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词义辨析题。right权利;honor荣誉,荣耀;force力量,武力;authority权威。have the right to do sth.有做某事的权利。故选C。
更多 “单选题_____A honorB forceC rightD authority” 相关考题
考题 单选题_____A oftenB rarelyC yetD still

考题 单选题Each man and woman _____ the same rights.A hasB haveC hadD is having

考题 单选题Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.A the customerB the producerC increased salesD reduced prices

考题 单选题_____A SinceB WhileC AlthoughD Unless

考题 单选题_____A forcingB to makeC waitingD looking

考题 单选题Why the explosion occurred was _____ the laboratory attendant had been careless.A forB becauseC sinceD that

考题 单选题It’s the second time that Dick has been late, _____?A hasn’t heB isn’t itC isn’t heD hasn’t

考题 单选题I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.A glanceB glimpseC lookD see

考题 单选题_____A associatedB contactedC connectedD congregated

考题 单选题_____A The all dates ofB The dates of allC The dates of eachD Whole the dates of

考题 单选题In order to prepare a lecture, one must do a lot of research and spend plenty of time _____ his material so that his speech is clear and easy to follow.A organizingB managingC operatingD breeding

考题 单选题Without the sun’s light _____ the earth’s surface, it would be so cold that life could not exist on the earth.A warmsB warmedC warmingD to warm

考题 单选题According to the passage, literature, music and the arts _____.A do not contribute to economic growth at allB are less useful to the society because they do not make direct contribution to economyC are similar to medical and social services in their way of promoting economic growthD should develop only when they are good for economic growth

考题 单选题The poet has _____ fame all his life, but has never experienced it.A pursuedB followedC chasedD traced

考题 单选题_____A presentB instantC recentD immediate

考题 单选题There have been few novels by revolutionaries free of those faults _____ by Marx and Engels.A punishedB blamedC criticizedD scolded

考题 单选题_____A encouragedB orderedC usedD driven

考题 单选题_____A in whichB theyC whenD which

考题 单选题I shall give you the book _____ you return it no later than tomorrow.A on condition thatB in condition thatC with condition thatD in any condition

考题 单选题If you do your best it doesn’t matter _____ people think of you.A thatB whatC whichD if

考题 单选题All medicines should be kept out of _____ of children.A touchB reachC getD attain

考题 单选题The _____ of their success in the new year are good.A perspectiveB propertyC prospectsD future

考题 单选题There are different forms of energy, _____ come from the sun.A thatB most of thatC most of themD most of which

考题 问答题一旦你让他开始讲话,就没法让他停止。

考题 单选题_____A atB byC forD with

考题 单选题Not only he but also we _____ right. He, as well as we, _____ right.A are; areB are; isC is; isD is; are

考题 单选题_____ that we couldn’t catch up with him.A So fast he ranB So fast did he runC So fast ran heD Such fast did he run

考题 单选题According to the context we can guess that a genius is _____ while an idiot is _____.A a normal person ... a funny personB a strong person ... a weak personC a highly intelligent person ... a foolish or weak-minded personD a famous person ... an ordinary person