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The writer is probably _____.







None of the above


本题可参照文章倒数第一段。作者引用了地名“Somerset shire and Devon shire”和“London”,由此可以看出作者是英国人,因此B项为正确答案。
更多 “单选题The writer is probably _____.A FrenchB EnglishC AmericanD None of the above” 相关考题
考题 Infection with ( ) can cause chronic liver disease. A、Hepatitis AB、Hepatitis BC、Hepatitis CD、None of above

考题 Continually measuring and monitoring the actual cost versus the budget is done to _____.A.analyze the reasons for variancesB.establish the variancesC.identify the problemsD.All of the above.E.None of the above.

考题 The standard types of communication include all butA WrittenB VerbalC TelepathicD NonverbalE None of the above

考题 Job descriptions are examples of ______communications.A upwardB downwardC horizontalD diagonalE None of the above

考题 Budgeted contingencies can be detemined by:A past experienceB applying standard allowancesC detemining the sum total of the most probable variances of the various risk items properly identified.D All of the above.E None of the above.

考题 183 Configuration (baseline) control monitors performance against theA. scope baselineB. original scheduleC. original budgetD. All of the above.E. None of the above

考题 140 Continually measuring and monitoring the actual cost versus the budget is done to _____. A. analyze the reasons for variancesB. establish the variancesC. identify the problemsD. All of the above.E. None of the above.

考题 ● Which of the following can be tracked using the WBS?A timeB costC performanceD scopeE None of the above.

考题 ● Configuration (baseline) control monitors performance against theA scope baselineB original scheduleC original budgetD All of the above.E None of the above.

考题 He was ________ a good and tireless writer. A. firstB. for allC. above allD. of all

考题 Dubliners is writing of A.realismB.modernismC.stream of consciousnessD.none of the above

考题 Such suffixes as " - able" and " - ment" in Modern English originally came from_______ A FrenchB Old EnglishC LatinD Greek

考题 He was above all a good and tireless writer.()

考题 People with type A blood cart receive______.A. ABB. BC. OD. None of the above

考题 A heavy steel curved arch constructed athwartships and above the after deck on a towing vessel is sometimes called a ______.A.main braceB.tow spanC.jockey barD.None of the above

考题 If a cargo of kerosene were considered too lean to explode,then it must be ______.A.Above the explosive rangeB.Within the explosive rangeC.Below the explosive rangeD.None of the above

考题 A vessel trawling would display______.A.a black ballB.a basketC.a double cone,point to pointD.none of the above

考题 In the context of GMPLS,LMP stands for().A、Loop Management ProtocolB、Label Management ProtocolC、Load Management ProtocolD、Link Management ProtocolE、None of above

考题 When no WINS server is present, all name registrations and lookups are done by UDP ().  A、 broadcastB、 multicastC、 unicastD、 None of the above.

考题 单选题The writer is probably _____.A FrenchB EnglishC AmericanD None of the above

考题 单选题A schedule defined entirely within the confines of a Scheduler job object is known as a (n) ()A  Fixed scheduleB  Inline scheduleC  Stored scheduleD  Hard-coded scheduleE  None of the above

考题 单选题The writer probably agrees that ______.A teachers can take control of students’ learningB exam results depend a lot on now technologyC technology in education has a bright futureD note-taking is as helpful as video-watching

考题 单选题The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph to ______.A save spaceB persuade readersC make readers laughD get readers’ attention

考题 单选题Which of the following would the writer most probably agree to be a form of mental exercise?A Play PC games.B Do sports.C Read books.D Watch TV.

考题 单选题Which of the following options describes Segment Shrink?()A  Reclaims space above and below the high-water mark without using additional spaceB  Moves rows to a new physical location,resetting the high-water mark,but uses additional space during the operationC  Deallocates space above the high-water mark that is currently not in useD  None of the above

考题 单选题A single transaction can be scanned in parallel by:()A  Sophos and McAfeeB  Webroot and SophosC  Webroot,Sophos and McAfeeD  None of the above

考题 单选题What RMAN command is used to execute a tablespace point-in-time recovery?()A  recoverB  duplicateC  restoreD  copyE  None of the above

考题 单选题Where is the passage above probably taken from?A A menue in the restaurant.B A magazine on healthC A school textbookD A story book