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解析: 本题考查的是对设计意图的理解。课后习题二更多的是鉴赏语言的美,而没有体现学生对拟人手法的运用。
更多 “单选题《济南的冬天》课后习题一是“假设要给一个从未到过济南的人讲讲济南美丽的冬天,参照课文,你将从哪几个方画讲?着重讲哪些精彩的片段?”二是“课文中多处应用了拟人的修辞手法。拟人就是把物当做人来写,赋予物以人的动作行为或思想感情。仔细揣摩下面几个句子,品味拟人的写法好在哪里。”对该练习的设计意图,分析不正确的是()。A 意在提高学生概括文本大意的能力B 意在锻炼学生的口语表达能力C 意在使学生学会运用拟人的修辞手法写作D 意在使学生体会文章的语言魅力” 相关考题
考题 单选题关于算法,正确的说法是()。A 算法就是程序B 算法就是流程图C 算法就是计算方法D 算法就是对于一个特定问题确定的有限的求解步骤

考题 单选题学习《桃花源记》后,教师引导学生总结学过的课文中的通假字。以下各句中不包含通假字的一项是()。A 尊君在不(《陈太丘与友期》)B 谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁(《陋室铭》)C 日扳仲永环谒于邑人(《伤仲永》)D 便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食(《桃花源记》)

考题 单选题下列不属于普契尼的歌剧作品的是()。A 《艺术家的生涯》B 《弄臣》C 《图兰朵》D 《蝴蝶夫人》

考题 问答题

考题 单选题梁启超在《五十年中国进化概论》中说:“近五十年来,中国人渐渐知道自己的不足了……第一期,先从()上感觉不足……第二期,是从()上感觉不足……第三期,便是从()根本上感觉不足。”此处省略的三个词分别是()。A 器物制度文化B 器物文化制度C 文化制度器物D 制度文化器物

考题 单选题用Dreamweaver编辑网页时,下列关于CSS的说法错误的是()A 使用CSS能够简化网页的格式代码B 使用CSS不能够简化网页的格式代码C 使用CSS能够加快下载显示的速度D 使用CSS能够减少需要上传的代码数量

考题 单选题《昨天--中英鸦片战争纪实》中写道:“如果以为沿海和长江的炮声与白旗,已经在国民中掀起了多么巨大的精神波澜和情绪风涛,那便是属于今人想当然的自作多情。”由此可见()。A 鸦片战争不是中国近代史的开端B 后人夸大了鸦片战争的历史影响C 鸦片战争没有唤起中国人的觉醒D 清军在鸦片战争中进行孤军奋战

考题 单选题《传统艺术的色彩搭配》一课的教学难点是( )。A 掌握传统艺术的色彩搭配规律B 理解传统艺术的色彩搭配与文化发展的关系C 熟悉传统艺术中色彩搭配的作用D 进行简单的色彩搭配

考题 单选题The teacher would use to help students communicate in teaching speaking.A substitution drillsB group discussionC listening and actingD reading aloud

考题 单选题The weather was _____ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.A reallyB suchC tooD so

考题 问答题

考题 单选题When a teacher tells students that the word dog may imply loyalty, he/she is teaching the _________of the word.A denotative meaningB conocative meaningC conceptual meaningD connotative meaning

考题 单选题体育教学评价结构的基本构成原因不包括()。A 为什么评B 谁来评C 评什么D 何时评

考题 填空题公元前202年,(),推翻秦朝,建立(),定都长安。西汉炼铁开始使用的新燃料()。

考题 单选题关于指挥的说法,以下选项中不正确的是( )。A 指挥是合唱队或乐队进行排练和演出的组织者与领导者,对于一个合唱队或乐队水平的高低起到了重要的、决定性的作用B 指挥的要求,可用“省”“准”“美”三个字来概括C 指挥的站姿,按照指挥常规可以分为分腿站、并脚站、前后站以及自由站四种D 从分工上来讲,指挥的右手负责基本图示的击拍;左手一般辅助右手,具有多种功能

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题 。Passage 2Paper money is used every day but people do not often think of money as just paper.This is because people agree that it has value,and paper money is supported by the government.People have used paper money for only a few hundred years,but what did people do before printed money was invented? In Medieval England,a stick was the official representation of money. The common system that was used involved counting debt on a piece of wood called a "tally stick". The tally stick was marked with a knife.Each mark,or tally,indicated an amount of money.The tally stick acted as a contract.No one really knows who invented the tally stick,but King Henry I of England is credited as the first to use the stick in a widespread fashion.In England,the tally stick was used from 1100-1826.Marks were made on a tally stick to represent the amount of service or goods that were exchanged.The tally stick was cut in halflengthwise into two parts,and one stick was longer than the other.The person giving services or goods received the longer end of the stick,called the "stock",and the person paying for the service or goods received the shorter end.Once the stick was cut,it could not be altered.When put together,the two halves fit perfectly together.Medieval England was not the only country to use the tally stick system.In 1960,Belgian scientist Jean de Heinzelin de Braucourt discovered an extremely old tally stick made of baboon bone in Africa.At first,he determined the stick to be between about 8,000 to 10,000 years old.This surprised many people because it proved that the tally stick system had been in use for much longer than everyone had previously thought.Further research has shown that this stick is actually much older: now,scientists believe it is 20,000 years old.The tally stick system may no longer be in use today,but its influence is still apparent.People still make contracts and people still borrow and lend money.People still trust that "things"-whether they are sticks,paper,or coins-have value.The next time paper money is used,just remember: it is only paper!Why were many people surprised about tihe tally stick in Africa?A The material it was made from had never been seen before.B It was much older than previously thought.C It was cut sideways instead of lengthwise.D Money did not exist in Africa then.

考题 问答题简述信息技术课程的发展趋势。

考题 单选题1960年冬,中共中央提出“调整、巩固、充实、提高”的方针,其中“调整”主要是指()。A 调整中央与地方的关系B 调整城市与农村的关系C 调整积累与消费的关系D 调整国民经济比例关系

考题 单选题Passage1One of the world's first videogames,Tetris,has turned thirty years old,and its brand is anything but old school.But what's kept people swiping and clicking to ensure each row of blocks stays aligned and disappears into the virtual world since its development in 1984 Soviet Russia?A combination of new platforms and an attracting psychological appeal.Maya Rogers, the CEO of Blue Planet Software, the sole agent of the Tetris brand, said the protection of the game's core over the last three decades has aided its longevity. As mobile and social become two of the largest sources for gaming these days, Tetris isn't showing any signs of losing its appeal. Currently appearing on over 50 different gaming platforms, from the 1983Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) to smartphones, Tetris is sold on over 425 milion mobile devices. More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook, too. There's something psychologically entrancing about the game, that's kept people hooked through the years.Play a game of Tetris, said Rogers, and satisfy your craving to create order out of chaos.Plus, there's the added quality of playing Tetris and never feeling wholly fulfilled.There's no correct move that you can make,said Neubauer, a loyal player of the game who work as a senior analyst at Saibus Research, an independent research and advisory firm, The quest for the perfect move never ends.Tom Stafford,a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K, says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play.It's a world of perpetually generating uncompleted tasks, he said. As he's said in the past, too, Tetris is the granddaddy of puzzle games like Candy Crush saga-the things that keep us puzzling away for hours, days and weeks.Tetris is pure game: there is no benefit to it, nothing to learn, no social or physical consequence,he added.It is almost completely pointless, but keeps us coming back for more.Since it was developed, Tetris has been ________.A applied for no more than 30 yearsB no longer attracting and popularC built a solid footing in the puzzle game marketD updated into more intricate model

考题 单选题The best title for this passage might be _____.A A Successful Training ProgramB How to Describe and Specify a JobC Staff TrainingD The Importance of Training Workers and Technicians

考题 单选题It is reported that some scientists in the United States have found a new _____ for cancer.A wayB answerC approachD cure

考题 单选题Passage1Teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools.But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake. Many schools continue to employ instructional methods that have been proven inefective. The staying power of the look-sayor whole-wordmethod of teaching beginning reading is perhaps the most flagrant example of this failure to instruct effectively.The whole-word approach to reading stresses the meaning of words over the meaning of letters, thinking over decoding, developing a sight vocabulary of familiar words over developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. It fits in with the self-directed, learning how to learn activities recommended by advocates of open classrooms and with the concept that children have to be developmentally ready to begin reading. Before 1963, no major publisher put out anything but these Run-Spot-Run readers.However, in 1955, Rudolf Flesch touched off what has been called the great debatein beginning reading. In his best-seller Why Johnny Can't Read, Flesch indicted the nation's public schools for miseducating students by using the look-say method. He said-and more scholarly studies by Jeane Chall and Rovert Dyksta later confirmed-that another approach to beginning reading, founded on phonics, is far superior.Systematic phonics first teaches children to associate letters and letter combinations with sounds; it then teaches them how to blend these sounds together to make words. Rather than building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words, it imparts a code by which the pronunciations of the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can be learned. Phonics does not devalue the importance of thinking about the meaning of words and sentences; it simply recognizes that decoding is the logical and necessary first step.The phrase touch off(Para.3) most probably means________.A talk about shortlyB start or causeC compare withD oppose

考题 单选题学习多篇文言文后,教师让学生总结含有词类活用现象的句子。以下是某学生整理的笔记,其中没有词类活用现象的一项是()。A 急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔(《与朱元思书》)B 侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费袆、董允等,此皆良实(《出师表》)C 有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也(《醉翁亭记》)D 先帝不以臣卑鄙(《出师表》)

考题 单选题—I think science is more useful than art.—I disagree. I think art is _____ science.A not so useful asB less useful thanC the most useful ofD as useful as

考题 问答题案例:  阅读下面的学生习作,完成下题 。   守住文化最后的净土  ①众所周知,一个民族用以区分其他民族的最显著的特点不是武器,不是权势,而是语言,是我们从开口说话到死亡一直都不能割舍的母语 。  ②以前很不理解,明明都是说英语,为什么还偏偏要分出一个英式英语,一个美式英语呢?大都是同一种语言,干嘛还要创造一些彼此不能互相理解的词来增加沟通的难度呢?  ③直到我渐渐长大,便开始懂了,甚至还有些同情那些美国语句 。可能你会问,不论在哪一个方面都是居世界先列的超级大国的美国有什么值得同情的呢?但我认为,美国虽然有钱,却也贫瘠得很 。说得夸张一点,就是除了钱,穷得什么都没有了 。他们没有文化,没有语言,虽然强大,却没有自己的历史 。说到这里,我想你应该理解美国人非要创造出一个美式英语的道理了吧!  ④对,那就是因为他们没有母语 。对于当年那一批来到美国的英国人来说,他们早已不是英国人了 。在远离了那个地方后,再也不能以英国人自居,自然也不能再说那里的语言了 。所以他们选择了美式英语 。独立,不仅仅是一场战争,一个宣言 。独立,更是一种符号,一种语言 。所以,在我看来,美国真正的独立是从美式英语开始的 。  ⑤在我的认识中,文化一直就是一种混乱不清的理念,我们口口声声说要守住中国的根,守住中华怏怏大国几千年的文化,可是该怎么守?  ⑥我还记得早几年,爸爸的一个好朋友偕妻女回大陆,他很早就去了香港,并在那里成家立业 。他的女儿与我年纪相仿,却始终不曾开口说话 。某一次,我听见她和她爸爸的对话,纯正的英语让我很是羡慕 。事后,我跟爸爸说了自己的看法,爸爸却说了句我当时听不懂的话,他说她已经不是中国人了 。  ⑦直到过了很久的今天,我才明白爸爸那句话的含义,一个连国语都不会说的人,注定是一个回不了家的游子,俳徊走四方,却找不到根的感觉,很是可怜的 。  ⑧母语是民族文化的载体,是民族自下而上发展之根,是文化最后的净土 。我们可以抑制肯德基,可以忘掉怎么拿筷子,但要记住,不要忘记母语,不要忘记--我是中国人 。  ⑨守住母语,守住文化最后的净土,守住华夏之根 。  问题: 1 .请从第⑤⑦段中找出两个错别字,从第⑧段中找出一处病句,并分别进行改正 。 2 .假如你是这位学生的语文老师,请认真阅读以上学生的习作并为其写一段有理有据的点评 。

考题 单选题Teachers who adont the __________model for reading comprehension may start teaching a text by introducing new vocabulary and structures.A parallelB serialC too-downD bottom-up

考题 单选题张老师在上《各具特色的欧洲美术作品》一课时,先放映纪录片《艺术的力量》,让学生感性认识美术名家名作。张老师在此处运用了( )。A 演示法B 谈话法C 练习法D 情境法

考题 单选题徐悲鸿国画代表作品是()。A 《愚公移山》B 《松影瀑声图》C 《水声山色图》D 《百寿图》