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Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().

has the full force of the regular Certificate of Inspection


expires six months after it is issued


must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 months


is retained in the custody of the Master


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().A has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB expires six months after it is issuedC must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD is retained in the custody of the Master” 相关考题
考题 We won’t entertain your claim _______ the inspection certification from the Commodity Inspection Bureau. A unless you will have ;B unless you don’t have ;C unless you have

考题 ________signifies that vessel has passed quarantine inspection and may enter port.A.FreeboardB.FreightC.PratiqueD.Patent

考题 A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel. It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails. Who will issue this certificate?A.American ConsulB.Classification SocietyC.Captain of the PortD.Officer in Charge Marine Inspection

考题 ______ of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding a fire and boat drill on board your cargo vessel.A.At least one fire and boat drill shall be held within 24 hours of leaving a port where more than 25 percent of the crew has been replacedB.The Master is responsible in seeing that each lifeboat is lowered to the water at least once in each 6 months.C.Lifeboat equipment shall be examined at least once each month to insure that it is completeD.An entry shall be made in the vessel's Official Logbook relative to each fire and boat drill

考题 Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate ______.A.has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB.expires six months after it is issuedC.must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD.is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ______.A.comes over the bowB.blows the fire back toward the vesselC.comes over the sternD.comes over either beam

考题 The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel ______.A.has completed the terms of the charter partyB.is in all respects ready to loadC.is in all respects ready to sailD.is safely moored or at a suitable anchorage

考题 At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be ______.A.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC.generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD.equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 What is(are) standard operating procedure(s) used on a Ro-Ro vessel?A.Periodic inspection and retensioning of lashings as required during voyageB.Lashings may be completed after the vessel leaves portC.One QMED assigned to oversee the initial loading and lashingD.All of the above

考题 Your ______ working on my vessel has acknowledged the truth of and liability for the damage.A.representativeB.DPC.ship-ownerD.man

考题 Your vessel is being assisted through an ice field in Thunder Bay by the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Alexander Henry.The starboard lookout reports that the icebreaker has run up the code flag N(November).What action should you take ________.A.Reduce speedB.Stop your enginesC.Reverse your enginesD.Stop your vessel instantly

考题 Which operating procedure(s)should be adhered to on a Ro-Ro vessel ________.A.One officer assigned to oversee the initial loading and lashingB.All lashings should be completed before leaving portC.Periodic inspection and retensioning of lashings during the voyageD.All of the above

考题 单选题After your vessel has been involved in a casualty,you are required to make your logbooks,bell books,etc.,available to().A attorneys for opposition partiesB marine surveyorsC MSA officialsD All of the above

考题 单选题A vessel has sustained damage in a collision with another vessel. It is necessary to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the vessel sails. Who will issue this certificate?()A American ConsulB Classification SocietyC Captain of the PortD Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection

考题 单选题What is(are) standard operating procedure(s) used on a Ro-Ro vessel? ()A Periodic inspection and retensioning of lashings as required during voyageB Lashings may be completed after the vessel leaves portC One QMED assigned to oversee the initial loading and lashingD All of the above

考题 单选题—Has your friend completed his design?—Not yet. He ______ on it last night.A workedB has workedC is workingD was working

考题 单选题At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be().A at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD equivalent to the inspection required for certification

考题 单选题Your vessel has just finished bunkering and has a small list due to improper distribution of the fuel oil. This list will cause().A a decrease in reserve buoyancyB a decrease in the maximum draftC the vessel to flop to port or starboardD None of the above

考题 单选题If your bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone ceases to operate,you must().A immediately anchor your vessel and arrange for repairs to the systemB moor your vessel at the nearest dock available and arrange for repairs to the systemC arrange for the repair of the system to be completed within 48 hoursD exercise due diligence to restore the system at the earliest practicable time

考题 单选题You are approaching another vessel and see that it has the signal flag “O” hoisted.What is your next action().A Proceed on present course and speed since the vessel is requesting a pilotB Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone and begin a search because the vessel has a man overboardC Attempt to call the vessel on VHF radiotelephone because it is disabledD Approach with caution because the vessel is stopped and making no way through the water

考题 单选题Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a Temporary Certificate of Inspection. The Temporary Certificate().A has the full force of the regular Certificate of InspectionB expires six months after it is issuedC must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection within 3 monthsD is retained in the custody of the Master

考题 单选题If your vessel has a starboard list after taking on fuel, you would transfer fuel ().A to starboardB to portC forwardD aft

考题 单选题()loading has not been completed,the Charterer is entitled to delay the vessel’s sailing until the expiration of lay time.A As long soB So longC As longD So long as

考题 单选题A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel. You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ().A comes over the bowB blows the fire back toward the vesselC comes over the sternD comes over either beam

考题 单选题A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates().A the vessel is in distressB the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargoC it is safe to passD the vessel is anchored

考题 单选题Inflatable liferafts shall be serviced at an approved servicing facility every 12 months or not later than the next vessel inspection for certification. However,the total elapsed time between servicing cannot exceed().A 12 monthsB 15 monthsC 17 monthsD 18 months

考题 单选题What is NOT a requirement of the reinspection for a tank barge with a certificate of inspection valid for two years? ()A The reinspection will be made between the fourteenth and sixteenth monthsB The inspector shall examine all accessible parts of the vessels's hullC The inspector shall examine the vessel's machinery as well as equipmentD The scope of the reinspection shall be the same as for the inspection for certification,but in less detail

考题 单选题The distance a vessel moves at right angles to the original course,when a turn of 180°has been completed,is called the().A advanceB pivoting pointC tactical diameterD kick