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更多 “多选题村民委员会成员()的,其职务自行终止。A丧失行为能力B在履行职责期间,发现有贪污行为C被判处刑罚D挪用村里公共财产投资E经这个村1/5以上有选举权的村民或者1/3以上的村民代表联名,提出罢免” 相关考题
考题 单选题在堤防工程的堤身填筑施工中,碾压行走方向,应()。A 平行于堤轴线B 垂直于堤轴线C 平行于堤脚线D 垂直于堤脚线

考题 问答题处理偶发事件的原则有哪些?

考题 单选题只根据新预算年度的社会经济发展水平而不考虑以前的公共收支状况的预算编制方法是()A 单式预算B 复式预算C 增量预算D 零基预算

考题 多选题公务员队伍的更新机制由()组成。A录用B调动C退休D辞职辞退

考题 单选题HTML的〈PRE〉…〈/PRE〉标记的作用是()。A 将文本分段显示B 中断文本中的某一行C 给网页命名D 将文本按原样进行显示

考题 单选题清代专门负责为出国使臣收传、递送往来文书的通信机构称为()。A 民信局B 文报局C 侨批局D 大清邮政

考题 多选题甲向乙借款15万元,丙为保证人。丙为了保证自己能够追偿,要求甲提供担保,甲遂以自己家的一幅名人字画向丙设定质押担保丙的求偿权;并请自己的朋友丁以房屋作抵押担保丙的求偿权(办理了登记手续);甲还请戊为保证人担保丙的求偿权。其中下列情形属于反担保的有()。A甲以名人字画向丙设定的质押B丁以房屋设定的抵押C丙的保证担保D戊的保证担保

考题 多选题有关中标人的确定中,说法正确的有()A中标候选人数不超过5B中标人能够满足招标文件的实质性要求,并且投标价格最低C招标人可以授权评标委员会直接确定中标人D招标人不得向中标人提出压低报价,以此作为发出中标通知书和签订合同的条件

考题 单选题伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识,情节特别严重的,应判处()。A 3年以下有期徒刑B 3年以上5年以下有期徒刑C 3年以上7年以下有期徒刑D 5年以上8年以下有期徒刑

考题 问答题请简述桃园三结义的背景和经过。

考题 单选题下列有关前后任注册会计师沟通的说法中,错误的是()。A 接受委托前的沟通是必要的审计程序,接受委托后的沟通不是必要的审计程序B 如果被审计单位不同意前任注册会计师对后任注册会计师的询问做出答复,后任注册会计师应当拒绝接受委托C 接受委托后,如果需要查阅前任注册会计师的审计工作底稿,后任注册会计师应当征得被审计单位同意D 当会计师事务所通过投标方式承接审计业务时,前任注册会计师无须对所有参与投标的会计师事务所进行答复

考题 单选题下列说法错误的()。A 电子邮件是Internet提供的一项最基本的服务B 电子邮件具有快速、高效、方便、价廉等特点C 通过电子邮件,可向世界上任何一个角落的网上用户发送信息D 可发送的多媒体只有文字和图像

考题 单选题律师职业责任保险条款要求,被保险人接到委托人的赔偿请求后,应于()小时内以书面形式通知保险人。由于被保险人的通知延误导致保险人的损失扩大部分,保险人不予承担。A 72小时B 36小时C 24小时D 48小时

考题 填空题职工因工伤被鉴定为五级、六级伤残的,伤残津贴实际金额低于当地最低工资标准的,由()补足差额。

考题 多选题各个阶段的具体目标应包括()A政治素质B思想素质C道德素质D法纪素质E心理素质

考题 判断题塑料瓶不是可回收的资源。A 对B 错

考题 单选题暗示教学法的一个重要原则是()。A 愉快而不紧张的原则B 理论联系实际的原则C 启发性原则D 因材施教原则

考题 多选题NeTNUMeN N31网管系统中,下列是ePON网管工具项的是()。ATeLNeT工具BSSH工具CSNMPPINg工具DTArCerT

考题 填空题我国存在很多网络的高危漏洞,信息技术产品的()程度非常低。

考题 多选题下列哪些废水处理方法属于物理法?()A电解B吸附C膜分离D过滤E截留

考题 问答题经工伤鉴定为7级,不知可以获得哪些工伤赔偿?赔偿金额是多少?全部由工伤保险基金支付吗?单位不需要支付吗?

考题 单选题在水利水电工程建设中,进行区域构造稳定性研究时所称的活断层是指晚更新世()以来有过活动,今后还可能活动的断层。A 绝对年龄30万~15万年B 绝对年龄15万~10万年C 绝对年龄10万~8万年D 绝对年龄8万~5万年

考题 单选题体育学习评价的内容主要有体能、知识与技能、()、情意表现与合作精神、健康行为方面。A 学习态度B 学生的认知水平C 学习学习的动机D 运动技能

考题 名词解释题社会科学

考题 单选题阅读判断:下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 When Our Words Collide “Wanna buy a body?” That was the opening line of more than a few phone calls I got from freelance(自由职业 ) photographers when I was a photo editor at U.S. News. Like many in the mainstream press, I wanted to separate the world of photographers into “them”, who trade in picture of bodies or chase celebrities, and “us”, the serious news people. But after 16 years in that role. I came to wonder whether the two worlds were easily distinguishable. Working in the reputable world of journalism, I assigned photographers to cover other people’s nightmares. I justified invading moments of grief, under the guise(借口) of the reader's right to know. I didn’t ask photographers to trespass(冒犯) or to stalk(跟踪),but I didn’t have to: I worked with pros(同行) who did what others did: talking their way into situations or shooting from behind police lines to get pictures I was after. And I wasn’t alone. In the aftermath of a car crash or some other hideous incident when ordinary people are hurt or killed, you rarely see photographers pushing past rescue workers to capture the blood and gore(血雨腥风). But you are likely to see the local newspaper and television photographers on the scene - and fast. How can we justify our behavior? Journalists are taught to separate doing the job from worrying about the consequence of publishing what they record. Repeatedly, they are reminded of a news-business dictum(格言): leave your conscience in the office. You get the picture of the footage: the decision whether to print or air it comes later. A victim may lie bleeding, unconscious, or dead: your job is to record the image. You put away your emotions and document the scene. We act this way partly because we know that the pictures can have important meaning. Photographs can change deplorable(凄惨的) situations by mobilizing public outrage or increase public understanding. However, disastrous events often bring out the worst in photographers and photo editors. In the first minutes and hours after a disaster occurs, photo agencies buy pictures. Often an agency buys a picture from a local newspaper or an amateur photographer and put it up for bid by major magazines. The most keenly sought “exclusives” command tens of thousands of dollars through bidding contests. Many people believe that journalists need to change the way they do things, and it’s our pictures that annoy people the most. Readers may not believe, as we do, that there is a distinction between sober-minded “us” and sleazy(低级庸俗的) “them”. In too many cases, by our choices of images as well as how we get them, we prove our readers right. The writer was a photographer sixteen years ago.A RightB WrongC Not mentioned

考题 判断题商业银行中间业务是其资产负债业务的延伸。A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题写实分析法

考题 多选题直流电机换向片(通过电刷)起()作用。A直流电B交流电C整流D逆变