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When a teacher organizes group work.Which of the following might be of the Least Concern?

Increasing peer interaction


Increasing individual practive


Developing language accuracy


Providing variety and dynamics


更多 “单选题When a teacher organizes group work.Which of the following might be of the Least Concern?A Increasing peer interactionB Increasing individual practiveC Developing language accuracyD Providing variety and dynamics” 相关考题
考题 问答题阅读以下学生习作,回答第17—18小题。案例:阅读,真好①有人喜欢唱歌,有人喜欢网游,有人喜欢吃吃喝喝,而我喜欢阅读。②我喜欢一个人的时候坐在书房里静静地看书,看天南海北的故事,和书中人物尽情交流。③阅读,它有一种吸引力,让我放松,让我快乐,让我坚强。④阅读,让我在恢心的时候重获信心。记得初一那年,竞选班干部,自幼做贯了班长的我没选上,心中有丝丝失落。再加上一些同学话语的催化,好强的我军训第二天回家便泪流满面。恰是那时,我在书中读到了贝多芬双耳失聪依然坚强,读到了爱迪生失败多次还坚持做实验的故事。那些故事如重锤,反复地敲打着我的心房。是的,面对生活的风雨,不要害怕,要有信心。当班长需要过硬的成绩,现在没选上,证明实力不够,有本事就拿成绩去争回来呀,相信拼搏之后总会见到阳光。于是,不服输的我在连考五次第一之后,终于凭实力赢得了班长职位。⑤阅读,让我在愤怒的时候变得理性。初二上学期,我和一个好友发生了口角。当时,我气鼓鼓地回到教室,埋怨朋友的小气和口不择言。正生气时,一个从书上看来的故事在头脑中浮现:春秋时,齐国有一对非常要好的朋友,管仲与鲍叔牙。尽管管仲做了什么,鲍叔牙总是理解他。这个故事一直印在我的脑海里,让我平静,让我思考:小气、恶毒,这是我朋友的特点吗?当然不是,我被罚扫地时,她帮我扫了一周,我的钱丢了时,她陪我吃了一个星期的素,艰苦却极开心。我的朋友对我这样好,我却因为一点小矛盾就认为她是个恶毒的人。于是,我和朋友重归于好。⑥阅读,让我在迷茫中找到方向。初三上学期,学习极为紧张,一连几次考试,我都考得十分不如意,升学的压力、父母的指责、老师的期望、自己的失落,种种压力一层又一层地扣在我身上,我快透不过气来。但我硬是挺了过来,为什么?因为阅读。每每遭遇学习上的困难,我便会一头扎进书房,读名人传记,从中获得力量。拿破仑、乔丹、奥巴马、贝克汉姆,这些名人的不屈不挠的奋斗精神,总是能在我最失落的时候,抚平我的忧伤,让我振作精神,再次奋斗,直至成功。⑦有人说,看闲书是玩物丧志。而我,要感谢阅读,是阅读给我带来正能量。让我在痛苦时变得坚强,让我在孤独时获得温暖,让我在迷茫中发现希望。阅读,你会是我一生中永不离弃的依靠。⑧阅读,真好!问题:请从第④段找出两个错别字,从第⑤段找出一处病句,分别改正。(8分)

考题 单选题学校微机教室的计算机组成的网络属于()。A 广域网B 城域网C 局域网D 互连网

考题 单选题Passage1The mythology of a culture can provide some vital insights into the beliefs and values of that culture. By using fantastic and sometimes incredible stories to create an oral tradition by which to explain the wonders of the natural world and teach lessons to younger generations, a society exposes those ideas and concepts held most important. Just as important as the final lesson to be gathered from the stories, however, are the characters and the roles they play in conveying that message. Perhaps the epitome of mythology and its use as a tool to pass on cultural values can be found in Aesop's Fables, told and retold during the era of the Greek Empire. Aesop,a slave who won the favor of the court through his imaginative and descriptive tales, almost exclusively used animals to fill the roles in his short stories. Humans, when at all present, almost always played the part of bumbling fools struggling to learn the lesson being presented. This choice of characterization allows us to see that the Greeks placed wisdom on a level slightly beyond humans, implying that deep wisdom and understanding is a universal quality sought by, rather than stealing from, human beings.Aesop's fables illustrated the central themes of humility and self-reliance, reflecting the importance of those traits in early Greek society. The folly of humans was used to contrast against the ultimate goal of attaining a higher level of understanding and awareness of truths about nature and humanity. For example, one notable fable features a fox repeatedly trying to reach a bunch of grapes on a very high vine. After failing at several attempts, the fox gives up, making up its mind that the grapes were probably sour anyway. The fable's lesson, that we often play down that which we can't achieve so as to make ourselves feel better, teaches the reader or listener in an entertaining way about one of the weaknesses of the human psyche.The mythology of other cultures and societies reveal the underlying traits of their respective cultures just as Aesop's fables did. The stories of Roman gods, Aztec ghosts and European elves all served to train ancient generations those lessons considered most important to their community, and today they offer a powerful looking glass by which to evaluate and consider the contextual environment in which those culture existed.The way that fables were used in the past is most similar to today's________A fairy tales that entertain children at homeB stories in children's school textbooks that reinforce the lessonC science documentaries that explain how nature worksD movies that depict animals as having human characteristics

考题 单选题下列关于图层的说法不正确的是()。A 修改某一图层内容时,不会影响其他图层B 可以将图像中不同内容放置在不同的图层上C 利用图层可以创建出形式多样的图像效果D 无法利用图层对图像进行后期处理

考题 单选题用显微镜观察玻片标本时看到物像在视野的右下方,若使物像移到视野正中央,玻片应()。A 向左上方移动B 向左下方移动C 向右上方移动D 向右下方移动

考题 单选题交响音画《在中亚细亚草原上》是()的作品。A 穆索尔斯基B 柴可夫斯基C 巴拉基列夫D 鲍罗丁

考题 单选题罗马共和国时期的公民大会的主要职责是()。 ①监督行政官员 ②选举公职人员 ③通过元老院拟定的提案 ④负责日常司法事务A ①②B ②③C ①④D ③④

考题 单选题西方启蒙思想家将可能作恶的权力称为“无赖”“非天使”“有限理性”等,核心指向一点:即认为权力领域充满危险和变数,统治者的道德、人品并不可靠。要解决“可能作恶的权力”,他们主张()。A 推翻君主专制,建立君主立宪制B 消灭私有制,实现社会真正平等C 建立有效机制,实现权力制衡D 削弱中央权力,实现公民自治

考题 单选题素描从最根本上说是一种表现方法和()。A 艺术门类B 造型手段C 绘画方法D 观察方法

考题 问答题简述1929-1933年资本主义世界经济危机影响。(2)课文摘录:20世纪20年代,特别在1924-1929年间,资本主义世界基本上处于相对稳定时期,主要资本主义国家的经济“繁荣”一时。但是这一“繁荣”的背后却孕育着严重危机。1929年,一次空前严重的经济危机爆发并迅速席卷了整个资本主义世界。经济危机中,人民群众深受其害。整个资本主义世界工人大量失业,广大劳动人民饥寒交迫,流离失所。垄断资本家为保持价格,维持利润,宁愿大量销毁产品,生产受到严重破坏。严重的经济危机,引起了政治危机,资本主义各国社会矛盾尖锐,政局动荡。要求:根据课程标准要求和课文内容,设计出相关的教学过程,包括教学环节、教师活动和学生活动。(根据下列材料设计教学片段:(1)《义务教育历史课程标准(2011年版)》要求)

考题 单选题把矮秆玉米纯种用赤霉素处理后长成了高秆玉米,若用此高秆玉米与矮秆玉米交配,则后代中(高秆对矮秆为完全显性)()A 高秆﹕矮秆=3﹕1B 全部为矮秆C 高秆﹕矮秆=1﹕1D 全部为高秆

考题 单选题Passage 2As regards social conventions,we must say a word about the wel-known English class system. This is an embarassing subject for English people,and one they tend to be ashamed of,though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less,and the class system less rigid. But it still exists below the surface. Broadly speaking,it means there are two clases,themiddle classand theworking class”.(We shall ignore for a moment the old“upper class,including the hereditary aristocracy,since it is extremely small in numbers;but some of its members have the right to sit in the House of Lords,and some newspapers take surprising interest in their private life.)The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do businessmen and professional people of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers.The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. Middle-class people use slightly varying kinds ofreceived pronunciationwhich is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class people speak in many different local accents which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system. To have been to a so-called public schoolimmediately marks you out as one of the middle class. The middle classes tend to live a more formal life than working-class people, and are usually more cultured. Their midday meal is lunchand they have a rather formal evening meal called dinner, whereas the working man's dinner, if his working hours permit, is at midday, and his smaller, late-evening meal is called supper.As we have said, however, the class system is much less rigid than it was, and for a long time it has been government policy to reduce class distinctions. Working-class students very commonly receive a university education and enter the professions, and working-class incomes have grown so much recently that the distinctions between the two classes are becoming less and less clear. However, regardless of one's social status, certain standards of politeness are expected of everybody, and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets, and treats a laborer with the same respect he gives an important businessman. Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike. Even the wordsir, except in school and in certain occupations(e.g. commerce, the army, etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used.Why isn't the word “sir”commonly used in Britain?A Because it sounds too servile and is likely to cause embarrassment.B Because it can only be used in some certain occupations.C Because it is an impolite word.D Because it shows that the speaker is not well-bred person.

考题 单选题以下哪项不属于美术欣赏的特点?()A 多层性B 统一性C 直观性D 差异性

考题 单选题下列可以作为VB变量名的是()。A A&sB A+SC ASD A_s

考题 单选题--Will John come to the party? --No, he won´t come and__________.A Antony neither won' tB won' t Antony neitherC either will AntonyD neither will Antony

考题 单选题Which of the following grammar activities is most communicative?A Asking the students to read and correct the mistakes in the sentences.B Asking the students to tell the differences between two pictures in groups.C Asking the students to make sentences with the given words.D Asking the students to complete the translation exercises.

考题 多选题Windows系统中,()属于文件复制的步骤。A选择要复制的文件B选择“编辑”菜单下的“剪切”C打开目的地文件夹D选择“编辑”菜单下的“粘贴”

考题 单选题VB中,定义a为实型变量的语句是()。A Dim a As IntegerB Dim a As SingleC Dim a As DateD Dim a As Byte

考题 单选题小龙用百度在互联网上搜索周杰伦的《菊花台》的歌词,以下最有效的关键字是()。A 周杰伦歌词B 周杰伦的《菊花台》的歌词C 菊花台歌词D 周杰伦菊花台

考题 单选题A 此时球A的速度为B 球B在最高点时速度为C 球B在最高点时,杆对水平轴的作用力为1.5mgD 球B转到最低点时,其速度为 gl

考题 问答题材料:淀粉在口腔中的消化环节一:亲自体验学生口嚼馒头,谈感受。教师提出问题:你认为馒头在口腔内有哪些因素参与消化?环节二:“我感兴趣的问题”学生参与口嚼馒头的体验过程,提出感兴趣的问题,教师选择3个最有代表性的题目:(1)舌的搅拌对淀粉的消化有影响吗?(2)牙齿的研磨对淀粉的消化有影响吗?(3)唾液对淀粉的消化有影响吗?环节三:整理“内存”教师与学生一起归纳出现在已经学习到的、确定的信息。如馒头的主要成分是淀粉;淀粉是没有味的;淀粉遇到碘会变蓝,等等。环节四:确定题目,设计实验小组从3个问题中选定一个作出假设并设计实验。教师以提问作为导和提示:(1)小组要解决什么问题?(2)小组决定用什么方法,依据是什么?(3)可能会出现什么结果,能够说明什么问题?问题: (1)上述材料中,该教师运用了哪一种类型的探究学习形式? (2)简要说明探究学习的特征有哪些。

考题 单选题由两种单色光P、Q组成的细光束,自A点沿半径方向射人两种不同材料做成的外形相同的半圆形透明体Ⅰ、Ⅱ.在圆心O点发生反射与折射现象.如图所示,则( )。A 对同一色光,介质Ⅰ的折射率小于介质Ⅱ的折射率B 在同一均匀介质中单色光.P的传播速度小于单色光QC 若入射光由A缓慢向B转动,仍保持沿半径方向射到O点,单色光P比单色光O先发生全反射D 在相同条件下做双缝干涉实验.单色光_P相邻条纹间距比单色光0大

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.Why was Bertha von Suttner awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace Prize?A She encouraged the Nobel family to make as many patents as possible.B She effected change in Nobel's policy and had protests against war.C She helped Alfred Nobel with many of his inventions.D She was influential in the building of many laboratories in 90 countries.

考题 单选题“作为古人智慧的结晶,《伊索寓言》包括的内容十分丰富。书中不少内容或是影射当时社会现实,或是表现劳动人民生活的经验与智慧,或是借动物形象嘲讽人类缺点。请同学们举出几则《伊索寓言》里的经典故事与大家分享。”某初中七年级语文教师在学期总复习阶段如是说。下面是学生们在课堂上所举的例子,其中不符合教师要求的一项是(  )。A 《赫尔墨斯和雕像者》《蚊子和狮子》B 《智子疑邻》《塞翁失马》C 《农夫和蛇》《乌龟和老鹰》D 《蚂蚁和蝉》《猫和鸡》

考题 单选题A 衰变后钍核的动能等于仅粒子的动能B 衰变后钍核的动量大小等于仪粒子的动量大小C 铀核的半衰期等于其放出一个仅粒子所经历的时间D 衰变后仅粒子与钍核的质量之和等于衰变前铀核的质量

考题 单选题宋代被誉为“得山之骨”“与山传神”的画家是()。A 李成B 范宽C 许道宁D 郭熙

考题 单选题元代南戏四大传奇不包括()。A 《荆钗记》B 《拜月亭》C 《琵琶记》D 《杀狗记》

考题 单选题The meeting _____ in the hall tomorrow is about environment protection.A is being heldB to be heldC heldD being held