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An inclined semisubmersible with a very short rolling period about a constant angle of list is likely to have().

an off-center TCG


an LCG greater than level vessel LCB


a negative GM


excessive free surfaces


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更多 “单选题An inclined semisubmersible with a very short rolling period about a constant angle of list is likely to have().A an off-center TCGB an LCG greater than level vessel LCBC a negative GMD excessive free surfaces” 相关考题
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考题 Movement of liquid in a tank when a vessel inclines causes an increase in ______.A.Righting armB.Metacentric heightC.Height of the uncorrected KGD.Natural rolling period

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考题 单选题When the period of beam seas equals the natural rolling period of a vessel,what will most likely occur?()A Excessive pitchingB Excessive yawingC Excessive rollingD No change should be evident

考题 单选题Your vessel is damaged and listing to port. There is a short rolling period around the angle of list. The portside freeboard is reduced to 1 foot. There is no trim and the weather is calm. You should FIRST().A press up a slack double bottom tank on the port sideB fill an empty centerline double bottom tankC pump out a slack marine portable tank located on the portside amidshipsD jettison the anchors and anchor cables

考题 单选题Your vessel is damaged and is listing to port. The rolling period is short. There is sufficient freeboard so that deck edge submersion is not a problem. What corrective action should be taken FIRST in regard to the vessel’s stability?().A Press up any slack double-bottom tanks to eliminate free surfaceB Flood any empty double-bottom tanks to add weight low and downC Jettison topside weights to reduce KG and KBD Shift any off-center weights from port to starboard

考题 单选题If your vessel has a GM of one foot and a breadth of 50 feet,what will be your full rolling period? ()A 11 secondsB 15 secondsC 20 secondsD 22 seconds

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考题 单选题Movement of liquid in a tank when a vessel inclines causes an increase in().A righting armB metacentric heightC height of the uncorrected KGD natural rolling period

考题 单选题When the wave period and the apparent rolling period are the same().A synchronous rolling occursB roll period decreasesC roll period increasesD roll amplitude is dampened

考题 单选题Your vessel is listing 4° to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take FIRST?()A Press up the slack NO.1 starboard double bottom tankB Pump out the forepeak tankC Eliminate the water in the 'tween decks aft

考题 单选题Which of the following represents the emergency signal for fire aboard ship?()A More than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistleB Continuous blast of the ships whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmC Three short blasts of the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarmD More than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm

考题 单选题A vessel with a small GM will().A be more subject to synchronous rollingB have a short rolling periodC procide an uncomfordtable ride for personnelD have a smaller amplitude of roll in heavy weather

考题 单选题A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE?().A The vessel has negative GMB The center of gravity is on the centerlineC The list can be corrected by reducing KMD The vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution

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考题 单选题Which role does the teacher play in the following activities? When the students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a short period of time.A organizerB controllerC participantD assessor

考题 单选题Which is TRUE of a stiff vessel? ()A It has a small GMB It pitches heavilyC It has an unusually high center of gravityD Its period of roll is short

考题 单选题An inclined semisubmersible with a very short rolling period about a constant angle of list is likely to have().A an off-center TCGB an LCG greater than level vessel LCBC a negative GMD excessive free surfaces

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考题 单选题If the engine is naturally aspirated, or is a small high-speed type with a centrifugal turbocharger, the period of valve overlap(),ie when both valves are(), will be and the exhaust valve will close some 10°top dead canter().A open;short;afterB closed;short;afterC open;long;beforeD closed;long;before

考题 单选题Your vessel is listening 4°to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by th end with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take first?()A Press up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tankB Pump out the forepeak tankC Eliminate the water in the tween decks aftD Jettision stores out of the paint locker in the focsle

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT the reason for investing money in software developer training?A There are huge numbers of technology and skills in modern society.B It takes a short period to introduce a new technology.C The serviceable period of a new skill is quite short in modern society.D Technology develops quickly.