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更多 “单选题MAN-BW-S-MC/MCE主机操纵系统气路中,集控室的操作手柄A和B都处于“STOP”位置,机控阀63、64的状态是()。A 阀63、64均受压上位通B 阀63、64均不受压上位通C 阀63受压上位通、64不受压下位通D 阀63不受压下位通、64受压上位通” 相关考题
考题 单选题客船上的所有动力滑动门,应能满足在船舶处于正浮状态时,能从驾驶室内的总控制台不超过()内被同时关闭。A 30secB 60secC 90secD 120sec

考题 单选题雷达跟踪目标和AIS报告目标将被视为两个不同的目标,并显示为一个()和一个AIS激活目标,且不做报警。A 雷达跟踪目标B AIS报告目标C 自动跟踪目标D 手动录取目标

考题 单选题某船放置空盒气压表的高度距离海面24m,测得本站气压为1000.9hPa,则海平面气压为()。A 997.9hPaB 999.7hPaC 1003.9hPaD 1000.2hPa

考题 单选题IAMSAR Manual规定的平行扫视搜寻方式适用于:()A 两船及以上搜寻B 扇形搜寻C 单船搜寻D 船舶与航空器联合

考题 单选题依金属腐蚀过程的特点将其分为()。 1全面腐蚀, 2局部腐蚀, 3化学腐蚀, 4电化学腐蚀, 5穴蚀。A 1+2B 1+2+5C 3+4D 1+4+5

考题 单选题The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()A lowering brine discharge densityB decreasing the absolute pressure of each stageC increasing the saltwater feed heater temperatureD increasing the pressure at the spray pipe

考题 单选题You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn.The Master has temporarily gone below.The Pilot orders a course change which you are certain will put the vessel into imminent danger.Your first action should be to().A Countermand the order and immediately notify the MasterB Make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilot's orderC Immediately call the Master and await further orders from himD Immediately sound a short ring on the general alarm

考题 单选题One precaution to take prior to working in a freshly painted compartment where there are an excessive amount of paint fumes, is to ().A take shallow breaths of airB ventilate the areaC wear a breathing apparatus while workingD keep a charged fire hose handy

考题 单选题某船以18kn航行1000nmile,需要燃油100t。现仅存燃油80t,但至目的港尚有1200nmile的航程。为了使船舶能在不增加燃油的情况下续航至目的港,试求该船应采用的航速()。A 15knB 16knC 17knD 18kn

考题 问答题锚链的作用是什么?按照链环作用,锚链又分为几个主要部分?

考题 单选题热疲劳与零件的()有关。A 温度B 循环温差C 温差D 时间

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions could cause the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler to lose suction?()A Increased suction head pressureB Decreased feedwater temperatureC Pump recirculating line being open too muchD Excessive feedwater temperature

考题 单选题船舶在航行中,舵速等于:()A 船速+舵处的伴流速度+螺旋桨排出流速度B 船速-舵处的伴流速度+螺旋桨排出流速度C 船速+舵处的伴流速度-螺旋桨排出流速度D 船速-舵处的伴流速度-螺旋桨排出流速度

考题 单选题In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products, you should().A start to load at maximum pressureB start to load slowlyC increase the air flow into the tankD use the overall method of loading only

考题 单选题船舶水灭火系统应每隔多长时间检查一次()。A 一个月B 三个月C 半年D 一年

考题 单选题关于利用流力掉头,下列说法中错误的是()。A 掉头船舶利用航道内流速、流向分布上的差异进行掉头的方法称为利用流力掉头法B 大型船舶常利用此法以缩小掉头所需水域’C 大型顶推船队常利用此法以缩小掉头所需水域D 小型船舶常利用此法以缩小掉头所需水域

考题 单选题下列()部件属于气动薄膜调节阀的组成部分。 ①阀杆 ②膜片 ③弹簧 ④波纹管 ⑤喷嘴 ⑥活塞 ⑦调节螺母 ⑧气缸A ①②⑥⑧B ①②③⑦C ②③④⑦D ①④⑤⑥

考题 单选题在IMO采纳的分道通航水域,下述哪一种做法是不符合规则规定的:()A 为避免紧迫局面而采取行动时,可以进入分隔带航行B 主机发生故障进入分隔带锚泊C 突遭浓雾,雷达又发生故障,驶入分隔带锚泊D 舵机发生故障,驶入分隔带锚泊

考题 单选题为保证制冷压缩机运动摩擦面的润滑,控制系统中应设置滑油压力保护装置,其形式是()。A 滑油压差继电器,输入为滑油泵出口压力及压缩机入口压力B 滑油压差继电器,输入为滑油泵出口压力及压缩机出口压力C 滑油压差继电器,输入为滑油泵入口压力及压缩机入口压力

考题 单选题下列制冷剂中与滑油相溶性最差的是()。A R12B R22C R134aD R717

考题 单选题在NBDP通信中,船台向用户发出业务指令KKKK+是表示()A 船台与岸台通信结束B 船台与用户通信结束C 船台与岸台通信开始D 船台与用户通信开始

考题 单选题为加强船员管理,提高船员素质,维护船员的合法权益,保障水上交通安全,保护水域环境,我国国务院颁布了中华人民共和国()。A 船员管理条例B 船员条例C 船员法D 船员注册管理办法

考题 单选题()is the offense against navigational rules and will make the ship unseaworthy with the Shipowner responsible for all the consequences.A OverloadingB OvertakingC OverboardingD Overlining

考题 单选题Stations in the United States of America are grouped by states arranged in the alphabetical order of their().A countriesB statesC namesD groups

考题 单选题By comparing the exhaust gas temperature of each cylinder, the operator can determine if the load is balanced throughout the engine. The device most commonly used is a()A tachometerB pyrometerC dynamometerD calorimeter

考题 单选题斜盘式轴向柱塞泵改变排油方向是靠改变()。A 转向B 缸体偏摆方向C 斜盘倾斜方向D 浮动环偏心方向

考题 单选题在FDMA方式中,“信道”表示各地面站()。A 所占时间B 所占用转发器频段C 所用频率D 使用的码型

考题 单选题In a direct expansion type multi-box refrigeration system, the compressor is set up to cycle on and off by the()A pressurestatB high pressure cutoutC solenoid valveD low pressure cutout switch