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更多 “单选题起吊活塞组件应(),以防超重。A 核算活塞组件的重量B 核对绳索的许用荷重C 检查钓钩重心与零件重心的一致性D A+B+C” 相关考题
考题 单选题The()has a built-in world map; most areas are displayed on a scale of 4000 nm from the top to the bottom of the screen,and can be zoomed in to 150 nm.A chartplotterB C-MAP NTC C-CardsD PPI

考题 单选题对燃油性能指标理解正确的是() ①燃油比能量的大小可以通过深加工予以控制 ②燃油碳芳香烃指数CCAI的大小可根据密度和粘度通过计算得到 ③没有考虑密度、水分、灰分和硫分对能量的影响称燃油的总比能QG ④综合考虑密度、水分、灰分和硫分对能量的影响称燃油的净比能QGA ①+②+④B ②+③+④C ②+④D ①~④

考题 问答题空调舱室空气温度的调节方法有哪两种?各自是如何实现的?各有什么优缺点?

考题 单选题对铁梨木尾轴承来说应设置()填料函型密封装置,其中配水环的作用是()。A 首部/使压力水均布在轴表面加强润滑及冷却B 尾部/引进舷外水加强润滑及冷却C 尾、首部/引进舷外水冲洗沉积泥沙D 尾、首部/使压力水均布在轴表面加强润滑及冷却

考题 单选题按规定至少每()应进行一次应急操舵演习。A 1个月B 3个月C 6个月D 9个月

考题 单选题When replacing a part with a spare one, we should fill in tile spare parts consume table in time and make a mark in brief for ()A the reason of replacingB the course of replacingC crews who do this workD where and when the replacing being done

考题 单选题航行中,当废气涡轮增压器发生严重故障时,海况允许长时间停车,对损坏的涡轮增压器采用()措施进行处置。A 停止运转B 检修C 锁住转予D 拆除转子

考题 单选题为了检验螺旋桨的螺距应计算出()。Ⅰ.局部螺距;Ⅱ.螺旋桨总螺距;Ⅲ.截面螺距;Ⅳ.桨叶平均螺距;Ⅴ.螺旋桨总平均螺距。A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ

考题 单选题民用船舶在浅水区航行阻力明显增加,这是因为船舶所产生的()的缘故。A 横波的长度、宽度和散波角都增加B 散波与船舶运动方向垂直C 散波与横波合成导致兴波阻力达到最大D 散波角小,横波消失

考题 单选题可以限制谷物移动并使谷物在甲板间舱内的横移力矩减少()。A 围阱B 添注漏斗C 舱口盖固定装置D 采用共同装载方案

考题 单选题进行单边带无线电话通信时,单边带收,发信机工作模式及收信机带宽选择:()A J3E/3000HZB F2B/300HZC F1B300HZD J2B3000HZ

考题 单选题在时间上安全航速的规定适用于()。A 白天B 黑夜C 能见度良好D 任何时候

考题 单选题Measure () by means of lead wire.A the clearance of the main bearingB the play of the miler bearingC the gap of the main bearingD the tolerance of the main bearing

考题 单选题某用户在F站终端上若链接键入00870761219086#,则可知它在呼叫航行在某洋的某一()用户进行()通信。A B船站;电话B C船站;电传C M船站;传真D F船站;电话

考题 单选题Don’t() this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A releaseB relateC relieveD retain

考题 单选题The main bearings are provided with thin-walled (), lined with a copper-lead alloy.A steel guidesB steel shellsC steel bearing capsD pig iron

考题 单选题连接船底板和内底板的横向构件是:()A 肋骨B 桁材C 横梁D 肋板

考题 判断题北太平洋的雾盛行季节出现在晚春和夏季。A 对B 错

考题 问答题MEPC的含义及其职责是什么?

考题 单选题()offers a detailed description of tidal theory and its application to the analysis and prediction of tides and tidal streams.A Ocean Passages for the WorldB Admiralty Tidal Stream AtlasesC Admiralty Manual of TidesD Admiralty Tidal Handbooks

考题 单选题When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws,who may be held responsible?()A Master onlyB Owners onlyC Licensed officers onlyD Any individual connected with the vessel involved in the operation

考题 判断题船舶未经登记的,不得悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行。A 对B 错

考题 单选题If the relief valve on the discharge side of a hydraulic pump lifts, the cause could be ().A a low load on the unitB a clogged pump suction strainerC a blockage in the line between the pump and hydraulic motorD the hydraulic motor turning too fast

考题 单选题2051有关标准货便携式系固设备的检查和维修保养,下述正确的是()。 Ⅰ对可转动的该类设备应经常加油活络,以防因腐蚀而咬死; Ⅱ当发现该类设备本体有裂纹出现时,应立即换新; Ⅲ应注意检查可转动设备的螺纹损坏情况,对不能有效发挥其功能的应予换新; Ⅳ该类设备应及时收集在专用的箱子内,以防丢失。A Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢB Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣC Ⅰ、Ⅲ、ⅣD Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

考题 单选题根据救生艇安全操作须知的要求,除救生演习外操艇人数为:非机动艇不少于()人,机动艇不少于()人。A 5/7B 5/5C 7/7D 7/5

考题 多选题航次租船的方式有()。A单航次B来回程航次C连续单航次或来回程航次D期租船

考题 单选题航迹舵正常工作的关键,取决于连续输入的()。A 船舶速度精确值B 风流压精确测定值C 船位精确数据D 船舶航程数据

考题 单选题If one of the bilge system manifold valves does not properly seat, the ()A bilge well connected to that valve, plus the second bilge well being pumped will be completely emptiedB bilge system will lose vacuum and prevent the other bilges from being pumped outC bilge well aft connected to that valve will siphon its contents to the forward bilge wellsD discharge pressure will be too high