of elderly patients admitted to treatment programs, 70% were women who had overused medicines. ⑤ Unfortunately, this trend among women does not only affect those aged over. In general, among women and men who are using either an anti-anxiety drug or a sedative, women are twice as likely to become addicted. In addition, statistics compiled for 12 —17 year olds show that teenage girls are more likely than teenage boys to begin overusing psychotherapeutic medication such as painkillers, tranquillizers, stimulants and sedatives. Paragraph③().A Drug overuse and its consequenceB The problem of drug overuse in AmericaC Benefits of medicine and its wise useD Female drug overuse with reference to that of malesE Misuse of medicine among the young generationF Improper use of medicine among senior citizens

考题 判断题社会主义市场经济体制的确立,人们从“单位人”转变为“市场人”,并获得了独立“市场人”的地位。A 对B 错