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Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates’ behavior in order to select the most competent person for the job.Search firms often have their own talent pool or human resource ban.



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更多 “判断题Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates’ behavior in order to select the most competent person for the job.Search firms often have their own talent pool or human resource ban.A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 WebofScience的检索方法不包括以下哪项?() A、Search(来源文献检索)B、Cited Reference Search(引文检索)C、Structure Search(化学结构检索)D、Expert Search(专家检索)

考题 We( ) the business of textiles. A.handleB.dealC.tradeD.specialize

考题 According to this passage, a money marketA.provides convenient services to its customers.B.has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking funds.C.maintains accounts with various retailers of financial services.D.is made up of institutions who specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions.

考题 (c) Risk committee members can be either executive or non-executive.Required:(i) Distinguish between executive and non-executive directors. (2 marks)

考题 (ii) Evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of Chen’s risk management committee beingnon-executive rather than executive in nature. (7 marks)

考题 The nation is only interested in people______.A. with diplomasB. who specialize in physics and chemistryC. who are valuable to the gross national productD. both A and C

考题 阅读下面的句子,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写(T)错误写(F)Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates behavior. in order to select the most competent person for the job.()21. The passage mainly talks about the increased business of headhunters.()22. Companies may use the services of an executive search firm to recruit new employees.()23. Employers prefer to use the headhunters because the services are cheap.()24. Search firms often have their own talent pool or human resource ban()25. Headhunters also provide services like advertisement and candidate evaluation.

考题 听力原文:They specialize in long-term savings accounts and usually lend money for mortgages.(5)A.They usually hold savings accounts.B.They have current accounts.C.They specialize in long-term savings accounts and mortgages.D.They deal in short-term savings accounts.

考题 ______ the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy, the search party still went on looking.() A. In shortB. Based onC. DespiteD. In spite

考题 specialize in(英译中)

考题 The heads of the various executive departments form. a council of advisers generally known as the President's __________. A.Advisory GroupB.Executive OfficeC.Special CommissionD.Cabinet

考题 ___are typically found in businesses such as law firms, accounting firms, and dental clinics which provide professional services in specialized areas. Insurance firms. A.PartnershipsB.sole proprietorshipC.corporationD.franchising

考题 You executed the following PL/SQL block successfully:The above command produces Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis.() A. with the CPU Usage finding if it is less than 90B. without the CPU Usage finding if it is less than 90C. with the CPU Usage finding for snapshots below 90D. with the CPU Usage finding for snapshots not between 150 and 162

考题 Which three tasks can be performed by using the performance Schema?() A.Finding queries that are not using indexesB.Finding rows that are locked by InnoDBC.Finding client connection attributesD.Finding the part of a code in which a single query is spending timeE.Finding the size of each table

考题 You are configuring an LDAP authentication server, and you want to configure role-mapping rules based on group membership. When you attempt to search for groups in the server catalog, no groups appear.Assuming the LDAP server is reachable and functioning properly, in the admin GUI. Which two parts of the configuration should you verify are correct?()A. Finding user entriesB. Authentication requiredC. LDAP Server TypeD. Determining group membership

考题 You create two shared printers on a Windows 2000 Server computer in Ezonexam.com Ezonexam. One printer is shared as Admin, and the other printer is shared as Executive. Both printers are connected to the same print device. You set the priority of the Admin printer to 90 and the priority of the Executive printer to 50.You want all users at the Ezonexam network to be able to send print jobs to either printer. However, you do not want the Executive printer to appear in the browse list when employees other than executives and administrative assistants create a new printer connection on their client computers.What should you do?A.Change the priority of the Executive printer to 99. Change the priority of the Admin printer to 10.B.Change the share name of the Executive printer to Executive$. Manually reconfigure client computers that are already connected to the Executive printer.C.Deny the Everyone group permission to access the Executive printer. Allow access to the users who are allowed to include the printer in their browse lists.D.Install separate device drivers for the Executive printer. Configure NTFS permissions on the device driver files to allow access only to the System account and to users who are allowed to include the printer in their browse lists.

考题 A pattern according to which vessels and / or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a ___________.A.Research patternB.Research modeC.Search patternD.Search and rescue mode

考题 以下表示搜索引擎营销的全称是?()A、Search Engine MarketingB、Meta Search EngineC、Search Engine OptimizationD、Site Management Organization

考题 下列哪项不属于WileyInterScience电子期刊全文数据库提供的检索方式()。A、advance search高级检索B、CrossRef/Google Search(公共检索)C、search基本检索D、Subject Search主题检索

考题 An executive’s laptop screen has been damaged and will not power on. Which of the following is the FASTEST way to get the executive back online?()A、Pull the hard drive and install it in a spare laptop of the same make and model.B、Replace the motherboard on the laptop.C、Build the executive a temporary laptop and attempt to repair the damaged one.D、Replace the backlight on the laptop.

考题 You are configuring an LDAP authentication server, and you want to configure role-mapping rules based on group membership. When you attempt to search for groups in the server catalog, no groups appear.Assuming the LDAP server is reachable and functioning properly, in the admin GUI. Which two parts of the configuration should you verify are correct?()A、Finding user entriesB、Authentication requiredC、LDAP Server TypeD、Determining group membership

考题 Which three tasks can be performed by using the performance Schema?()A、Finding queries that are not using indexesB、Finding rows that are locked by InnoDBC、Finding client connection attributesD、Finding the part of a code in which a single query is spending timeE、Finding the size of each table

考题 单选题If more than one raft is manned after the vessel has sunk,you should().A go in a different direction in search of landB spread out to increase the possibility of a search aircraft finding youC reduce the number of rafts by getting as many people as possible into as few rafts as possibleD tie the rafts together and try to stay in a single group

考题 判断题Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates’ behavior in order to select the most competent person for the job.Companies may use the services of an executive search firm to recruit new employees.A 对B 错

考题 单选题VHF Channel 6 is used exclusively for what kind of communications?()A Radio checks and time checksB Inter-vessel safety and search and rescueC Working with helicoptersD Radio direction finding

考题 判断题Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates’ behavior in order to select the most competent person for the job.Search firms often have their own talent pool or human resource ban.A 对B 错

考题 单选题An account executive is preparing for an initial one-on-one meeting with a high-level executive who recently read about POWER5 technology.  The account executive needs technical assistance to prepare for the meeting.  How can a pSeries technical specialist best provide assistance in this situation?()A Create a POWER5 technical presentation for the account executive’s use.B Mentor the account executive with the most important POWER5 features and benefits.C Attend the meeting instead of the account executive to present the POWER5 features and benefits.D Join the meeting via teleconference at a prescheduled time to present the POWER5 features and benefits.

考题 判断题Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates’ behavior in order to select the most competent person for the job.Headhunters also provide services like advertisement and candidate evaluation.A 对B 错