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With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people __________.

have to get familiar with modern technology


are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations


are attaching more importance to their overseas business


are eager to work overseas


推断题。第二段首句用“Deeply involved with this new technology”来形容现代生意人,指出他们对国外生意所带来的经济价值越来越感兴趣。接着下一句提到“在现代市场中,海外事业的成功常常对国内商业的发展起到支持作用”,也就意味着生意人在国内的经济运作可获得更多经济利益。因此选项B符合题意。
更多 “单选题With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people __________.A have to get familiar with modern technologyB are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operationsC are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD are eager to work overseas” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following describes an area where communications equipment is stored?() A. HVACB. MDFC. 110 blockD. Demarc

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考题 In the communications industry, what are the features and benefits of using the layered OSI model?()A、It encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.B、It necessitates changes in functionality in one layer to other layers.C、It enables equipment efficiency from different vendors to use the same electronic components.D、It divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding component development, design, and troubleshooting.E、It supports the evolution of multiple competing standards, and thus enhances business equipment manufacturing opportunities.

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考题 多选题In the communications industry, what are the features and benefits of using the layered OSI model?()AIt encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.BIt necessitates changes in functionality in one layer to other layers.CIt enables equipment efficiency from different vendors to use the same electronic components.DIt divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding component development, design, and troubleshooting.EIt supports the evolution of multiple competing standards, and thus enhances business equipment manufacturing opportunities.

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考题 单选题At sea,all required GMDSS equipment(other than survival craft equipment)must be proven operational by().A daily testingB either A or CC operational use of the equipmentD testing at least every 48 hours

考题 单选题Which of the following describes an area where communications equipment is stored?()A HVACB MDFC 110 blockD Demarc

考题 单选题Proper use shall be made()radar equipment if fitted and operational.A ofB toC onD with

考题 单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?A Critical.B Prejudiced.C Indifferent.D Positive.

考题 单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?A CriticalB Prejudiced.C Indifferent.D Positive.

考题 单选题Proper use shall be made()radar equipment.A withB toC forD of

考题 单选题Is considered to be one of the detainable deficiencies under the STCW Convention().A Absence, substantial deterioration or failure of proper operation of the cargo deck area fire protection on tankerB Absence, non-compliance or serious deterioration of lights, shapes or sound signalC Absence or failure of proper operation of the radio equipment for distress and safety communicationD Absence in a watch of a person qualified to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radio communications or the prevention of marine pollution

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考题 单选题With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people _____.A have to get familiar with modern technologyB are gaining more economic benefit from domestic operationsC are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD are eager to work overseas

考题 单选题What is the best title for this passage?A Globalization of the WorldB Rapid Development of High-tech Communication Equipment and Overseas MarketC Secret of Success for Modern BusinessD Key Factors for Business and Business People in Modern World

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?().A She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collisionB The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outC The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityD The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar