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更多 “单选题患者吴某,肝硬化合并上消化道出血,经对症治疗后出血停止,病情好转。此患者需做大便潜血试验,前3天应禁食()A 白菜B 牛奶C 土豆D 冬瓜E 羊血” 相关考题
考题 单选题Your company uses DHCP to lease IPv4 addresses to computers at the main office. A WAN link connects the main office to a branch office. All computers in the branch office are configured with static IP addresses. The branch office does not use DHCP and uses a different subnet.You need to ensure that the portable computers can connect to network resources at the main office and the branch office. How should you configure each portable computer?()A Use a static IPv4 address in the range used at the branch office.B Use an alternate configuration that contains a static IP address in the range used at the main office.C Use the address that was assigned by the DHCP server as a static IP address.D Use an alternate configuration that contains a static IP address in the range used at the branch office.

考题 单选题下列哪个年龄期的儿童,免疫系统疾病如急性肾炎、风湿热等开始增多?(  )A 新生儿期B 婴儿期C 幼儿期D 学龄前期E 学龄期

考题 单选题添加菜泥、水果泥、蛋黄等泥状食物的时间是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. You provide access to some applications through a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) environment. All Remote Desktop Session Host (RD S ession Host) server objects are located in an organizational unit (OU) named RDServers. All virtual desktop computers are located in an organizational unit (OU) named VirtualDesktops. All other client computer objects are located in an OU named Desktops.The drive holding the user profile cache on each RD Session Host server is running out of free disk space. You need to restrict the amount of disk space used by the roaming user profile cache. What should you do?()A Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that en ables folder redirection for all users. Link the GPO to the RDServers OU.B Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that enables folder redirection for all users. Link the GPO to the VirtualDesktops OU.C Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that configures the Limit the size of the entire roaming user profilecache setting. Link the GPO to the RDServers OU.D Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that configures the Limit the size of the entire roaming user profile cache setting. Link the GPO to the VirtualDesktops OU.

考题 单选题Your company has a single Active Directory domain. The company has a main office and a branchoffice. Both the offices have domain controllers that run Active Directory-integrated DNS zones. All client computers are configured to use the local domain controllers for DNS resolution. The domain controllers at the branch office location are configured as Read-Only Domain Controllers (RODC).You change the IP address of an existing server named SRV2 in the main office. You need the branch office DNS servers to reflect the change immediately. What should you do?()A Run the dnscmd /ZoneUpdateFromDs command on the branch office servers.B Run the dnscmd /ZoneUpdateFromDs command on a domain controller in the main office.C Change the domain controllers at the branch offices from RODCs to standard domain controllers.D Decrease the Minimum (default) TTL option to 15 minutes on the Start of Authority (SOA) record for the zone.

考题 单选题You have an Active Directory forest. You plan to deploy an Exchange Server 2010 organization that contains the following servers:.Two Edge Transport servers.Two Hub Transport servers You need to recommend changes to the organization to ensure that e-mail messages can be sent to the Internet if a single transport server fails.  What should you recommend?()A Configure shadow redundancy for the Hub Transport servers.B Implement failover clustering on both Hub Transport servers.C Configure both Edge Transport servers as source servers for a Send connector.D Create one mail exchange (MX) record and one SRV record for each Edge Transport server on the internal DNS zone.

考题 单选题符合革兰阴性杆菌肺炎临床特征的是()A 病理改变多为大叶性肺炎B 感染途径为吸入口咽部的定植菌C 并发症较少见,预后较好D 多见于青壮年E 可经母婴途径传播

考题 单选题目前哪项是最佳的SLE筛选试验?(  )A 抗核抗体检查B 皮肤狼疮带试验C 毛细血管镜检查D 血清补体测定E 狼疮细胞检查

考题 单选题下列有关妇女保健工作的意义,不正确的描述是(  )。A 保护妇女身心健康,关系到中华民族素质的全面提高B 定期开展妇女病普查普治,可以做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗C 每半年对女性进行普查,可以提高疾病的治愈率D 普及新法接生,提高产科质量,降低孕产妇死亡率E 根据妇女生理特点,协助有关部门制定劳动条例及规定

考题 单选题预防小儿佝偻病应强调()A 母乳喂养B 及早添加辅食C 及早口服鱼肝油D 及早服用钙剂E 经常晒太阳

考题 单选题此患者的诊断为(  )。A 滴虫性阴道炎B 念珠菌性阴道炎C 老年性阴道炎D 非特异性阴道炎E 细菌性阴道病

考题 单选题急性白血病的典型骨髓象是()A 原始及幼稚细胞减少,幼红和巨核细胞减少B 原始及幼稚细胞增生,幼红和巨核细胞增生C 原始及幼稚细胞增生,幼红和巨核细胞减少D 原始及幼稚细胞减少,幼红和巨核细胞增生E 原始及幼稚细胞正常,幼红和巨核细胞减少

考题 单选题口唇樱红,呼吸深快,精神萎靡或烦躁不安、嗜睡甚至昏迷,为(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎”主要传播途径为(  )。A 呼吸道及接触传播B 虫媒传播C 母婴传播D 血液传播E 性传播

考题 单选题You have a server that runs Windows Server 2008.You need to configure the server as a VPN server. What should you install on the server? ()A Windows Deployment Services server role and Deployment Server role service.B Windows Deployment Services server role and Transport role Service.C Network Policy and Access Services server role and Routing and Remote Access Services role service.D Network Policy and Access Services server role and Host Credential Authorization Protocol role.

考题 单选题咽结合膜热的病原体是()A 合胞体病毒B 柯萨奇病毒C 轮状病毒D 金黄色葡萄球菌E 腺病毒

考题 单选题某3个月正常婴儿,生后3天接种过卡介苗,2个月口服过脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗糖丸,现该患儿应接种何种疫苗?(  )A 乙肝疫苗B 麻疹减毒活疫苗C 卡介苗复种D 百白破混合制剂E 乙脑疫苗

考题 单选题继发性腹膜炎最常见的致病菌是()A 溶血性链球菌B 大肠埃希菌C 肺炎链球菌D 变形杆菌E 厌氧类杆菌

考题 单选题The company has a Windows 2008 Active Directory-based network.The network contains an Exchange Server 2003 organization.The management instructs you to deploy Exchange Server 2010 in your network.You decide to prepare the schema and domain first.Which of the following commands should you run prior to performing the normal schema and domain preparation?()A Setup /PrepareSchemaB Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissionsC Setup /PrepareADD Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions:child.Xxx

考题 单选题下列哪项不是儿科护士的角色?(  )A 康复与预防的指导者B 直接护理者C 患儿与家长的管理者D 患儿的代言人E 合作与协调者

考题 单选题结肠癌Dukes分期中,C期正确的描述是(  )。A 肿瘤局限于肠壁B 肿瘤穿透肠壁,侵入邻近组织结构或器官,可以切除,且无淋巴结侵犯C 肿瘤侵及肠壁深肌层D 肿瘤侵及肠壁任何一层且有淋巴结转移E 发生远处器官如肝、肺、骨等转移

考题 单选题患者男性,35岁。搬运重物后突然出现胸痛、干咳、呼吸困难。此时应首先进行哪种检查?(  )A 胸部X线检查B 血气分析C 肺功能测定D 血液学检查E 痰涂片与痰培养

考题 单选题急性腹膜炎伴有休克的卧位是()A 半卧位B 去枕平卧位C 上半身及下肢各抬高10°~30°D 平卧位E 侧卧位

考题 单选题Your company has a server named Printer1 that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Printer1 has the Print and Document Services server role installed.You need to reduce the number of events registered in the system log on Printer1.What should you do?()A Open the Event Viewer console. Create a custom view for the system log. Exclude the events that are notified by Event ID 10 from the filter.B Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of Printer1 and clear the Log spooler information events option.C Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of Printer1 and clear the Show informational notifications for network printers option.D Open the Print Management console. Open the properties of each individual printer on Printer1 and clear the Enable advanced printing features option.

考题 单选题关于真菌性阴道炎易发因素哪个不正确?(  )A 吃辛辣食物B 糖尿病C 酸度增加D 长期使用抗生素E 孕妇

考题 单选题干扰素抗病毒感染的机制是()A 直接干扰病毒mRNA的转录B 阻止病毒进入易感细胞C 诱导细胞产生抗病毒蛋白D 影响病毒装配E 抑制病毒的释放

考题 单选题下列属于右向左分流型的先天性心脏病是(  )。A 室间隔缺损B 法洛四联症C 房间隔缺损D 主动脉缩窄E 肺动脉狭窄

考题 单选题月经周期()A 月经的第1~4天B 月经的第5~14天C 月经的第15~24天D 月经的第25~28天E 两次月经第一天间隔的时间