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更多 “单选题中国船舶报告系统是指()一种制度。A 船舶使用规定的报告格式和程序向中国船舶报告管理中心报告B 各海上搜救中心应用报告信息对遇险船舶组织救助的C 以上都正确” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which is not the maintenance work for shaft bearings in transmission system?()A check oil level in bearing sumpB check them for leakagec through end sealsC pump bilges in timeD check temperature

考题 单选题拟定沿岸航线时,一般不用考虑下列哪项因素()。A 风流情况B 交通密度C 渔船渔栅D 安全航速

考题 单选题在主机遥控系统中,下列()是能耗制动的逻辑条件之一。 ①车令与凸轮轴位置不一致; ②换向完成; ③主机转速高于发火转速; ④停油; ⑤主机转速低于发火转速; ⑥停车。A ①②④B ②③⑤C ②④⑥D ②③④

考题 单选题Why shiprepair is an inherently difficult business to manage in the conventional sense?()A Because it is difficult to plan and manageB Because it is cannot be well categorizedC Because it is a difficult work for people to undergoD Because it is seldom researched by research

考题 单选题The accident resulted () the motorman’s carelessness.A inB toC fromD by

考题 单选题根据对“管理”的定义,以下关于管理的内涵表述有误的是()。A 管理是一个过程B 管理的核心是达到目标C 管理的手段是运用组织拥有的各种资源D 管理的本质是监管

考题 单选题In the constant-tension mooring, the mooring lines holding the ship to the pier will maintain a constant tension even with changes in tide or ship’s draft, ().A without the necessity of manually adjusting the linesB without the necessity of automatically adjusting the linesC with the necessity of manually adjusting the linesD with the un-necessity of automatically adjusting the lines

考题 单选题下述关于承磨环错误的是()。A 为青铜环B 由3~4段青铜条分别敲入燕尾槽中C 各段青铜条间应不存在间隙D 其外径应稍大于活塞裙外径

考题 单选题《内河避碰规则》适用的船舶包括()。①政府公务船;②军舰;③渡船。A ①②B ①③C ②③D ①②③

考题 单选题在北半球船舶从锋面气旋的低纬一侧通过,观测到气压变化趋势为()。A 先降、后升、再平B 先升、后降、再升C 先平、后降、再升D 先降、后平、再升

考题 单选题海上对象的应急优先权()。A 海洋环境-船舶-人命B 船舶-海洋环境-人命C 人命-船舶-海洋环境D 船舶-人命-海洋环境

考题 单选题地面低压通常位于()A 高空短波槽前B 高空短波槽后C 高空短波槽中D D.B.C都错

考题 单选题双吊杆作业在固定保险索时,做法不正确的是()。A 使稳索与吊杆的水平投影夹角为90°B 将固结点提高C 将固结点远移D 固结点尽量靠近货舱口

考题 单选题A distress signal().A consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatusB consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flagC may be used individually or in conjunction with other distress signalsD is used to indicate doubt about another vessel's intentions

考题 单选题A solenoid valve used in a refrigeration system should be installed ().A with the axis of the solenoid horizontal, sensing temperature of the box, and upstream of the thermal expansion valveB upright, sensing temperature of the box, and upstream of the thermal expansion valveC upright, sensing temperature of the box, and downstream of the thermal expansion valveD upright, sensing heat of the tail coil, and upstream of the thermal expansion valve

考题 单选题20世纪70年代两次能源危机的冲击,从节能需要出发,船舶不再向大型化和高速化发展,除专业船舶外;一般货船的航速降至()左右。为了适应这种形势,大型低速柴油机的尺寸不但不再增加,而且缸径也都降回到()以内。A 12kn;1000mmB 13kn;2000mmC 14kn;1000mmD 15kn;2000mm

考题 判断题根据《99规则》(非国际)规定,所有500总吨及以上的国内航行船舶均应设置符合规定的国际通岸接头。A 对B 错

考题 单选题当风速为20节(风力5级)时,风浪充分成长所需要的最小风区和风时约为()A 75海里,10小时B 280海里,23小时C 710海里,42小时D 1400海里,68小时

考题 判断题多式联运提单均为不可转让提单。A 对B 错

考题 单选题国际航行船的货船构造安全证书、客船安全证书的换证检验属于下列哪种检验().A 船级检验B 临时检验C 法定检验D 特别检验

考题 单选题增压柴油机和非增压柴油机的主要区别在于()压力不同。A 排气B 燃烧膨胀C 压缩D 进气

考题 单选题世界航行警告业务包括()。A 远距离的航行警告业务B 岸基的航行警告业务C 本地的航行警告业务D A+B+C

考题 单选题活塞式压力计本身的校验是按等级进行的,即()A 一等校二等,二等校三等B 二等校一等,三等校二等C 一等校二等,二等校三等,三等校四等D 四等校三等,三等校二等,二等校一等

考题 单选题She(the vessel)shall if necessary()and in any event navigate with extreme caution until danger of collision is over.A take all her way offB take her way all offC take her way offD take off her all way

考题 单选题All of the following vessels are “restricted in their ability to maneuver” EXCEPT a vessel ().A laying a pipelineB dredgingC mineclearingD not under command

考题 单选题Fuel pump index is ().A the viscosity indexB the fuel oil contentsC the starting speedD the reading at the rack

考题 填空题柴油机()易产生废气倒灌。

考题 单选题按船规要求,无限航区的船舶主柴油机排气阀的备件至少配备一个气缸排气阀总量的()。A 2套B 1/2套C 由船东决定D 1套