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更多 “多选题802.1Q协议的特点是什么?()A它是一个2层的消息协议,它保证通过网络的VLAN配置B它包括一个8比特字段指定的帧的优先级C它是专门用于标记的VLAN帧和下交换网络拓扑结构的变化剂量不能满足网络的重新收敛D它修改802.3帧报头,并且因此需要在FCS重新计算E它是一种能够携带未标记的帧的中继协议” 相关考题
考题 单选题猩红热病原治疗首选()A 红霉素B 四环素C 青霉素D 头孢菌素E 氯霉素

考题 多选题以下哪些路由项由网管手动配置()?A静态路由B直连路由C缺省路由D动态路由

考题 多选题A network administrator wants to ensure that only the server can connect to port Fa0/1 on a Catalyst switch. The server is plugged into the switch Fa0/1 port and the network administrator is about to bring the server online. What can the administrator do to ensure that only the MAC address of the server is allowed by switch port Fa0/1 (Choose two.)()。AConfigure port Fa0/1 to accept connections only from the static IP address of the server.BEmploy a proprietary connector type on Fa0/1 that is incompatible with other host connectors.CConfigure the MAC address of the server as a static entry associated with port Fa0/1.DBind the IP address of the server to its MAC address on the switch to prevent other hosts from spoofing the server IP address.EConfigure port security on Fa0/1 to reject traffic with a source MAC address other than that of the server.FConfigure an access list on the switch to deny server traffic from entering any port other than Fa0/1.

考题 单选题在护理脱水补液的患儿时,如输液后患儿出现乏力、腹胀、肠鸣音减弱、腱反射消失、心音低钝,应考虑()A 低钾血症B 低氯血症C 钙血症D 低镁血症E 低磷血症

考题 单选题百日咳杆菌是经哪种途径感染的()A 呼吸道感染B 消化道感染C 创伤感染D 接触感染E 多途径感染

考题 单选题婴儿女性,6个月。生后至今很少笑,易激怒,表情呆滞,皮肤白皙、干燥,巩膜色浅,毛发偏软,尿、汗有发霉臭味。应采取哪项治疗措施?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题对于访问控制列表条件的判断语句中,与子网掩码类似的32位比特的数字字符串称为()。A IP地址B 主机地址C 网络地址D 通配符

考题 单选题什么是发出帧中继映射IP192.168.1.2 202广播命令的结果?()A 定义了用于所有的广播包的DLCI202的源IP地址B 定义了用于发送到192.168.1.2的IP地址的所有数据包的DLCIC 定义了用于所有的广播包的DLCI202的目的IP地址D 定义了它从192.168.1.2的IP地址的数据包接收的DLCI

考题 单选题治疗惊厥的首选药物是()A 苯巴比妥B 地西泮C 苯妥英钠D 卡马西平E 丙戊酸钠

考题 单选题重度肥胖标准是体重超过同性别、同身高(长)正常小儿体重均值()A 20%以上B 25%~40%C 40%以上D 30%~49%E 50%以上

考题 单选题对腹型紫癜有效的药物是()A 肾上腺皮质激素B 免疫抑制剂C 抗组胺药D 钙剂E 非甾体类抗炎药

考题 单选题4个月佝偻病患儿多见的骨骼改变是()A 方颅B 手镯征C 肋膈沟D 颅骨软化E 肋骨串珠

考题 单选题Cisco Series routers is suitable for small businesses and for connectinq small offices to enterprise networks.()A 800B 830C 1600D 3700

考题 单选题Which Frame Relay feature is responsible for transmitting keepalives to ensure that the PVC does not shut down because of inactivity?()A DLCIB BECNC FECND LMIE CIRF DE

考题 单选题考虑该患儿可能发生的疾病是(  )。A 新生儿硬肿B 吸入性肺炎C 新生儿颅内出血D 新生儿窒息E 肺透明膜病

考题 单选题小于()的TCP/UDP端口号已保留与现有服务一一对应,此数字以上的端口号可自由分配。A 199B 100C 1024D 2048

考题 单选题Refer to the exhibt.Host A has tested connectivity to a remote network.What is the default gateway for host A?()A

考题 单选题Which description about asymmetric encryption algorithms is correct?()A They use the same key for encryption and decryption of data.B They use different keys for decryption but the same key for encryption of data.C They use different keys for encryption and decryption of data.D They use the same key for decryption but different keys for encryption of data.

考题 单选题If the bandwidth of an OSPF interface is 64, what would be the calculated cost of the link?()A 1B 10C 1562D 64000E 128000F None of the above

考题 单选题What is the maximum data rate specified for IEEE 802.11b WLANs?()A 10MbpsB 11MbpsC 54MbpsD 100Mbps

考题 单选题患儿男,3岁半。发热4天,伴咳嗽,流涕,眼结膜充血,流泪,半天前发现患儿耳后,颈部,发缘有稀疏的不规则红色丘斑疹,疹间皮肤正常,体温40℃,心肺正常。该患儿最有可能发生()A 风疹B 麻疹C 猩红热D 幼儿急疹E 水痘

考题 单选题Three switches are connected to one anther via trunk ports.Assuming the default switch configuration,which switch is elected as the root bridge for the spanning-tree instance of vlan 1?()A the switch with the lowest MAC addressB the switch with the higest MAC addressC the switch witch the higest IP addressD the switch with the lowest IP address

考题 单选题A router receives information about network from multiple sources.What will the router consider the most reliable information about the path to that network?()A an OSPF update for network a static router to network B.a static router to network with a local serial interface configured as the next hopC a RIP update for network a directly connected interface with an address of a default route with a next hop address of

考题 多选题Which of the following are benefits of VLANs?()AThey increase the size of collision domains.BThey allow logical grouping of users by function.CThey can enhance network security,DThe increase the size of broadcast domains while decreasing the number of the broadcast domains.EThe increase the number of broadcast domains while decreasing the size of the broadcast domains.FThey simplify switch administration.

考题 单选题最可能的诊断是(  )。A 腺病毒肺炎B 原发性肺结核C 支原体肺炎D 化脓性脑膜炎E 结核性脑膜炎

考题 单选题猩红热易出现的并发症是(  )。A 急性肾小球肾炎B 急性胰腺炎C 睾丸炎D 肺炎E 脑炎

考题 单选题一个默认的帧中继WAN被分类为哪种物理网络类型?()A 点到点B 广播多路访问C 非广播多路访问D 非广播多点E 广播点到多点

考题 多选题Which two statements describe the advantages to the use of RIP over the use of OSPF?()ARIP requires less time to convergeBRIP uses less bandwidthCRIP is less complex to configureDRIP demands fewer router resourcesERIP has a more accurate metric